Chunfu Xin Associate Professor Road Traffic System Safety & Management Lab
Xin Chunfu (1990.02-), male, member of the Communist Party of China, doctoral (post), associate professor of the Department of Transportation Engineering, School of Transportation, Inner Mongolia University, master's supervisor. He is currently a youth member of the Road Management System Committee of the American Transportation Research Association (TRB), a member of the Organizing Committee of TRB Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Analysis, a member of the Academic Subcommittee of the International Association of Chinese Infrastructure Workers, a member of the China Highway and Transportation Society, an excellent instructor of the National University BIM Graduation Design Innovation Competition, an evaluation expert of the Academic Degree and Graduate Education Development Center of the Ministry of Education, and an English editor of the paper review of the Journal of Inner Mongolia University (Natural Science Edition). At present, he has presided over 1 National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Science Foundation project, 1 Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund project, 1 Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Higher Education Science and Technology Research Project, 1 U.S. Department of Transportation Project, 1 Sichuan Provincial Key Laboratory of Road Engineering Open Project Project, 1 Inner Mongolia University Academic Backbone Scientific Research Start-up Project, and 1 Enterprise Cooperation Horizontal Project. He has researched 3 projects of the U.S. Department of Transportation, 3 projects of the Florida Department of Transportation, and 1 project of the American Transportation Research Association. Participated in 4 general/regional/youth projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China; He has published 14 SCI/SSCI indexed academic journal papers, 15 international conference papers, 7 authorized national patents, participated in the compilation of 1 local standard, and published 480 Google citations.