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1. 上海市浦江人才项目,基于碳化硅纤维增强的陶瓷分离膜的可控构筑及应用,20PJ1404600,2020.11.1-2022.10.31,30万元

2. 上海市项目,高性能碳化硅陶瓷膜关键技术研究及其产业化应用,21010501400,2021.2021.7-2024.6,60万元

3. 横向项目:应用于PCB产业废气VOC处理的生物滴滤塔研究

4. 横向项目:功能性悬浮载体应用中试研究

5. 横向项目:市政污水优化运行调试系统

6. 横向项目:碳化硅陶瓷膜技术研究及工艺开发

7. 横向项目:基于高级氧化协同效应的高盐高氯化工有机废水的深度处理技术研发

8. 上海市重点实验室开放课题:碳化硅陶瓷膜纯化氮化硅刻蚀液研究

9. 横向项目:炼厂氢气系统及蒸汽动力系统设计和改造模型的更新











1. 一种芬顿反应强化剂及其应用,202011383883.0

2. 一种单塔低压酸性水汽提装置操作性能的建模方法及装置,201911410141.X

3. 一种胺液再生装置的智能控制方法及系统,202010054579.5

4. 基于纤维素纳米晶须得pH敏感纳米球及其制备和应用,201911031151.2

5. 一种铁基复合材料的制备方法及其对砷的去除应用,202011307987.3

6. 一种废水芬顿处理系统,202022856620.9

7. 一种电路板中水回用系统,202021045744.22

8. 一种测定滤膜孔径及孔径分布的方法,202110181501.4/PCTCN2021-090288

9. 一种降低污水处理用电成本的优化调度方法,202110519959.6

10. 一种实现电去离子法制超纯水电耗最小化的优化方法,ZL 202111060387.6 

11. 一种烟秆基活化生物炭及其制备方法和应用,202210984699.4

12. 一种氮硫共掺杂生物炭的制备方法和应用,ZL 1910516949.X

13. 一种角蛋白复合银纳米簇的制备方法 中国发明专利, ZL 201811063612X 


1. Chunyan Xi, Runkai Wang, Pinhua Rao, Wenqi Zhang, Lili Yan, Guanghui Li, Fei Chai, Yiyun Cai, Tingting Luo, Xiaoya Zhou. The fabrication and arsenic removal performance of cellulose nanocrystalcontaining absorbents based on the "bridge joint" effect of iron ionsCarbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 237, 116129.

2. Jingxia Yang, Shuaishuai Peng, Yunjing Shi, Shuyi Ma, Huihui Ding, Günther Rupprechter, Jinjie Wang. Fast visual evaluation of the catalytic activity of CeO2: Simple colorimetric assay using 3,30,5,50-tetramethylbenzidine as indicatorJournal of Catalysis, 2020, 389, 71–77.

3. Fei Chai, Runkai Wang, Lili Yan, Guanghui Li, Yiyun Cai, Chunyan Xi. Facile fabrication of pH-sensitive nanoparticles based on nanocellulose for fast and efficient As(V) removalCarbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 245, 116511.

4. Lili Yan, Xin Guo, Pinhua Rao, Lu Huang, Mingxing Sun, Liang Li, Guoqing Shen. 1,3-Dichloropropene and chloropicrin emission reduction using a flexible CulunS2/ZnS: Al-TiO2 photocatalytic filmEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28, 6980–6989.

5. Ruishui Guo, Lili Yan, Pinhua Rao, Runkai Wang, Xin Guo. Nitrogen and sulfur co-doped biochar derived from peanut shell with enhancet adsorption capacity for diethyl phthalateEnvironmental Pollution, 2020, 258, 113674.
6. Yang Liu, Minjoon Kim, Seunghee H.Cho, Yeon Sik Jung. Vertically aligned nanostructures for a reliable and ultrasensitive SERS-active platform: fabrication and engineering strategiesNano Today, 2021, 37, 101063.

7. Jiaqi Lu, Shogo Kumagai, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Hajime Ohno, Siqingaowa Borjigin, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka. Sustainable Advance of Cl Recovery from Polyvinyl Chloride Waste Based on Experiment, Simulation, and Ex Ante Life-Cycle Assessment. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9(42):14112-14123.

8. Jiaqi Lu, Shogo Kumagai, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Hajime Ohno, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka. Combined Experiment, Simulation, and Ex-ante LCA Approach for Sustainable Cl Recovery from NaCl/Ethylene Glycol by Electrodialysis. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59(45):20112-20122.

9.Jiaqi Lu, Siqingaowa Borjigin, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Yasuhiro Fukushima, Toshiaki Yoshioka.Practical dehalogenation of automobile shredder residue in NaOH/ethylene glycol with an up-scale ball mill reactor.Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2020, 22(5):1620-1629.

10.Jiaqi Lu, Siqingaowa Borjigin, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Toshiaki Yoshioka. Machine learning-based discrete element reaction model for predicting the dechlorination of poly (vinyl chloride) in NaOH/ethylene glycol solvent with ball milling. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, 2020,3,100025

11.Siyu Jiang, Lili Yan, Runkai Wang, Guanghui Li, Pinhua Rao, Mengcan Ju, Ling Jian, Xin Guo, Lei Che. Recyclable nitrogen-doped biochar via low-temperature pyrolysis for enhanced lead(II) removal. Chemosphere, 2021, 286, 131666.

12.Dong Huancheng, Liu Hongmei, Yang Xue, Gong Houjie, Zhang Heng, Wang Runkai, Yan Lili, Mai Wenning. The Effect of Initial Conditions with Aerobic Biological Treatment on Aniline Dyeing Wastewater. Processes, 2021, 19(1329),1329

13. Cai Yiyun, Wang Runkai, Rao Pinhua, Wu Baichun, Yan Lili, Hu Lijiang, Park Sangsook, Ryu Moonhee, Zhou Xiaoya. Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons Using Acinetobacter sp. SCYY-5 Isolated from Contaminated Oil Sludge: Strategy and Effectiveness Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021, 18(2),E819

14.Shi Yunjing, Wang Jinjie, Mu Kun, Liu Suqin, Yang Guang, Zhang Min, Yang  Jingxia. Copper (II) Ion-Modified Gold Nanoclusters as Peroxidase Mimetics for the Colorimetric Detection of Pyrophosphate. Sensors,  2021, 21(16),5538

15.Wang Runkai, Wu Baichun, Zheng Jin, Chen Hongkun, Rao Pinhua, Yan Lili, Chai Fei. Biodegradation of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil: Isolation and Characterization of Bacterial Strains from Oil Contaminated Soil. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(12),4173

16.Lili Yan, Siyu Jiang, Pinhua Rao, Guanghui Li, Zongdi Hao, Lei He, Shanliang Liu & Guofeng Shang. High-efficient removal of Cu(II) using biochar/ZnS composite: optimized by response surface methodology. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/01932691.2021.2008419

17.Yang NiannianShin Chul-HoKim DaeikPark Joon-SeokRao PinhuaWang Runkai. Synthesis, characterization, and mercury removal application of surface modified kapok fibers with dopamine (DA): investigation of bidentate adsorption. Environmental Earth Sciences,  2020, 79(11):1-8

18. 邹帅文,刘军,黄文博,王海珍,李光辉. 新冠肺炎疫情下医疗机构污水消毒应急强化措施. 中国消毒学杂志, 2021, 38(10), 798

19. 邹帅文,刘军,黄文博,王海珍,王润凯,李光辉. 固载型纳米 TiO2 光催化对城镇污水消毒研究. 山东化工

20. Fengting Qian, Jiaqi Lu, Dungang Gu, Guanghui Li, Yang Liu, Pinhua Rao, Shunong Fang, Nan Zhang. Modeling and optimization of electrodeionization process for the energy-saving of ultrapure water production. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 372, 133754

21. Tingting Luo, Runkai Wang, Fei Chai, Lei Jiang, Pinhua Rao, Lili Yan, Xinjian Hu, Wei Zhang, Lianghuan Wei, Alireza Khataee, Ning Han. Arsenite (III) removal via manganese-decoration on cellulose nanocrystal-grafted polyethyleneimine nanocomposite. Chemosphere, 2022, 303 :134925

22. Yao Wang, Yang Liu, Zhi Chen, Yanan Liu, Jian Guo, Wenqi Zhang, Pinhua Rao, Guanghui Li. Recent progress in the pore size control of silicon carbide ceramic membranes. Ceramics international, 2022(7):48

23. Suqin Liu, Jinjie Wang, Yue Hu, Yunjing Shi, Jingxia Yang, Min Zhang. Differential Sensing of Antibiotics Using Metal Ions and Gold Nanoclusters Based on TMB–H2O2 System, Chemosensors, 10 (2022) 222.

24. Yuan Yuan, Fengting Qian, Jiaqi Lu, Dungang Gu, Yuhang Lou, Na Xue, Guanghui Li, Wenjie Liao, Nan Zhang. Design optimization and carbon footprint analysis of an electrodeioni- zation system with flexible load regulation. Sustainability 2022, 14, 15957

25. Wen Sun, Xuankun Li , Jingtao Zou, Han Guo. N-TiO2-Coated SiC Foam for the Treatment of Dyeing Wastewater under Blue Light LED Irradiation. Coatings 2022, 12, 585

26. Han Guo, Xuankun Li, Guanghui Li, Yang Liu, Pinghua Rao. Preparation of SnOx-MnOx@Al2O3 for Catalytic Ozonation of Phenol in Hypersaline Wastewater. OZONE: SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, 2022

27. Zhaoqing Wang, Dungang Gu, Jiaqi Lu, Nan Zhang, Yang Liu, and Guanghui Li. Scheduling of Batch Operation for a Wastewater Treatment Plant under Time-of-Use Electricity Pricing, ACS Omega 2022, 7, 28525−28533

28. 黄雄虎,顾敦罡,陆嘉麒,楼宇航,张楠,李光辉.污水源热泵技术在城市污水热能回收中的应用现状与研究进展.应用化工, 2022

29. 鞠梦灿, 严丽丽, 简铃, 江思雨,饶品华,李光辉. 氮掺杂生物炭材料的制备及其在环境中的应用. 化工进展, 2022, 41(10):11

30. 杨洁, 李旋坤, 李光辉, 饶品华, 郭健.陶瓷膜的膜污染机制与控制技术研究进展. 工业水处理, 2022

31. 张玲丽,顾敦罡,陆嘉麒,张楠,李光辉,胡立江,贾洪柏,王寅义. MBBR 用于某 CAST 工艺污水处理厂提标改造的效能及碳排放分析.环境工程技术学报, 2022

32. 陈芝,刘阳,王姚,郭健,张君伟,陈雷,饶品华,李光辉.陶瓷前体聚合物应用于碳化硅陶瓷膜研究进展. 膜科学与技术, 2022(003):042

33. Bingbing Yu, Yang Liu, Zhiyin Li, Yanan Liu, Pinhua Rao, Guanghui Li. Durable Substrates Incorporated with MOFs: Recent Advances in Engineering Strategies and Water Treatment Applications. Chemical Engineering Journal, (2022), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2022. 140840

34. 陆嘉麒, 廖文杰, 张楠, 顾敦罡, 饶品华, 李光辉. 事前生命周期评价方法研究进展及其应用于低碳技术研发的潜力. 煤质技术杂志

35. 简铃,严丽丽,鞠梦灿,李光辉,饶品华,郭健,张君伟. /炭复合材料的制备及其类 Fenton 反应的研究进展. 应用化工