79. Tan, L;...; Sun, J.-K*, XXXXXXX. Nature Communications 2025, Under revision.
78. Wu, Z.; Cui, J. (co-first author);...; Sun, J.-K*; Yang, G.-Y.*, XXXXXXX. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2025, Under revision.
77. Cui, J.; Liu, S.; Tan, L.; Sun, J.-K*, Engineering Hierarchy to Porous Organic Cages for Biomimetic Catalytic Applications. Accounts of Materials Research 2025, doi.org/10.1021/accountsmr.4c00402.
76. Zhou, S.; Cao, W.; Shang, L,; Zhao, Y.; Xiong, X.; Sun, J.-K; Zhang, T. R.*; Yuan, J.*, Facilitating alkaline hydrogen evolution kinetics via interfacial modualtion of hydrogen-bond networks by porous amine cages. Nature Communications 2025, 16, 1849.
75. Liu, S. -H.; Zhao, K. (co-first author); Zhou, J.; Dong, K.; Ai, H.; Liu, P.; Cui, J.; Zhang, Y.; Puigmartí-Luis, J.; Sun, J.-K*, Cooperative Multiscale-Assembly for Directional and Hierarchical Growth of Highly Oriented Porous Organic Cage Single-Crystal Microtubes and Arrays. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2024, e202421523. Very Important Paper (VIP).
74. Zhao, K.; ...; Sun, J.-K*, XXXXXXX. Nature Communications 2024, Under revision.
73. Cui, J.; Li, C.; Zhao, K.; Liu, S.; Zhao, X.; Wu, Y.; Li, D.; Sun, J.-K*, Metal cluster-regulated switching of reactive oxygen species within ionic porphyrin cages for efficient chemical warfare agent detexification. Science China Chemistry 2024, doi.org/10.1007/s11426-024-2396-9. (Carbon Neutrality 专刊, Invited contriubtion)
72. Ren, S.; Tan, L. (co-first author); Zhou, J.; Sun, J.; Zhang, P.; Cao, X.; Zhang, Y.; Sun, J.-K*, Eco-Friendly Encapsulation of Metal Clusters in Porous Organic Cages for Engineerable Microenvironment and Enhanced Catalysis. CCS Chemistry 2024, 6, 2186-2197. (CCS Chemistry 2024年2月最受关注微信推文TOP10;2024年2月下载TOP10)
71. Liu, S. -H.; Zhou, J.-H. (co-first author); Sun, J.-K*, Interconnecting zero-dimensional porous organic cages into sub-8 nm nanofilm for bio-inspired separation. Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry 2024, In press. (Invited Nerws&Views).
70. Liu, S. -H.; Zhou, J.-H. (co-first author); Wu, C.; Zhang, P.; Cao, X.; Sun, J.-K*, Sub-8 nm networked cage nanofilm with tunable nanofluidic channels for adaptive sieving. Nature Communications 2024, 15, 2478. Behind the paper:https://communities.springernature.com/posts/porous-organic-cage-an-emerging-building-block-for-constructing-bioinspired-membranes
69. Cui, J. W.; Yang, J.-H.(co-first author); Sun, J.-K*, Organic cage-based frameworks: from synthesis to applications. Chemical Synthesis 2024, Accepted. Invited contriubtion to a Special issue "Innovation in Functional Porous Framework" organized by Prof. Guangshan Zhu.
68. Zhang, S.-Y.; Yang, X.-D.(co-first author); Zhang, Y.-J. (co-first author); Zhou, J.-H. Liu, S. -H.; Sun, J.-K*, A Versatile Strategy for the Generation of Air-stable Radical-functionalized Materials. Small Methods 2024, Accepted. Selected in Hot Topic: Surfaces and Interfaces.
67. Li, C.; Cui, J. W.; Zhou, J.; Xu, Y.; * and Sun, J.-K.*, Ionic Porous Porphyrin Cage as a Superior Catalyst for Photocatalytic Oxidization. Catalysis Science & Technology 2024, Accepted.
66. Zhao, X.-J.; Liu, S.-H.; Sun, J.-K.*, Porous Poly(ionic liquid) Membrane with Metal Nanoparticle Gradient: A Smart Actuator for Visualizing Chemical Reactions. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2024, Accepted. Selected in Hot Topic: Membranes, Robotics.
65. Tan, L.; Ren, S.; Sun, J.-K*, Rapid and scalable synthesis of porous organic cages with solvent recyclablity. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2024, 333, 124605.
64. Li, J. -Y.; Yang, X.-D.(co-first author); Chen, F.-X.; Sun, J.-K*, The Marriage of Porous Cages and Metal Clusters for Advanced Catalysis. Materials Chemistry Frontiers 2023, 7, 5355-5376. (Invited contribution)
63. Zhang, Q.; Zhou, J.-H.; Tan, L.;Zhang, S.-Y.*; Sun, J.-K*, Immobilizing Metal Nanoparticles to Hierarchically Porous Organic Cages with Size Control for Enhanced Catalysis. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023, 15, 23671−23678.
62. Zhu, L.-Y.; Yang, X.-C.*; Sun, J.-K*, Cooperative Cage Hybrids Enabled by Electrostatic Marriage. Chemical Communications 2023, 59, 6020-6023.
61. Yang, X.-D.; Zhou, J.-H.; Cui, J.-W.; Jia, H.-P.*; Sun, J.-K.*; Zhang, J*, Long-lived Multiple Charge Separation by Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2023, 62,e202215591.
60. Zhang, Y.-J.;Wu, H.; Tan, L.;Wei, Y.; Ren, J.; Li, Y.; Yu, X.*; Sun, J.-K*; Conjugated Poly(ionic liquid)-based Nanoporous Membrane for Rapid Moisture Response. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2023,2200846.
59. Yang, X.-D.; Zhang, Y.-J.; Zhou, J.-H.; Liu, L.; Sun, J.-K*, Air-stable Radical Organic Cages as Cascade Nanozymes for Enhanced Catalysis. Small 2023, 19, 2206127.
58. Liu, S.-H.; Wang, H*.; Sun, J.-K*.; Antonietti, M.; Yuan, J*, Smart Hydrogen Atoms in Heterocyclic Cations of 1,2,4- Triazolium-Type Poly(ionic liquid)s. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2022, 55(24), 3675-3687 (Invited contribution)
57. Zhu, L.-Y.; Zhang, S.-Y.(co-first author); Yang, X.-C.; Zhuang, Q.; Sun, J.-K*, Toward the Controlled Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Metal Clusters Enabled by Downsizing Crystalline Porous Organic Cage Supports. Small Methods 2022, 2200591.
56. Du, Y.-J.; Zhou, J.-H.; Tan, L.-X.; Liu, S.-H.; Zhao, K.; Gao, Z.-M.; Sun, J.-K*, Porous Organic Cage Nanostructures for Construction of Complex Sequential Reaction Networks. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2022, 5 (6), 7974-7982.
55. Zhao, X.-J.; Liu, S.-H.(co-first author); Sun, J.-K.*, Hierarchically porous poly(ionic liquid)-organic cage composite membrane for efficient iodine capture. Chemistry - A European Journal 2022, 28, e20220119. (Young Chemists 2022, Invited contribution)2022011
, e2022011
54. Tan, L.; Zhou, J.-H.; Sun, J.-K.*; Yuan, J.*, Electrostatically cooperative host-in-host of metal cluster⊂ ionic organic cages in nanopores for enhanced catalysis. Nature Communications 2022, 13, 1471.
53. Yang, X.-D.; Tan, L.; Sun, J.-K.*, Encapsulation of Metal Clusters within Porous Organic Materials: From Synthesis to Catalysis Applications. Chemistry – An Asian Journal 2022, 17 (4), e202101289.
52. Zhao, X.-J.; Liu, S.-H.(co-first author); Zhou, J.-H.; Tan, L.-X.; Sun, J.-K.*, Nanoporous Cationic Organic Cages for Trapping Heavy Metal Oxyanions. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2022, 5 (1), 890-898.
51. Cao, W.; Zhou, J.; Kochovski, Z.; Miao, H.; Gao, Z.; Sun, J.-K.*; Yuan, J.*, Ionic organic cage-encapsulated metal clusters for switchable catalysis. Cell Reports Physical Science 2021, 2 (9), 100546.
50. Jiang, M.; Bai, H.-r.; Zhi, H.-F.; Sun, J.-K.; Wang, J.-L.*; Zhang, F.*; An, Q.*, Two-Pronged Effect of Warm Solution and Solvent-Vapor Annealing for Efficient and Stable All-Small-Molecule Organic Solar Cells. ACS Energy Letters 2021, 6 (8), 2898-2906.
49. Hua, M.; Wang, S.; Gong, Y.; Wei, J.*; Yang, Z.*; Sun, J.-K.*, Hierarchically Porous Organic Cages. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2021, 60 (22), 12490-12497.
48. Sun, J.-K.; Sobolev, Y. I.(co-first author); Zhang, W.; Zhuang, Q.; Grzybowski, B. A.*, Enhancing crystal growth using polyelectrolyte solutions and shear flow. Nature 2020, 579 (7797), 73-79.
47. Zhang, S.-Y.; Miao, H.(co-first author); Zhang, H.-M.(co-first author); Zhou, J.-H.; Zhuang, Q.; Zeng, Y.-J.; Gao, Z.; Yuan, J.*; Sun, J.-K.*, Accelerating Crystallization of Open Organic Materials by Poly (ionic liquid)s. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020, 132 (49), 22109-22116. Very Important Paper (VIP).
46. Lin, H.; Zhang, S.(co-first author); Sun, J.-K.*; Antonietti, M.; Yuan, J.*, Poly (ionic liquid) s with engineered nanopores for energy and environmental applications. Polymer 2020, 202, 122640. (Invited contribution)
45. Wang, H.*; Shao, Y.; Mei, S.; Lu, Y.; Zhang, M.; Sun, J.-K.; Matyjaszewski, K.; Antonietti, M.; Yuan, J.*, Polymer-derived heteroatom-doped porous carbon materials. Chemical Reviews 2020, 120 (17), 9363-9419.
44. Cai, R.; Jin, H.; Yang, D.; Lin, K.-T.; Chan, K.; Sun, J.-K.; Chen, Z.; Zhang, X.; Tan, W.*, Generalized preparation of Au NP@Ni(OH)2 yolk-shell NPs and their enhanced catalytic activity. Nano Energy 2020, 71, 104542.
43. Zhang, S.-Y.; Zhuang, Q.(co-first author); Zhang, M.; Wang, H.; Gao, Z.; Sun, J.-K.*; Yuan, J.*, Poly (ionic liquid) composites. Chemical Society Reviews 2020, 49 (6), 1726-1755.
42. Zhang, S.-Y.; Kochovski, Z.; Lee, H.-C.; Lu, Y.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, J.; Sun, J.-K.*; Yuan, J.*, Ionic organic cage-encapsulating phase-transferable metal clusters. Chemical science 2019, 10 (5), 1450-1456.
Prior to BIT:
41. Khorsand Kheirabad, A.; Sun, J.-K.; Yuan, J.*; In Porous Poly (ionic liquid) Membranes and Ionic Organic Cages, Chemical Science Symposium on Functional Organic Materials, London, United Kingdom, 24-25 September, 2019, 2019.
40. Lee, H.-C.; Heil, T.; Sun, J.-K.*; Schmidt, B. V.*, Dispersed nano-MOFs via a stimuli-responsive biohybrid-system with enhanced photocatalytic performance. Materials Horizons 2019, 6 (4), 802-809.
39. Chen, C.; Liu, M.; Rao, H.; Liu, Y.; Lin, S.*; Sun, J.-K.; Zhang, J.*, Doped porous carbon nanostructures with NCoO catalytic active sites for efficient electrocatalytic oxygen reduction reaction. Applied Surface Science 2019, 463, 386-394.
38. Sun, J.-K.; Yang, X.-D.; Yang, G.-Y.; Zhang, J.*, Bipyridinium derivative-based coordination polymers: From synthesis to materials applications. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2019, 378, 533-560.
37. Yu, X.; Sun, J.-K.; Yuan, J.*; Zhang, W.; Pan, C.; Liu, Y.; Yu, G.*, One-pot synthesis of an ionic porous organic framework for metal-free catalytic CO2 fixation under ambient conditions. Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, 350, 867-871.
36. Sun, J.-K.; Zhang, W.(co-first author); Guterman, R.; Lin, H.-J.; Yuan, J.*, Porous polycarbene-bearing membrane actuator for ultrasensitive weak-acid detection and real-time chemical reaction monitoring. Nature communications 2018, 9, 1717. Selected by Nature Research Chemistry Community as " Behind the Paper post"
35. Yang, X.; Sun, J.-K.; Kitta, M.; Pang, H.; Xu, Q.*, Encapsulating highly catalytically active metal nanoclusters inside porous organic cages. Nature Catalysis 2018, 1 (3), 214-220.
34. Sun, J.-K.; Zhang, Y.-J.(co-first author); Yu, G.-P.; Zhang, J.*; Antonietti, M.; Yuan, J.*, Three birds, one stone–photo-/piezo-/chemochromism in one conjugated nanoporous ionic organic network. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2018, 6 (34), 9065-9070. Selected as 2018 Journal of Materials Chemistry C HOT Papers&Cover Paper&Journal of Materials Chemistry C top 5% most-read during April-June 2018.
33. Chen, C.; Sun, J.-K.(co-first author); Zhang, Y. J.; Yang, X. D.; Zhang, J.*, Flexible Viologen‐Based Porous Framework Showing X‐ray Induced Photochromism with Single‐Crystal‐to‐Single‐Crystal Transformation. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2017, 129 (46), 14650-14654.
32. Zhang, W.; Willa, C.; Sun, J.-K.; Guterman, R.; Taubert, A.; Yuan, J.*, Polytriazolium poly (ionic liquid) bearing triiodide anions: Synthesis, basic properties and electrochemical behaviors. Polymer 2017, 124, 246-251.
31. Sun, J.-K.; Kochovski, Z.; Zhang, W.-Y.; Kirmse, H.; Lu, Y.; Antonietti, M.; Yuan, J.*, General synthetic route toward highly dispersed metal clusters enabled by poly (ionic liquid) s. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2017, 139 (26), 8971-8976. Selected by JACS Young Investigators Virtual Issue 2017.
30. Sun, J.-K.; Lin, H.-J.; Zhang, W.-Y.; Gao, M.-R.; Antonietti, M.; Yuan, J.*, A tale of two membranes: from poly (ionic liquid) to metal–organic framework hybrid nanoporous membranes via pseudomorphic replacement. Materials Horizons 2017, 4 (4), 681-687.
29. Huang, Y.-B.; Pachfule, P.; Sun, J.-K.; Xu, Q.*, From covalent–organic frameworks to hierarchically porous B-doped carbons: a molten-salt approach. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016, 4 (11), 4273-4279.
28. Sun, J.-K.; Antonietti, M.; Yuan, J.*, Nanoporous ionic organic networks: from synthesis to materials applications. Chemical Society Reviews 2016, 45 (23), 6627-6656.
27. Sun, J.-K.; Xu, Q.*, Metal nanoparticles immobilized on carbon nanodots as highly active catalysts for hydrogen generation from hydrazine in aqueous solution. ChemCatChem 2015, 7 (3), 526-531.
26. Sun, J.-K.; Zhan, W.-W.; Akita, T.; Xu, Q.*, Toward homogenization of heterogeneous metal nanoparticle catalysts with enhanced catalytic performance: soluble porous organic cage as a stabilizer and homogenizer. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015, 137 (22), 7063-7066. Highlighted by Chemical & Engineering News and JACS Spotlights.
25. Aijaz, A.; Sun, J.-K.; Pachfule, P.; Uchida, T.; Xu, Q.*, From a metal–organic framework to hierarchical high surface-area hollow octahedral carbon cages. Chemical Communications 2015, 51 (73), 13945-13948.
24. Sun, J.-K.; Zhang, J.*, Functional metal–bipyridinium frameworks: self-assembly and applications. Dalton Transactions 2015, 44 (44), 19041-19055.
23. Sun, J.-K.; Tan, B.; Cai, L. X.; Chen, R. P.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, J.*, Polycatenation‐Driven Self‐Assembly of Nanoporous Frameworks Based on a 1D Ribbon of Rings: Regular Structural Evolution, Interpenetration Transformation, and Photochemical Modification. Chemistry–A European Journal 2014, 20 (9), 2488-2495. (Cover Paper)
22. Sun, J.-K.; Xu, Q.*, Functional materials derived from open framework templates/precursors: synthesis and applications. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7 (7), 2071-2100.
21. Sun, J.-K.; Xu, Q.*, From metal–organic framework to carbon: toward controlled hierarchical pore structures via a double-template approach. Chemical Communications 2014, 50 (88), 13502-13505.
20. Sun, J.-K.; Chen, C.; Cai, L.-X.; Ren, C.-X.; Tan, B.; Zhang, J.*, Mechanical grinding of a single-crystalline metal–organic framework triggered emission with tunable violet-to-orange luminescence. Chemical Communications 2014, 50 (100), 15956-15959.
19. Amali, A. J.; Sun, J.-K.; Xu, Q.*, From assembled metal–organic framework nanoparticles to hierarchically porous carbon for electrochemical energy storage. Chemical communications 2014, 50 (13), 1519-1522.
18. Sun, J. K.; Li, W.; Chen, C.; Ren, C. X.; Pan, D. M.; Zhang, J.*, Photoinduced bending of a large single crystal of a 1, 2‐bis (4‐pyridyl) ethylene‐based pyridinium salt powered by a [2+2] cycloaddition. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2013, 52 (26), 6653-6657.
17. Zhou, X.-J.; Chen, C.; Ren, C.-X.; Sun, J.-K.; Zhang, J.*, Tunable solid-state photoluminescence based on proton-triggered structural transformation of 4, 4′-bipyridinium derivative. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2013, 1 (4), 744-750.
16. Sun, J.-K.; Ji, M.*; Chen, C.; Wang, W.-G.; Wang, P.; Chen, R.-P.; Zhang, J.*, A charge-polarized porous metal–organic framework for gas chromatographic separation of alcohols from water. Chemical Communications 2013, 49 (16), 1624-1626.
15. Sun, J. K.; Yao, Q. X.; Tian, Y. Y.; Wu, L.; Zhu, G. S.; Chen, R. P.; Zhang, J.*, Borromean‐Entanglement‐Driven Assembly of Porous Molecular Architectures with Anion‐Modified Pore Space. Chemistry–A European Journal 2012, 18 (7), 1924-1931. (Frontispiece Paper).
14. Sun, J.-K.; Wang, P.; Chen, C.; Zhou, X.-J.; Wu, L.-M.; Zhang, Y.-F.; Zhang, J.*, Charge-distribution-related regioisomerism of photoresponsive metal–organic polymeric chains. Dalton Transactions 2012, 41 (43), 13441-13446.
13. Jin, X.-H.; Ren, C.-X.; Sun, J.-K.; Zhou, X.-J.; Cai, L.-X.; Zhang, J.*, Reversible luminescence switching between single and dual emissions of bipyridinium-type organic crystals. Chemical Communications 2012, 48 (84), 10422-10424.
12. Sun, J.-K.; Wang, P.; Yao, Q.-X.; Chen, Y.-J.; Li, Z.-H.; Zhang, Y.-F.; Wu, L.-M.; Zhang, J.*, Solvent-and anion-controlled photochromism of viologen-based metal–organic hybrid materials. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22 (24), 12212-12219.
11. Jin, X. H.; Wang, J.; Sun, J. K.; Zhang, H. X.; Zhang, J.*, Protonation‐Triggered Conversion between Single‐and Triple‐Stranded Helices with a Visible Fluorescence Change. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2011, 50 (5), 1149-1153.
10. Chen, C.; Sun, J.-K.; Li, W.; Chen, C.-N.; Zhang, J.*, Structural interconversion between a chain polymer and a two-dimensional network accompanied by tunable magnetic properties. Chemical Communications 2011, 47 (23), 6683-6685.
9. Sun, J.-K.; Li, W.; Cai, L.-X.; Zhang, J.*, Structural diversity of the mixed-ligand system Mn-cpdba-2, 2′-bpy controlled by temperature. CrystEngComm 2011, 13 (5), 1550-1556.
8. Sun, J.-K.; Jin, X.-H.; Cai, L.-X.; Zhang, J.*, Supramolecular isomer-dependent photochromism and emission color tuning of bipyridinium salts. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2011, 21 (44), 17667-17672.
7. Jin, X.-H.; Sun, J.-K.; Cai, L.-X.; Zhang, J.*, 2D flexible metal–organic frameworks with [Cd2(μ 2-X)2](X= Cl or Br) units exhibiting selective fluorescence sensing for small molecules. Chemical Communications 2011, 47 (9), 2667-2669.
6. Sun, J.-K.; Cai, L.-X.; Chen, Y.-J.; Li, Z.-H.; Zhang, J.*, Reversible luminescence switch in a photochromic metal–organic framework. Chemical Communications 2011, 47 (24), 6870-6872.
5. Cao, G.-J.; Zheng, S.-T.; Zhao, N.; Sun, J.-K.; Yang, G.-Y.*, Metal− organogermanate frameworks built by two kinds of infinite Ge−O chains with high thermostability and luminescent properties. Inorganic chemistry 2010, 49 (22), 10211-10213.
4. Sun, J.-K.; Jin, X.-H.; Chen, C.; Zhang, J.*, Thermally triggered reversible transformation between parallel staggered stacking and plywood-like stacking of 1D coordination polymer chains. Inorganic chemistry 2010, 49 (15), 7046-7051.
3. Jin, X.-H.; Cai, L.-X.; Sun, J.-K.; Ju, Z.-F.; Zhang, J.*, pH-induced coordination assembly of mononuclear and dinuclear copper (II) complexes based on a 4, 4′-bipyridinium analogue. Inorganic Chemistry Communications 2010, 13 (1), 86-89.
2. Jin, X.-H.; Sun, J.-K.; Xu, X.-M.; Li, Z.-H.; Zhang, J.*, Conformational and photosensitive adjustment of the 4, 4′-bipyridinium in Mn (II) coordination complexes. Chemical communications 2010, 46 (26), 4695-4697.
1. Sun, J.-K.; Yao, Q.-X.; Ju, Z.-F.; Zhang, J.*, 2D self-catenated coordination polymer constructed by triple-and double-helical chains. CrystEngComm 2010, 12 (6), 1709-1711.