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[B06] SONG Mengjie, JIANG Zhengyong, ZHANG Xuan, ZHANG Long, LIU Yuanxin, SHAO Keke. Chapter 38 - Mechanism of flow boiling in microchannels and structure optimization of heat changers used in pumped two-phase cooling system for data center cooling, in: Handbook of Thermal Management Systems[M]. Elsevier, 2023-08-01. ISBN: 9780443190179, 1200 pages.

[B05] 张旋. 过冷水滴的结冰与碰撞及其耦合特性研究(清华大学优秀博士学位论文丛书)[M]. 北京: 清华大学出版社, 2022-10-01. ISBN: 9787302606550, 169页.

[B04] TRAN Tuan, ZHANG Xuan, Chapter 10 - Process monitoring and inspection, in: Digital Manufacturing: The Industrialization of “Art to Part” 3D Additive Printing[M]. Elsevier, 2022-07-06, ISBN: 9780323950626, 482 pages.

[B03] ZHANG Xuan, NGUYEN Ngoc-Vu, TRAN Tuan, Conversion of in-process optical and thermal data into a single 3D file representing printing process in powder bed fusion, in: Progress in Additive Manufacturing 2020[M]. ASTM International, 2022-02-26, ISBN: 9780803177215, 432 pages.

[B02] SONG Mengjie, MAO Ning, ZHANG Haoran, FAN Cheng. Chapter 21 - Model Predictive Control Applied Toward the Building Indoor Climate, in: Advanced Control Techniques for Thermal Systems with Heat Exchangers[M]. Academic Press (Elsevier), 2020-07-10. ISBN: 9780128194225, 519 pages.

[B02] SONG Mengjie, MAO Ning, XU Yingjie. Chapter 18 - Instability control of two-phase flow in microchannel heat exchangers, in: Advanced Control Techniques for Thermal Systems with Heat Exchangers[M]. Academic Press (Elsevier), 2020-07-10. ISBN: 9780128194225, 519 pages.

[B02] CHANG Shinan, SU Qian, SONG Mengjie. Chapter 16 - An advanced thermal control technique for aircraft anti-icing/de-icing based on loop heat pipes, in: Advanced Control Techniques for Thermal Systems with Heat Exchangers[M]. Academic Press (Elsevier), 2020-07-10. ISBN: 9780128194225, 519 pages.

[B01] SONG Mengjie, DENG Shiming. Defrosting for Air Source Heat Pumps: Research, Analysis and Methods[M]. Woodhead Publishing (Elsevier), 2019-05-16. ISBN: 9780081025178, 384 pages.



[J206] XU Yingjie, XIE Yong, WANG Xiaopo, SHEN Xi*, SONG Mengjie*, HANG Wei. Study on a novel defrost control method based on the surface texture of evaporator image with gray-level cooccurrence matrix, new characterization parameter combination and machine learning[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2023, 292: 113173.

[J205] GAO Runmiao, SONG Mengjie*, SHEN Jun, ZHANG Long, LIU Yuanxin, DENG Huanyu*. An experimental study on the plate edge effect of frosting characteristics for horizontal flat cold plates with surface wettability considered[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 231: 120908.

[J204] YU Tingfang, GUO Xing, TANG Yicun*, ZHANG Xuan*, WANG Lizhi, WU Tao. Numerical investigation of fluid flow and heat transfer in high-temperature wavy microchannels with different shaped fins cooled by liquid metal[J]. Micromachines, 2023, 14(7): 1366.

[J203] ZHANG Xuan, LIU Xin, MIN Jingchun*, SONG Mengjie*, SHAO Keke, HUANG Bing. A comparative study of property-constant and property-variable icing models[J]. International Journal of Green Energy, 2023, 1-13.

[J202] JIANG Zhengyong, SONG Mengjie*, DANG Chaobin*, JIANG Yuyan, WAN Man Pun, CHAO Christopher Yu Hang. Two mathematical models of flow boiling and flow instability in rectangular expanding microchannel heat exchangers and structure optimization[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 228: 120483.

[J201] LIU Shengnan, BAI Xiaoxia, DENG Shiming*, ZHANG Long*, WEI Minchen. Developing a novel control strategy for frosting suppression based on condensing-frosting performance maps for variable speed air source heat pumps[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2023, 289: 113049.

[J200] MORADKHANI M.A., HOSSEINI S.H.*, SONG Mengjie*. Comprehensive modeling of frictional pressure drop during carbon dioxide two-phase flow inside channels using intelligent and conventional methods[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2023, In Press, Journal Pre-proof.

[J199] SONG Mengjie, TIAN Yueyang, ZHANG Long*, DANG Chaobin, HU Yanxin, XU Yingjie, SHEN Limei, ZHAN Tianzhuo. Review on the optimization studies of reverse cycle defrosting for air source heat pump units with multi-circuit outdoor coils[J]. International Journal of Green Energy, 2023, 1-22.

[J198] ZHANG Long, SONG Mengjie*, SHEN Jun, ZHANG Xuan, XU Yingjie, HU Yanxin. Impacts of initial cooling rate on local frosting characteristics of horizontal cold plate surface with edge effect considered[J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 143: 106654.

[J197] BAI Xiaoxia, LIU Shengnan, DENG Shiming*, ZHANG Long*, WEI Minchen. A modelling study on the frosting characteristics of a novel dual-fan outdoor coil in an Air Source Heat Pump unit[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 222: 119933.

[J196] 彭子安, 段文超, 李杰*, 孙小琴*, 宋孟杰. 数据中心用壳管式相变储能换热器的储能特性[J]. 储能科学与技术, 2023, 12(06): 1765-1773.

[J195] ZHANG Long, SONG Mengjie*, CHAO Christopher Yu Hang, SHEN Jun. An experimental study on the dynamic frosting characteristics on the edge zone of a horizontal copper plate under forced convection[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 200: 123541.

[J194] ZHANG Long, SONG Mengjie*, ZHAN Tianzhuo, SHEN Jun. Cold plate temperature effect on droplet and frost crystal behaviors at the early condensation frosting stage considering plate edge effect[J]. Engineered Science, 2023, 21: 801.


[J193] ZHANG Long, SONG Mengjie*, SHEN Jun, JIANG Yiqiang, CHAO Christopher Yu Hang. An experimental study on improving defrosting performances of air source heat pump unit based on hot-gas bypass method[J]. International Journal of Green Energy, 2022, 1-11.

[J192] ZHANG Long, SONG Mengjie*, CHAO Christopher Yu Hang, DANG Chaobin, SHEN Jun. Localized characteristics of the first three typical condensation frosting stages in the edge region of a horizontal cold plate[J]. Micromachines, 2022, 13(11): 1906.

[J191] DANG Qun, SONG Mengjie*, ZHANG Xuan, PEKAŘ Libor, HOSSEINI Seyyed Hossein. Modelling study on freezing process of water droplet on inclined cold plate surface with droplet dynamic behavior considered[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 197: 123327.

[J190] MORADKHANI M.A., HOSSEINI S.H.*, LEI Shangwen, SONG Mengjie*. Intelligent computing approaches to forecast thickness and surface roughness of frost layer on horizontal plates under natural convection[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 217: 119258.

[J189] MAO Ning, YU Hao, ZHUANG Jiaojiao, SONG Mengjie*. Numerical study on supply parameters’ influence on ventilation performance of a personalized air conditioning system for sleeping environments[J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2022, 147(20): 11331-11343.

[J188] ZHANG Long, SONG Mengjie*, DENG Shiming, SHEN Jun, DANG Chaobin*. Frosting mechanism and behaviors on surfaces with simple geometries: A state-of-the-art literature review[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 215: 118984.

[J187] LIU Shengnan, BAI Xiaoxia, DENG Shiming*, ZHANG Long*, WEI Minchen. A modeling study on developing the condensing-frosting performance maps for a variable speed air source heat pump[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 58: 104990.

[J186] 雷尚文, 宋孟杰*, 张龙, 张旋. 自然对流下重力对简单冷表面微观动态结霜特性影响的实验研究[J]. 家电科技, 2022, 05: 71-75.(入选封面文章、年度最佳论文

[J185] LEI Shangwen, SONG Mengjie*, DAI Wei, ZHAN Tianzhuo, SHAO Keke. Experimental study on the effect of surface temperature on the frost characteristics of a vertical cold plate under natural convection[J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2022, 137: 110684.

[J184] HU Zhifeng#, DING Siyu#, ZHANG Xuan*, WU Xiaomin*. Dynamic behavior and maximum width of impact droplets on single-pillar superhydrophobic surfaces[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2022, 648: 129355.

[J183] SONG Mengjie*, JIANG Zhengyong, DANG Chaobin*, JIANG Yuyan, SHEN Jun, LUO Xiaoyan. Mathematical modeling investigation on flow boiling and high efficiency heat dissipation of two rectangular radial microchannel heat exchangers[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 190: 122736.

[J182] LEI Shangwen, SONG Mengjie*, DANG Chaobin, XU Yingjie, SHAO Keke. Experimental study on the effect of surface temperature on the frost characteristics of aninverted cold plate under natural convection[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 211: 118470.

[J181] XU Yingjie, HUANG Songlin, WANG Jiafeng, SONG Mengjie, YU Jiaqi, SHEN Xi*. Energy and advanced exergy analyses of novel ejector-compressor partially coupled refrigeration cycle for buildings with less solar energy[J]. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2022, 14: 043706.

[J180] LIU Shengnan, BAI Xiaoxia, ZHANG Long, LIN Yao, DENG Shiming, WANG Wei, WEI Minchen. Developing condensing-frosting performance maps for a variable speed air source heat pump (ASHP) for frosting suppression[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 211: 118397.

[J179] SONG Mengjie*, LEI Shangwen, HOSSEINI S.H.*, LUO Xiaoyan, WANG Zhihua. An experimental study on the effect of horizontal cold plate surface temperature on frosting characteristics under natural convection[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 211: 118416.

[J178] DANG Qun, SONG Mengjie*, DANG Chaobin, ZHAN Tianzhuo, ZHANG Long*. Experimental study on solidification characteristics of sessile urine droplets on a horizontal cold plate surface under natural convection[J]. Langmuir, 2022, 38(25): 7846-7857.

[J177] PEKAŘ Libor*, SONG Mengjie, PADHEE Subhransu, DOSTÁLEK Petr, ZEZULKA František. Parameter identification of a delayed infinite-dimensional heat-exchanger process based on relay feedback and root loci analysis[J]. Scientific Reports, 2022, 12(1): 9290.

[J176] PEKAŘ Libor*, SONG Mengjie, MAO Ning, ALI Hafiz Muhammad, WU Wei, CAI Jie. Emerging sustainable and energy-efficient technologies in heat pumps for residential heating[J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022, 10: 866466.

[J175] LIU Xin, ZHANG Xuan*, MIN Jingchun*. Droplet rebound and dripping during impact on small superhydrophobic spheres[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34(3): 032118.

[J174] SHANG Xiaopeng, ZHANG Xuan, NGUYEN Thien-Binh, TRAN Tuan*. Direct numerical simulation of evaporating droplets based on a sharp-interface algebraic VOF approach[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 184: 122282.

[J173] DANG Qun, SONG Mengjie*, LUO Xiaoyan, QU Minglu, WANG Xiaotao. A modeling study of different kinds of sessile droplets on the horizontal surface with surface wettability and gravity effects considered[J]. Energy Storage and Saving, 2022, 1(1): 22-32.

[J172] ZHAN Tianzhuo*, SAHARA Keita, TAKEUCHI Haruki, YOKOGAWA Ryo, Oda Kaito, JIN Zhicheng, DENG Shikang, TOMITA Motohiro, WU YenJu, XU Yibin, MATSUKI Takeo, WANG Haidong, SONG Mengjie, GUAN Sujun, OGURA Atsushi, WATANABE Takanobu*. Modification and characterization of interfacial bonding for thermal management of ruthenium interconnects in next-generation very-large-scale integration circuits[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14(5): 7392-7404.

[J171] ZHANG Long, SONG Mengjie*, MAO Ning, DONG Jiankai. Temporal and spatial frost growth prediction of a tube-finned heat exchanger considering frost distribution characteristics[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 183: 122192.

[J170] LU Menglong, SONG Mengjie*, PANG Xiaoling, DANG Chaobin, ZHANG Long*. Modeling study on sessile water droplet during freezing with the consideration of gravity, supercooling, and volume expansion effects[J]. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2022, 147: 103909.

[J169] ZHANG Long, SONG Mengjie*, HOSSEINI S.H., SHEN Jun, JIANG Yiqiang. A modeling study of spatial and temporal frost growth on the edge of windward fins for a tube-finned heat exchanger[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 183: 122093.

[J168] WANG Hai, SONG Mengjie*, LI Haoteng. Optical performance comparison of different shapes of cavity receiver in the fixed line-focus solar concentrating system[J]. Sustainability, 2022, 14(3): 1545.

[J167] 王海, 颜健, 宋孟杰, 黄金*, 吴肖邦. 基于三角腔体吸收器的透射式菲涅尔定焦线系统聚光特性分析[J]. 太阳能学报, 2022, 43(01): 484-490.

[J166] WANG Hai, SONG Mengjie*, LI Haoteng, XIAO Jianyu, HUANG Jin. Design of solar concentrator to compensate the end loss of fixed linear-focus Fresnel lens solar system[J]. International Journal of Green Energy, 2022, 1-12.

[J165] MORADKHANI M.A., HOSSEINI S.H.*, SONG Mengjie*. Robust and general predictive models for condensation heat transfer inside conventional and mini/micro channel heat exchangers[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 201: 117737.

[J164] MAO Ning, SONG Mengjie*, XU Yingjie. Numerical investigation on the heat flux properties of a thermal manikin in sleeping environments applying task/ambient air conditioning[J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2022, 147: 1675-1688.

[J163] ZHU Zhibing, ZHANG Xuan, ZHAO Yugang, HUANG Xiaoyang, YANG Chun*. Freezing characteristics of deposited water droplets on hydrophilic and hydrophobic cold surfaces[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2022, 171: 107241.

[J162] BAI Xiaoxia, LIU Shengnan, DENG Shiming, ZHANG Long*, WEI Minchen. An experimental study on achieving even-frosting for an air source heat pump using a novel dual-fan outdoor coil[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2022, 255: 111695.


[J161] MORADKHANI M.A., HOSSEINI S.H.*, MORSHEDI P., RAHIMI M., SONG Mengjie. Saturated flow boiling inside conventional and mini/micro channels: A new general model for frictional pressure drop using genetic programming[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2021, 132: 197-212.

[J160] MORADKHANI M.A., HOSSEINI S.H.*, VALIZADEH M.*, SONG Mengjie. Machine learning based models to predict frost characteristics on cryogenic surfaces under forced convection conditions[J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 129: 105667.

[J159] LI Haoteng, HUANG Jin, WANG Hai*, SONG Mengjie*. Effects of receiver parameters on the optical efficiency of a fixed linear-focus Fresnel lens solar system with sliding adjustment[J]. Energy Reports, 2021, 7: 3348-3361.

[J158] MORADKHANI M.A., HOSSEINI S.H.*, Mansouri M., AHMADI G., SONG Mengjie. Robust and universal predictive models for frictional pressure drop during two-phase flow in smooth helically coiled tube heat exchangers[J]. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11: 20068.

[J157] ZHANG Chaoyang, ZHANG Hui, ZHANG Xuan, YANG Chun*, CHENG Ping*. Evaporation of a sessile droplet on flat surfaces: An axisymmetric lattice Boltzmann model with consideration of contact angle hysteresis[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 178: 121577.

[J156] DING Siyu, HU Zhifeng, DAI Liyu, ZHANG Xuan*, WU Xiaomin*. Droplet impact dynamics on single-pillar superhydrophobic surfaces[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(10): 102108.(入选Editor’s Pick

[J155] HU Zhifeng, ZHANG Xuan, GAO Sihang, YUAN Zhiping, LIN Yukai, CHU Fuqiang*, WU Xiaomin*. Axial spreading of droplet impact on ridged superhydrophobic surfaces[J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 599: 130-139.

[J154] LU Menglong, SONG Mengjie*, MA Zhenjun, WANG Xiaotao, ZHANG Long. A modeling study of sessile water droplet on the cold plate surface during freezing under natural convection with gravity effect considered[J]. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2021, 143: 103749.

[J153] LIU Xin, MIN Jingchun*, ZHANG Xuan*, HU Zhifeng, WU Xiaomin. Supercooled water droplet impacting-freezing behaviors on cold superhydrophobic spheres[J]. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2021, 141: 103675.

[J152] DONG Jiankai*, ZHENG Wenke, SONG Mengjie*, CHEN Zhihua, JIANG Yiqiang. Numerical simulation on heating performances of a radiant-convective heating terminal[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 39: 102307.

[J151] NAVRÁTIL Pavel, PEKAŘ Libor*, MATUŠŮ Radek, SONG Mengjie, GAO Qingbin, KANDALA Shanti S, KADLČÍK Ondřej. Experimental investigation and control of a hot-air tunnel with improved performance and energy saving[J]. ACS Omega, 2021, 6(24): 16194-16215.

[J150] LEI Shangwen, SONG Mengjie*, PEKAŘ Libor, SHEN Jun. A numerical study on frosting and its early stage under forced convection conditions with surface and environmental factors considered[J]. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2021, 45: 101202.

[J149] MAO Ning, ZHUANG Jiaojiao, He Tianbiao, SONG Mengjie*. A critical review on measures to suppress flow boiling instabilities in microchannels[J]. Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 57(6): 889-910.

[J148] WANG Hai, HU Yanxin, PENG Jinqing, SONG Mengjie*, LI Haoteng. Effects of receiver parameters on solar flux distribution for triangle cavity receiver in the fixed linear-focus Fresnel lens solar concentrator[J]. Sustainability, 2021, 13: 6139.

[J147] ZHANG Xuan, JI Bingqiang, LIU Xin, DING Siyu, WU Xiaomin*, MIN Jingchun*. Maximum spreading and energy analysis of ellipsoidal impact droplets[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(5): 052108.

[J146] 宋孟杰*, 毛宁, 雷尚文, 党群. 空气源热泵逆循环除霜优化研究现状与发展趋势[J]. 东北电力大学学报, 2021, 41(2): 1-19.

[J145] ZHANG Long, DONG Jiankai*, SUN Suyuting, CHEN Zhihua. Numerical simulation and sensitivity analysis on an improved Trombe wall[J]. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2021,43: 100941.

[J144] HU Zhifeng, WU Xiaomin*, CHU Fuqiang*, ZHANG Xuan, YUAN Zhiping. Off-centered droplet impact on single-ridge superhydrophobic surfaces[J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2021, 120: 110245.

[J143] ZHENG Wenke, DONG Jiankai*, ZHANG Long, CHEN Zhihua. Heating performance for a hybrid radiant-convective heating terminal by orthogonal test method[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021,33: 101627.

[J142] DONG Jiankai, ZHANG Long*, JIANG Yiqiang*. A comparative study on system performances of multi-split air source heat pump with different energy accumulators and storage methods[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2021, 231: 110588.


[J141] DING Liang, CHANG Shinan, YI Xian*, SONG Mengjie. Coupled thermo-mechanical analysis of stresses generated in impact ice during in-flight de-icing[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 181: 115681.

[J140] ZHANG Long, DONG Jiankai*, DENG Shiming, YAN Sen. An experimental study on the starting characteristics of an improved radiant-convective air source heat pump system[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2020, 226: 110384.

[J139] SONG Mengjie, XIE Gongnan, PEKAŘ Libor, MAO Ning*, QU Minglu. A modeling study on the revere cycle defrosting of an air source heat pump with the melted frost downwards flowing away and local drainage[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2020, 226: 110257.

[J138] ZHANG Xuan, ZHU Zhibing, ZHANG Chaoyang, YANG Chun*. Reduced contact time of a droplet impacting on a moving superhydrophobic surface[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 117 (15): 151602.

[J137] MAO Ning, HAO Jingyu, HE Tianbiao, XU Yingjie, SONG Mengjie*, TANG Jianfeng. Unsteady heat transfer properties of spray falling over a horizontal tube in an oily sewage source heat pump[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 179: 115675.

[J136] DONG Jiankai, LI Yiru, ZHANG Wenjie*, ZHANG Long, LIN Yana. Impact of residential building heating on natural gas consumption in the south of China: Taking Wuhan city as example[J]. Energy and Built Environment, 2020,1(4): 376-384.

[J135] HOSSEINI S.H., VALIZADEH M., ZENDEHBOUDI Alireza*, SONG Mengjie*. General correlation for frost thermal conductivity on parallel surface channels[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2020, 225: 110282.

[J134] DING Siyu, LIU Xin, WU Xiaomin*, ZHANG Xuan*. Droplet breakup and rebound during impact on small cylindrical superhydrophobic targets[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32 (10): 102106.(入选Editor’s Pick

[J133] HU Wenju, FAN Jin, SONG Mengjie*, JIA Peng, GAO Yan. An experimental study on the frosting characteristic and performance of a micro-channel evaporator in an air source heat pump unit[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2020, 224: 110254.

[J132] 胡志锋, 褚福强, 张旋, 袁志平, 吴晓敏*. 液滴偏心撞击超疏水微柱表面:形态变化与接触时间[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2020, 41(09): 2266-2271.

[J131] SONG Mengjie, DANG Chaobin*, HIGASHI Tomohira, HIHARA Eiji. Review of experimental data associated with the solidification characteristics of water droplets on a cold plate surface at the early frosting stage[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2020, 223: 110103.

[J130] ZHANG Xuan, LIU Xin, WU Xiaomin*, MIN Jingchun*. Impacting-freezing dynamics of a supercooled water droplet on a cold surface: Rebound and adhesion[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 158: 119997.

[J129] MA Dongyun, CHANG Shinan, WU Ke, SONG Mengjie*. Experimental study on the water film thickness under spray impingement based on planar LIF[J]. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2020, 130: 103329.

[J128] LIU Xin, MIN Jingchun*, ZHANG Xuan*. Dynamic behavior and maximum spreading of droplets impacting concave spheres[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32 (9): 092109.

[J127] SHENG Wei*, LI Xueli, WANG Ruirui, DANG Chaobin, SONG Mengjie. Condensate drainage on slit or louvered fins in microchannel heat exchangers for anti-frosting[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2020, 223: 110215.

[J126] YAN Yamin, YAN Jie*, SONG Mengjie, ZHOU Xingyuan, ZHANG Haoran, LIANG Yongtu. Design and optimal siting of regional heat-gas-renewable energy system based on building clusters[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 217: 112963.

[J125] DENG Huanyu, CHANG Shinan*, SONG Mengjie*. The optimization of simulated icing environment by adjusting the arrangement of nozzles in an atomization equipment for the anti-icing and deicing of aircrafts[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 155: 119720.

[J124] DENG Huanyu, CHANG Shinan*, SONG Mengjie*. Numerical investigation on the performance and anti-freezing design verification of atomization equipment in an icing cloud simulation system[J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, 141: 131-143.

[J123] SONG Mengjie*, DANG Chaobin, HIHARA Eiji. Experimental investigation on the heat transfer characteristics of novel rectangle radial microchannel heat exchangers in two-phase flow cooling system for data centers[J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, 141: 199-211.

[J122] XIE Gongnan*, BOETCHER Sandra K. S., MANCA Oronzio, NIZETIC Sandro, CAI Weihua, SONG Mengjie. Energy savings with heat transfer enhancement techniques and heat exchangers[J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, 141: 1-4.

[J121] ZHU Minghan, HUANG Jin, SONG Mengjie, HU Yanxin*. Thermal performance of a thin flat heat pipe with grooved porous structure[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 173: 115215.

[J120] MAO Ning, HAO Jingyu, XU Yingjie, SONG Mengjie*, TANG Jianfeng. A numerical study on non-uniform characteristics of spray falling heat transfer over horizontal tubes in an oily sewage source heat pump[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 154: 119679.

[J119] PENG Shuaiqiao, HU Yanxin*, HUANG Jin*, SONG Mengjie. Surface free energy analysis for stable supercooling of sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate with microcosmic-visualized methods[J]. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2020, 208: 110390.

[J118] SONG Mengjie, MAO Ning*. Experimental study on the melted frost influence on the metal energy storage during an air source heat pump defrosting[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2020, 214: 109809.

[J117] DENG Huanyu, CHANG Shinan*, SONG Mengjie*. Effect of the nozzle arrangement of atomization equipment in icing cloud simulation system on the velocity field of water droplets and liquid water content distribution[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 172: 115196.

[J116] 刘鑫, 张旋, 闵敬春*. 壁面静止水滴冻结过程形状变化[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2020, 41(03): 704-708.

[J115] 张旋, 刘鑫, 吴晓敏*, 闵敬春. 过冷水滴碰撞结冰的实验与模拟研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2020, 41(02): 402-410.

[J114] CHANG Shinan*, ZHENG Haikun, SONG Mengjie*, LENG Mengyao. Heat transfer characteristics of micron ultrathin shear-driven water film flowing on a horizontal metal surface[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 148: 119065.

[J113] WANG Zhihua*, WANG Fenghao*, LI Guichen, SONG Mengjie, MA Zhenjun, REN Haoshan, LI Kehua. Experimental investigation on thermal characteristics of transcritical CO2 heat pump unit combined with thermal energy storage for residential heating[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 165: 114505.


[J112] LIU Xin, ZHANG Xuan, MIN Jingchun*. Spreading of droplets impacting different wettable surfaces at a Weber number close to zero[J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 207: 495-503.

[J111] MAO Ning, HAO Jingyu, HE Tianbiao, SONG Mengjie*, XU Yingjie, DENG Shiming. PMV-based dynamic optimization of energy consumption for a residential task/ambient air conditioning system in different climate zones[J]. Renewable energy, 2019, 142: 41-54.

[J110] HAO Jingyu*, XU Yingjie, HE Tianbiao, MAO Ning*, SONG Mengjie, TANG Jianfeng. Numerical study on heat transfer of oily wastewater spray falling film over a horizontal tube in a sewage source heat pump[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 142: 118423.

[J109] DAI Baomin*, QI Haifeng, LIU Shengchun*, ZHONG Zhifeng, LI Hailong, SONG Mengjie, MA Muyu, SUN Zhili. Environmental and economical analyses of transcritical CO2 heat pump combined with direct dedicated mechanical subcooling (DMS) for space heating in China[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 198: 111317.

[J108] FAN Cheng, XIAO Fu*, SONG Mengjie, WANG Jiayuan. A graph mining-based methodology for discovering and visualizing high-level knowledge for building energy management[J]. Applied Energy, 2019, 251: 113395.(入选ESI高被引

[J107] LIU Xin, ZHANG Xuan, MIN Jingchun*. Maximum spreading of droplets impacting spherical surfaces[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2019, 31(9): 092102.(入选Editor’s Pick

[J106] CHANG Shinan*, DING Liang, SONG Mengjie*, LENG Mengyao. Numerical investigation on impingement dynamics and freezing performance of micrometer-sized water droplet on dry flat surface in supercooled environment[J]. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2019, 118: 150-164.

[J105] CHANG Shinan*, YU Weidong, SONG Mengjie*, LENG Mengyao, SHI Qiyu. Investigation on wavy characteristics of shear-driven water film using the planar laser induced fluorescence method[J]. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2019, 118: 242-253.

[J104] XU Yingjie, WANG Chunyan, JIANG Ning, SONG Mengjie*, WANG Qin, CHEN Guangming. A solar-heat-driven ejector-assisted combined compression cooling system for multistory building-Application potential and effects of floor numbers[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 195: 86-98.

[J103] ZHANG Long, JIANG Yiqiang, DONG Jiankai*, YAO Yang, DENG Shiming. A comparative study of frosting behavior on finned tube heat exchanger under different fan control modes[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 160: 114063.

[J102] CHU Fuqiang, GAO Sihang, ZHANG Xuan, WU Xiaomin, WEN Dongsheng*. Droplet re-icing characteristics on a superhydrophobic surface[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 115(7): 073703.

[J101] SU Qian, CHANG Shinan*, SONG Mengjie*, ZHAO Yuanyuan, DANG Chaobin. An experimental study on the heat transfer performance of a loop heat pipe system with ethanol-water mixture as working fluid for aircraft anti-icing[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 139: 280-292.

[J100] CHU Fuqiang, ZHANG Xuan, LI Shaokang, JIN Haichuan, ZHANG Jun, WU Xiaomin, WEN Dongsheng*. Bubble formation in freezing droplets[J]. Physical Review Fluids, 2019, 4(7): 071601.

[J099] DAI Baomin*, QI Haifeng, LIU Shengchun*, MA Muyu, ZHONG Zhifeng, LI Hailong, SONG Mengjie, SUN Zhili. Evaluation of transcritical CO2 heat pump system integrated with mechanical subcooling by utilizing energy, exergy and economic methodologies for residential heating[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 192: 202-220.

[J098] HU Yanxin, WANG Hai, SONG Mengjie, HUANG Jin*. Marangoni effect on microbubbles emission boiling generation during pool boiling of self-rewetting fluid[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 134: 10-16.

[J097] XU Yingjie, HUANG Yuangong, JIANG Ning*, SONG Mengjie, XIE Xiaodong, XU Xiaoxiao. Experimental and theoretical study on an air-source heat pump water heater for northern China in cold winter: Effects of environment temperature and switch of operating modes[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2019, 191: 164-173.

[J096] SONG Mengjie, MAO Ning, XU Yingjie*, DENG Shiming. Challenges in, and the development of, building energy saving techniques, illustrated with the example of an air source heat pump[J]. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2019, 10: 337-356.

[J095] SONG Mengjie, WANG Zhihua, MAO Ning*, DONG Jiankai, ZHANG Haoran. Defrosting start control strategy optimization for an air source heat pump unit with the frost accumulation and melted frost downwards flowing considered[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019, 46: 101461.

[J094] FAN Cheng, SUN Yongjun, ZHAO Yang*, SONG Mengjie, Wang Jiayuan. Deep learning-based feature engineering methods for improved building energy prediction[J]. Applied Energy, 2019, 240: 35-45.

[J093] YANG Bowen, DONG Jiankai*, ZHANG Long, SONG Mengjie, JIANG Yiqiang, Deng Shiming. Heating and energy storage characteristics of multi-split air source heat pump based on energy storage defrosting[J]. Applied Energy, 2019, 238: 303-310.

[J092] WANG Zhihua, ZHENG Yuxin, WANG Fenghao*, SONG Mengjie, MA Zhenjun. Study on performance evaluation of CO2 heat pump system integrated with thermal energy storage for space heating[J]. Energy Procedia, 2019, 158: 1380-1387.

[J091] SONG Mengjie, FAN Cheng, MAO Ning*, WANG Zhihua, XIA Yudong. Experimental study on frost unevenly distributed and melted frost downwards flowing during defrosting for ASHPs[J]. Energy Procedia, 2019, 158: 2826-2833.

[J090] DONG Jiankai, CHEN Zhihua, ZHANG Long, CHENG Yuanda*, SUN Suyuting, JIE Jia. Experimental investigation on the heating performance of a novel designed trombe wall[J]. Energy, 2019,168: 728-736.

[J089] LIU Shengchun, LI Zheng, DAI Baomin*, ZHONG Zhifeng, LI Hailong, SONG Mengjie, SUN Zhili. Energetic, economic and environmental analysis of air source transcritical CO2 heat pump system for residential heating in China[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 148: 1425-1439.

[J088] FAN Cheng, SONG Mengjie, XIAO Fu*, XUE Xue. Discovering complex knowledge in massive building operational data using graph mining for building energy management[J]. Energy Procedia, 2019, 158: 2481-2487.

[J087] XIA Yudong*, DING Qiang, JIANG Zhoushu, DENG Shiming, SONG Mengjie。 Development of a superheat controller for mitigating hunting in a direct expansion air conditioning system[J]. Energy Procedia, 2019, 158: 2085-2091.

[J086] MAO Ning, HAO Jingyu, CUI Borui, ZHUANG Jiaojiao, SONG Mengjie*. Analysis of climate zones’ effects on energy consumption of a bedroom TAC system[J]. Energy Procedia, 2019, 158: 2934-2941.

[J085] HU Wenju, SONG Mengjie*, JIANG Yiqiang, YAO Yang, GAO Yan. A modeling study on the heat storage and release characteristics of a phase change material based double-spiral coiled heat exchanger in an air source heat pump for defrosting[J]. Applied Energy, 2019, 236: 877-892.

[J084] ZHANG Xuan, LIU Xin, MIN Jingchun*, WU Xiaomin*. Shape variation and unique tip formation of a sessile water droplet during freezing[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 147: 927-934.

[J083] ZHANG Long, JIANG Yiqiang, DONG Jiankai*, YAO Yang, DENG Shiming. An experimental study on the effects of frosting conditions on frost distribution and growth on finned tube heat exchangers[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 128: 748-761.


[J082] ZHANG Xuan, LIU Xin, WU Xiaomin*, MIN Jingchun*. Simulation and experiment on supercooled sessile water droplet freezing with special attention to supercooling and volume expansion effects[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 127(A): 975-985.

[J081] HU Yanxin, CHEN Sixu, HUANG Jin, SONG Mengjie*. Marangoni effect on pool boiling heat transfer enhancement of self-rewetting fluid[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 127: 1263-1270.

[J080] ZHANG Xuan, LIU Xin, WU Xiaomin*, MIN Jingchun*. Experimental investigation and statistical analysis of icing nucleation characteristics of sessile water droplets[J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2018, 99: 26-34.

[J079] WANG Zhihua, SONG Mengjie, WANG Fenghao*, MA Zhenjun, LIN Qiyin. Experimental investigation and seasonal performance assessment of a frost-free ASHP system with radiant floor heating[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 179: 200-212.

[J078] SONG Mengjie, FAN Cheng, MAO Ning*, XU Yingjie. An experimental study on time-based start defrosting control strategy optimization for an air source heat pump unit with frost evenly distributed and melted frost locally drained[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 178: 26-37.

[J077] MAO Ning, HAO Jingyu, SONG Mengjie*. Reduction of energy consumption for a TAC system applied to sleeping environments with varying envelope thermal load[J]. Energy Procedia, 2018, 152: 360-365.

[J076] TANG Yicun, MIN Jingchun*, ZHANG Xuan, LIU Guiling. Meniscus behaviors and capillary pressures in capillary channels having various cross-sectional geometries[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, 26(10): 2014-2022.

[J075] SONG Mengjie, MAO Ning*. Experimental study on defrosting start control strategy for ASHPs[J]. Energy Procedia, 2018, 152: 438-443.

[J074] LIU Shengchun, LI Hailong, SONG Mengjie*, DAI Baomin, SUN Zhili. Impacts on the solidification of water on plate surface for cold energy storage using ice slurry[J]. Applied Energy, 2018, 227: 284-293.

[J073] SONG Mengjie, DANG Chaobin*. Review on the measurement and calculation of frost characteristics[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 124: 586-614.

[J072] WANG Zhihua*, WANG Fenghao*, MA Zhenjun, SONG Mengjie, FAN Wenke. Experimental performance analysis and evaluation of a novel frost-free air source heat pump system[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 175: 69-77.

[J071] MAO Ning, HAO Jingyu, CUI Borui, LI Yuxing, SONG Mengjie*, XU Yingjie, DENG Shiming. Energy performance of a bedroom task/ambient air conditioning (TAC) system applied indifferent climate zones of China[J]. Energy, 2018, 159: 724-736.

[J070] SONG Mengjie, LIAO Liyuan, NIU Fuxin, MAO Ning*, LIU Shengchun, HU Yanxin. Thermal stability experimental study on three types of organic binary phase change materials applied in thermal energy storage system[J]. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2018, 10: 041018.

[J069] XU Yingjie, GUO Fengyuan, SONG Mengjie, JIANG Ning*, WANG Qin, CHEN Guangming. Exergetic and economic analyses of a novel modified solar-heat-powered ejection-compression refrigeration cycle comparing with conventional cycle[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 168: 107-118.

[J068] MEI Jun*, XIA Xiaohua, SONG Mengjie. An autonomous hierarchical control for improving indoor comfort and energy efficiency of a direct expansion air conditioning system[J]. Applied Energy, 2018, 221: 450-463.

[J067] CHU Fuqiang, YUAN Zhiping, ZHANG Xuan, WU Xiaomin*. Energy analysis of droplet jumping induced by multi-droplet coalescence: The influences of droplet number and droplet location[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 121: 315-320.

[J066] ZHANG Xuan, WU Xiaomin*. Time and frequency characteristics of pressure fluctuations during subcooled nucleate flow boiling[J]. Heat Transfer Engineering, 2018, 39(7-8): 642-653.

[J065] SONG Mengjie, TSO Chiyan*, CHAO Christopher Yuhang, WU Chili. Techno-economic analysis on frosting/defrosting operations for an air source heat pump unit with an optimized multi-circuit outdoor coil[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 166: 165-177.

[J064] DAI Baomin*, LIU Shengchun*, LI Hailong, SUN Zhili, SONG Mengjie, YANG Qianru, Ma Yitai. Energetic performance of transcritical CO2 refrigeration cycles with mechanical subcooling using zeotropic mixture as refrigerant[J]. Energy, 2018, 150: 205-221.

[J063] MAO Ning, ZHANG Bin, SONG Mengjie*, Deng Shiming. A simplified numerical study on the energy performance and thermal environment of a bedroom TAC system[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 166: 305-316.

[J062] WANG Hai, HUANG Jin*, SONG Mengjie*, HU Yanxin, WANG Yunfeng, LU Zijian. Simulation and experimental study on the optical performance of a fixed-focus Fresnel lens solar concentrator using polar-axis tracking[J]. Energies, 2018, 11(4): 887.

[J061] SONG Mengjie, DANG Chaobin, MAO Ning*, DENG Shiming. Energy transfer procession in an air source heat pump unit during defrosting with melted frost locally drainage in its multi-circuit outdoor coil[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 164: 109-120.

[J060] SONG Mengjie, WANG Kai, LIU Shengchun*, DENG Shiming, DAI Baomin, SUN Zhili. Techno-economic analysis on frosting and defrosting operations of an air source heat pump unit applied in a typical cold city[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 162: 65-76.

[J059] ZHANG Long, JIANG Yiqiang, DONG Jiankai*, YAO Yang, DENG Shiming. An experimental study of frost distribution and growth on finned tube heat exchangers used in air source heat pump units[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 132: 38-51.

[J058] ZHANG Long, DONG Jiankai*, JIANG Yiqiang, DENG Shiming, HUANG Shun. An experimental study on frosting and defrosting performances of a novel air source heat pump unit with a radiant-convective heating terminal[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 163: 10-21.

[J057] SONG Mengjie, DENG Shiming, DANG Chaobin, MAO Ning*, WANG Zhihua. Review on improvement for air source heat pump units during frosting and defrosting[J]. Applied Energy, 2018, 211: 1150-1170.(入选ESI高被引

[J056] LIU Shengchun, LI Xueqiang, SONG Mengjie*, LI Hailong, SUN Zhili. Experimental investigation on drying performance of an existed enclosed fixed frequency air source heat pump drying system[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 130: 735-744.

[J055] MAO Ning, SONG Mengjie*, PAN Dongmei, DENG Shiming. Comparative studies on using RSM and TOPSIS methods to optimize residential air conditioning systems[J]. Energy, 2018, 144: 98-109.

[J054] 张旋, 吴晓敏*, 闵敬春. 冷壁上单个静止过冷液滴冻结过程的数值模拟[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2018, 39(01): 159-164.

[J053] SONG Mengjie, NIU Fuxin, MAO Ning*, HU Yanxin, DENG Shiming. Review on building energy performance improvement using phase change materials[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 158: 776-793.(入选ESI高被引

[J052] XIONG Yongqing, YANG Xiaohan*, SONG Mengjie. Analysis on the effects of China's fiscal and taxation policy on exporting products of photovoltaic and high-end equipment manufacturing industries[J]. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2018, 10(1): 015906.

[J051] ZHANG Long, JIANG Yiqiang, DONG Jiankai*, YAO Yang*. Advances in vapor compression air source heat pump system in cold regions: A review[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2018, 81: 353-365.(入选ESI高被引

[J050] DONG Jiankai, ZHANG Long, DENG Shiming, YANG Bin*, HUANG Shun. An experimental study on a novel radiant-convective heating system based on air source heat pump[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2018,158: 812-821.


[J049] SONG Mengjie, WAN Man Pun, DUBEY Swapnil, PAN Dongmei, MAO Ning*. Thermal stability of organic binary PCMs for energy storage[J]. Energy Procedia, 2017, 142: 3287-3294.

[J048] MAO Ning, HAO Jingyu, PAN Dongmei, LIU Shengchun, SONG Mengjie*. Investigations on thermal environment in residential buildings with PCM embedded in external wall[J]. Energy Procedia, 2017, 142: 1888-1895.

[J047] SONG Mengjie, DANG Chaobin, LIU Shengchun, SUN Zhili, MAO Ning*. Frost layer thickness measurement and calculation: A short review[J]. Energy Procedia, 2017, 142: 3812-3819.

[J046] WANG Zhihua, WANG Fenghao*, LIU Jun, MA Zhenjun, HAN Ershuai, SONG Mengjie. Field test and numerical investigation on the heat transfer characteristics and optimal design of the heat exchangers of a deep borehole ground source heat pump system[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 153: 603-615.

[J045] LIU Shengchun*, DAI Baomin, ZHANG Wenkai, LI Xueqiang. Experimental study on R245fa condensation heat transfer in horizontal smooth tube and enhanced tube[J]. Energy Procedia, 2017, 142: 4169-4175.

[J044] PAN Dongmei*, LIN Zhongping, MAO Ning, SONG Mengjie. A study on the effects of different bedding systems on thermal comfort - quantifying the sensitivity coefficient used for calculating Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) in sleeping environments[J]. Energy Procedia, 2017, 142: 1939-1946.

[J043] MAO Ning, HAO Jingyu, PAN Dongmei, DU Jing, SONG Mengjie*. A multi-objective study on the operation of task/ambient air conditioning systems in subtropics[J]. Energy Procedia, 2017, 142: 1880-1887.

[J042] MAO Ning, SONG Mengjie*, PAN Dongmei, LI Zhao, DENG Shiming. Numerical investigations on the effects of envelope thermal loads on energy utilization potential and thermal non-uniformity in sleeping environments[J]. Building and Environment, 2018, 124: 232-244.

[J041] LUO Xianglong*, YI Zhitong, ZHANG Bingjian, MO Songping, WANG Chao, SONG Mengjie, CHEN Ying. Mathematical modelling and optimization of the liquid separation condenser used in organic Rankine cycle[J]. Applied Energy, 2017, 185: 1309-1323.

[J040] ZHANG Xuan, WU Xiaomin*, MIN Jingchun*. Freezing and melting of a sessile water droplet on a horizontal cold plate[J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2017, 88: 1-7.

[J039] ZHANG Xuan, WU Xiaomin*, MIN Jingchun*, LIU Xin. Modelling of sessile water droplet shape evolution during freezing with consideration of supercooling effect[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 125: 644-651.

[J038] SONG Mengjie, GONG Guangcai, MAO Ning*, DENG Shiming, WANG Zhihua. Experimental investigation on an air source heat pump unit with a three-circuit outdoor coil for its reverse cycle defrosting termination temperature[J]. Applied Energy, 2017, 204: 1388-1398.

[J037] SONG Mengjie, XU Xiangguo, MAO Ning*, DENG Shiming, XU Yingjie. Energy transfer procession in an air source heat pump unit during defrosting[J]. Applied Energy, 2017, 204: 679-689.

[J036] MAO Ning, PAN Dongmei, SONG Mengjie*, LI Zhao, XU Yingjie, DENG Shiming. Operating optimization for improved energy consumption of a TAC system affected by nighttime thermal loads of building envelopes[J]. Energy, 2017, 133: 491-501.

[J035] WANG Zhihua, WANG Fenghao*, WANG Xinke, MA Zhenjun, WU Xiaozhou, SONG Mengjie. Dynamic character investigation and optimization of a novel air-source heat pump system[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 111: 122-133.(入选ESI高被引

[J034] SONG Mengjie*, WANG Xuanjie, LIAO Liyuan, DENG Shiming. Termination control temperature study for an air source heat pump unit during its reverse cycle defrosting[J]. Energy Procedia, 2017, 105: 335-342.

[J033] MAO Ning, SONG Mengjie*, PAN Dongmei, DENG Shiming. Evaluating effects of building envelope thermal loads on energy use and thermal comfort fora bedroom TAC system[J]. Energy Procedia, 2017, 105: 2607-2614.

[J032] MAO Ning, SONG Mengjie*, PAN Dongmei, DENG Shiming. Computational fluid dynamics analysis of convective heat transfer coefficients for a sleeping human body[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 117: 385-396.(入选ESI高被引

[J031] SUN Zhili, LIU Shengchun*, LIANG Youcai, SONG Mengjie, GUO Jianghe. The optimal charge of carbon dioxide in water-water heat pump systems with and without an internal heat exchanger[J]. HKIE Transactions, 2017, 24 (2): 99-106.

[J030] SONG Mengjie, DONG Jiankai, WU Chili, JIANG Yiqiang, QU Minglu. Improving the frosting and defrosting performance of air source heat pump units: Review and outlook[J]. HKIE Transactions, 2017, 24(2): 88-98.

[J029] MAO Ning, PAN Dongmei, LI Zhao, XU Yingjie, SONG Mengjie*, DENG Shiming. A numerical study on influences of building envelope heat gain on operating performances of a bed-based task/ambient air conditioning (TAC) system in energy saving and thermal comfort[J]. Applied Energy, 2017, 192: 213-221.(入选ESI高被引

[J028] ZHANG Long, DONG Jiankai*. Experimental study on the thermal stability of a paraffin mixture with up to 10,000 thermal cycles[J]. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2017, 1: 78-87.

[J027] SONG Mengjie*, LIU Shengchun, DENG Shiming, SUN Zhili, YAN Huaxia. Experimental investigation on reverse cycle defrosting performance improvement for an ASHP unit by evenly adjusting the refrigerant distribution in its outdoor coil[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 114: 611-620.(入选ESI高被引

[J026] WANG Zhihua, WANG Fenghao*, MA Zhenjun, SONG Mengjie. Numerical study on the operating performances of a novel frost-free air-source heat pump unit using three different types of refrigerant[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 112: 248-258.

[J025] ZHANG Xuan, WU Xiaomin*, MIN Jingchun*. Aircraft icing model considering both rime ice property variability and runback water effect[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 104: 510-516.


[J024] 赵冲, 罗向龙, 陈颖, 宋孟杰. 热电联产集中供热方案的分析对比[J]. 热能动力工程, 2016, 31(12): 48-55+123.

[J023] MAO Ning, SONG Mengjie*, DENG Shiming, PAN Dongmei, CHEN Shujun. Experimental and numerical study on air flow and moisture transport in sleeping environments with a task/ambient air conditioning (TAC) system[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2016, 133: 596-604.

[J022] MAO Ning, SONG Mengjie*, DENG Shiming. Application of TOPSIS method in evaluating the effects of supply vane angle of a task/ambient air conditioning system on energy utilization and thermal comfort[J]. Applied Energy, 2016, 180: 536-545.

[J021] 董建锴, 张龙, 姜益强*, 田浩, 田禹, 胡文举.不同相变蓄能器对多联机空气源热泵蓄能除霜性能影响[J]. 太阳能学报, 2016, 37(09): 2332-2337.

[J020] 褚福强, 吴晓敏*, 张旋, 朱毅. 超疏水表面冷凝液滴行为与生长机制[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2016, 37(07): 1527-1531.

[J019] ZHONG Tianming, CHEN Ying*, YANG Qingcheng, SONG Mengjie, LUO Xianglong, XU Junjun, ZHENG Wenxian, JIA Lisi. Experimental investigation on the thermodynamic performance of double-row liquid-vapor separation microchannel condenser[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2016, 67: 373-382.

[J018] ZHANG Xuan, MIN Jingchun*, WU Xiaomin*. Model for aircraft icing with consideration of property-variable rime ice[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 97: 185-190.

[J017] SONG Mengjie, MAO Ning*, DENG Shiming, CHEN Ying, WANG Chao, YANG Qingcheng. Experimental investigations on destroying surface tension of melted frost for defrosting performance improvement of a multi-circuit outdoor coil[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 103: 1278-1288.

[J016] SONG Mengjie, XIA Liang*, DENG Shiming. A modeling study on alleviating uneven defrosting for a vertical three-circuit outdoor coil in an air source heat pump unit during reverse cycle defrosting[J]. Applied Energy, 2016, 161: 268-278.(入选ESI高被引

[J015] CHU Fuqiang, WU Xiaomin*, ZHU Bei, ZHANG Xuan. Self-propelled droplet behavior during condensation on superhydrophobic surfaces[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 108(19): 194103.

[J014] SONG Mengjie, MAO Ning*, DENG Shiming, XIA Yudong, CHEN Ying. An experimental study on defrosting performance for an air source heat pump unit at different frosting evenness values with melted frost local drainage[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 99: 730-740.

[J013] SONG Mengjie, DENG Shiming, MAO Ning*, YE Xianming. An experimental study on defrosting performance for an air source heat pump unit with a horizontally installed multi-circuit outdoor coil[J]. Applied Energy, 2016, 165: 371-382.

[J012] MAO Ning, SONG Mengjie, CHAN Mingyin, PAN Dongmei*, DENG Shiming. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling of air flow field, mean age of air and CO2distributions inside a bedroom with different heights of conditioned air supply outlet[J]. Applied Energy, 2016, 164: 906-915.

[J011] SONG Mengjie, XIA Liang, MAO Ning*, DENG Shiming. An experimental study on even frosting performance of an air source heat pump unit with a multi-circuit outdoor coil[J]. Applied Energy, 2016, 164: 36-44.

[J010] SONG Mengjie, CHEN Ailu, MAO Ning*. An experimental study on defrosting performance of an air source heat pump unit with a multi-circuit outdoor coil at different frosting evenness values[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 94: 331-340.


[J009] SONG Mengjie, WANG Zhihua, MAO Ning*, LI Zhao, CHEN Ying. An experimental study on the uneven refrigerant distribution over a vertically installed multi-circuit outdoor coil in an air source heat pump unit during reverse cycle defrosting[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 91: 975-985.

[J008] WANG Chao*, CHEN Ying, CHENG Zhengdong, LUO Xianglong, JIA Lisi, SONG Mengjie, JIANG Bo, DOU Binlin*. Sorption-enhanced steam reforming of glycerol for hydrogen production over a NiO/NiAl2O4 catalyst and Li2ZrO3-based sorbent[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(11): 7408-7418.

[J007] SONG Mengjie, PAN Dongmei*, LI Ning, DENG Shiming. An experimental study on the negative effects of downwards flow of the melted frost over a multi-circuit outdoor coil in an air source heat pump during reverse cycle defrosting[J]. Applied Energy, 2015, 138: 598-604.

[J006] SONG Mengjie, DENG Shiming, XIA Liang*. A semi-empirical modeling study on the defrosting performance for an air source heat pump unit with local drainage of melted frost from its three-circuit outdoor coil[J]. Applied Energy, 2014, 136: 537-547.

[J005] SONG Mengjie, XU Xiangguo*, DENG Shiming, MAO Ning. An experimental study on performance during reverse cycle defrosting of an air source heat pump with a horizontal three-circuit outdoor coil[J]. Energy Procedia, 2014, 61: 92-95.

[J004] ZHANG Long, DONG Jiankai, JIANG Yiqiang*, YAO Yang. A novel defrosting method using heat energy dissipated by the compressor of an air source heat pump[J]. Applied Energy, 2014, 133: 101-111.

[J003] SONG Mengjie, DENG Shiming, PAN Dongmei*, MAO Ning. An experimental study on the effects of downwards flowing of melted frost over a vertical multi-circuit outdoor coil in an air source heat pump on defrosting performance during reverse cycle defrosting[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 67(1-2): 258-265.

[J002] 董建锴, 姜益强, 姚杨, 宋孟杰. 四通换向阀泄漏对热泵性能影响实验[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2011, 43(02): 80-83.

[J001] 姚杨, 宋孟杰, 姜益强, 董建锴. 几种有机二元相变材料的热物性实验研究[J]. 建筑热能通风空调, 2010, 29(06): 24-26+97.



[R33] 宋孟杰, 2022年首都科技工作者沙龙(结霜结冰与相变储能研究学术沙龙). 中国, 北京, 2022-12-28.(组织者、承办者、主持人、特邀报告)

[R32] 张旋, 2022年首都科技工作者沙龙(结霜结冰与相变储能研究学术沙龙). 中国, 北京, 2022-12-28.(主持人、特邀报告)

[R31] 张旋, 多相传热与双碳科技应用国际研讨会暨2022年结霜结冰专题研讨会. 在线会议, 2022-10-30.(特邀报告)

[R30] 张龙, 多相传热与双碳科技应用国际研讨会暨2022年结霜结冰专题研讨会. 在线会议, 2022-10-30.(特邀报告)

[R29] 宋孟杰, 多相传热与双碳科技应用国际研讨会暨2022年结霜结冰专题研讨会. 线上会议, 2022-10-29.(组织者、承办者、主席)

[R28] 宋孟杰, 中国动力工程学会第九届青年学术年会. 中国, 长沙, 2022-08-19.(分会场主席)

[R27] 宋孟杰, 第十二届全国制冷空调新技术研讨会议. 中国, 天津, 2022-08-07.(分会场主席)

[R26] 张龙, 第十二届全国制冷空调新技术研讨会. 中国, 天津, 2022-08-07.(特邀报告)

[R25] 宋孟杰, 2022中国制冷学会(单位)会员大会. 中国, 武汉, 2022-07-07.(特邀报告)

[R24] ZHANG Xuan, The 14th International Green Energy Conference. Virtual Conference, 2022-07-05.(特邀报告)

[R23] ZHANG Long, The 14th International Green Energy Conference. Virtual Conference, 2022-07-05.(特邀报告)

[R22] 宋孟杰, The 14th International Green Energy Conference (IGEC-XIV). Online, 2022-07-04.(分会场主席)

[R21] 宋孟杰, The 32th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena. Tianjin, China/Online, 2022-03-19.(分会场主席)

[R20] 张龙, 2021中国制冷学会学术会议. 中国, 广东, 2022-03-11.(特邀报告)


[R19] 宋孟杰, 《家电科技》学术年会暨首届高端智能家电安全峰会. 中国, 青岛, 2021-12-13. 2021.(会议主席)

[R18] 宋孟杰, 第十七届全国电冰箱(柜)、空调器及压缩机学术年会. 中国, 青岛, 2021-12-12.(分会场主席、特邀报告)

[R17] 宋孟杰, 2021年中国制冷学会学术年会. 中国, 佛山, 2021-11-02.(分会场主席)

[R16] 宋孟杰, The 3rd International Workshop of New and Renewable Energy Utilization in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, Kunming, China, 2021-10-11.(特邀报告)

[R15] 宋孟杰, 2021年全国结霜结冰研究专题研讨会. 线上会议, 2021-09-25.(组织者、承办者、会议主席)

[R14] 宋孟杰, 第二届华人能源与人工环境国际学术会议. 中国, 成都, 2021-07-06.(特邀报告)


[R13] 宋孟杰, 第四届全国结冰与防除冰学术会议. 中国, 重庆, 2020-11-12.(特邀报告)

[R12] 宋孟杰, 捷克, University of Tomas Bata in Zlin, 2019-12-02.(特邀报告)

[R11] 宋孟杰, 加拿大, University of Manitoba, 2019.07.16.(特邀报告)

[R10] 宋孟杰, 北京理工大学第四界特立论坛. 中国, 北京, 2019-03-22.(特邀报告)

[R09] 宋孟杰, 日本茨城县竹园高中. 茨城県つくば市, 2018-12-06.(JSPS Science Dialogue,特邀报告)

[R08] 宋孟杰, Asia City 2050, Changsha, China, 2018-09-18.(组委会成员)

[R07] 宋孟杰, UT-KTH Mini Symposium. Tokyo, Japan, 2018-09-03.(组委会成员)

[R06] 宋孟杰, UT-Tsinghua Symposium, Environment and Energy Workshop. Tokyo, Japan, 2018-07-24.(组委会成员)

[R05] 宋孟杰, 北京航空航天大学国际青年学者唯实论坛. 中国, 北京, 2018-06-06.(特邀报告)

[R04] 宋孟杰, 湖南大学国际青年学者岳麓论坛. 中国, 长沙, 2017-12-28.(特邀报告)

[R03] 宋孟杰, The 6th International Conference on Applications of Porous Media (ICAPM).Tianjin, China, 2017-06-06(组委会成员)

[R02] 宋孟杰, 深圳市华侨城中学. 中国, 深圳, 2016-09-26.(特邀报告)

[R01] 宋孟杰, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 2016-09-23.(特邀报告)