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陆嘉麒 讲师    



在Resour Conserv Recycl、Water Res、Waste Manage、iScience、ACS Sus Chem Eng、J Clean Prod、Sci Total Environ等产业生态、环境工程、化工领域高水平期刊上共发表论文20余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表的论文17篇。此外,申请人还申请了3项专利,授权2项的。在国内外产业生态和废弃物循环利用等学术会议发表共计20余次,多次获奖,近期题名为《生命周期评价与过程集成耦合推动工业数智降碳》的报告获2023年中国产业生态学术年会的“最佳教师报告奖”。



1.       Han, M., Wu, Y., Sun, J., Geng, X., Gao, X.*, Zhou, T.*, Lu, J.* (2023). Carbon feasibility of terminating plastic waste leakage by landfill mining: A case study based on practical projects in China. Sci Total Environ (In press).

2.       Xu, J., Cheng, J., He, R., Lu, J.*, Wang, C., Zhong, H., & Jin, F.* (2023). Revealing the GHG reduction potential of emerging biomass-based CO2 utilization with an iron cycle system. Front Environ Sci Eng, 17(10), 127.

3.       Lu, J., Shan, R.*, Kittner, N., Hu, W., & Zhang, N. (2023). Emission reductions from heavy-duty freight electrification aided by smart fleet management. Transp Res D Transp Environ, 121, 103846.

4.       Yuan, Y., Lu, J.*, Gu, D., Lou, Y., Xue, N., Li, G., ... & Zhang, N. (2023). Deduction of carbon footprint for membrane desalination processes towards carbon neutrality: A case study on electrodeionization for ultrapure water preparation. Desalination, 559, 116648.

5.       Lu, J.*, Han, M., Kumagai, S.*, Li, G., & Yoshioka, T. (2023). Neural network based prediction of the efficacy of ball milling to separate cable waste materials. Comms Eng2(1), 27.

6.       Xue, N., Lu, J.*, Gu, D., Lou, Y., Yuan, Y., Li, G., ... & Zhang, N. (2023). Carbon footprint analysis and carbon neutrality potential of desalination by electrodialysis for different applications. Water Res232, 119716.

7.       Lu, J., Tang, J., Shan, R.*, Li, G., Rao, P., & Zhang, N. (2023). Spatiotemporal analysis of the future carbon footprint of solar electricity in the United States by a dynamic life cycle assessment. iScience26(3).

8.       Qian, F., Lu, J.*, Gu, D., Li, G.*, Liu, Y., Rao, P., ... & Zhang, N. (2022). Modeling and optimization of electrodeionization process for the energy-saving of ultrapure water production. J Clean Prod, 133754.

9.       Lu, J., Kumagai, S.*, Fukushima, Y.*, Ohno, H., Borjigin, S., Kameda, T., ... & Yoshioka, T. (2021). Sustainable Advance of Cl Recovery from Polyvinyl Chloride Waste Based on Experiment, Simulation, and Ex Ante Life-Cycle Assessment. ACS Sustain Chem Eng9(42), 14112-14123.

10.    Lu, J., Kumagai, S.*, Fukushima, Y.*, Ohno, H., Kameda, T., Saito, Y., & Yoshioka, T. (2020). Combined experiment, simulation, and ex-ante LCA approach for sustainable Cl recovery from NaCl/ethylene glycol by electrodialysis. Ind Eng Chem Res59(45), 20112-20122.

11.    Lu, J., Borjigin, S., Kumagai, S.*, Kameda, T., Saito, Y., & Yoshioka, T. (2020). Machine learning-based discrete element reaction model for predicting the dechlorination of poly (vinyl chloride) in NaOH/ethylene glycol solvent with ball milling. Chem Eng J Adv, 100025.

12.    Lu, J., Borjigin, S., Kumagai, S.*, Fukushima, Y.*, Kameda, T., Saito, Y., & Yoshioka, T. (2020). Practical dehalogenation of automobile shredder residue in NaOH/ethylene glycol with an up scale ball mill reactor.  J Mater Cycles and Waste, 22(5), 1620-1629.

13.    Lu, J., Kumagai, S.*, Ohno, H., Kameda, T., Saito, Y., Yoshioka, T., & Fukushima, Y.* (2019). Deducing targets of emerging technologies based on ex ante life cycle thinking: Case study on a chlorine recovery process for polyvinyl chloride wastes. Resour Conserv Recy, 151, 104500.

14.    Lu, J., Borjigin, S., Kumagai, S.*, Kameda, T., Saito, Y., & Yoshioka, T. (2019). Practical dechlorination of polyvinyl chloride wastes in NaOH/ethylene glycol using an up-scale ball mill reactor and validation by discrete element method simulations. Waste Manage, 99, 31-41.

15.    Lu, J., Xu, J., Kumagai, S.*, Kameda, T., Saito, Y., & Yoshioka, T. (2019). Separation mechanism of polyvinyl chloride and copper components from swollen electric cables by mechanical agitation. Waste Manage, 93, 54-62.


1. 企业委托项目,农夫山泉瓶装水生命周期评价,2021-52022-710.33万,主持

2. 日本学术振兴会,基盘研究A17H00795PVC废料中回收氯技术开发及创建氯循环系统的研究,2017-042021-034200万日元,主要参与 

3. 日本科学技术振兴机构,未来社会创造研究,JPMJMI17C4,含卤素废弃物高新资源回收技术的开发,2017-112019-034000万日元,主要参与

4. 日本环境省环境再生保全机构,环境研究综合推进费,3RF1701,废弃电线中分离回收PVC和铜的高精度技术开发,2017-042019-03660万日元,参与

6. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51378305,生态坝对湖泊养殖污染控制与生态修复的协同作用机制研究,2014-012017-1280万元,参与



1. 王照晴,顾敦罡,陆嘉麒,等。 一种降低污水处理用电成本的优化调度方法,2021. 申请号202110519959

2. 钱凤婷,陆嘉麒,顾敦罡,等。一种实现电去离子法制超纯水电耗最小化的优化方法,2021. 申请号202111060387



1. Cross-Sectoral Collaboration for Promoting Chemical Recycling of Plastic WasteThe Urban Science and Sustainability (USS) Conference20231214-17日,中国厦门,口头

2. 生命周期评价与过程集成耦合推动工业数智降碳,中国生态学学会产业生态专委会暨华人产业生态学会学术年会,2023129-10日,中国北京,口头

3. The current dilemma of promoting chemical recycling of plastic waste in China and the importance of dechlorination International Symposium on Feedstock Recycling of Polymeric Materials2023116-8日,日本仙台,口头

4. Spatiotemporal analysis on the future carbon footprint of renewable energy by a dynamic life-cycle assessment: a case study on solar electricity in the United StatesThe 11th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology202372-5日,荷兰莱顿,口头



1. 中国生态学学会产业生态专委会暨华人产业生态学会学术年会,最佳教师报告,2023

2. 第六届亚洲低碳国际会议,最佳演讲奖2020 

3. 十五届固体废物管理与技术国际会议,优秀演讲奖2020 

4. 第三十届日本废弃物资源循环学术会议,优秀研究奖, 2019
