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张龙 助理教授    





       ● 冷表面结霜结冰机理

       ● 相变储能及材料热循环稳定性

       ● 换热器结构优化及性能提升

       ● 热泵关键技术基础及应用


1. 课程教学

[1] 本科生《Investigation of the Friction and Dynamic Losses in Air Duct and Damper》(香港理工大学,主讲)

[2] 本科生《暖通空调》(黑龙江东方学院,主讲)

[3] 本科生《热质交换原理与设备》(黑龙江东方学院,主讲)

2. 期刊论文(一作及通讯期刊论文)

[1] ZHANG Long, SONG Mengjie*, CHAO Christopher Yu Hang, SHEN Jun. An experimental study on the dynamic frosting characteristics on the edge zone of a horizontal copper plate under forced convection[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023,200: 123541.

[2] BAI Xiaoxia, LIU Shengnan, DENG Shiming*, ZHANG Long*, WEI Minchen. A modelling study on the frosting characteristics of a novel dual-fan outdoor coil in an Air Source Heat Pump unit[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023,222: 119933.

[3] ZHANG Long, SONG Mengjie*, CHAO Christopher Yu Hang, DANG Chaobin, SHEN Jun. Localized Characteristics of the First Three Typical Condensation Frosting Stages in the Edge Region of a Horizontal Cold Plate[J]. Micromachines, 2022,13(11): 1906.

[4] ZHANG Long, SONG Mengjie*, MAO Ning, DONG Jiankai. Temporal and spatial frost growth prediction of a tube-finned heat exchanger considering frost distribution characteristics[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022,183: 122192.

[5] ZHANG Long, SONG Mengjie*, HOSSEINI S. H., SHEN Jun, JIANG Yiqiang. A modeling study of spatial and temporal frost growth on the edge of windward fins for a tube-finned heat exchanger[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022,183: 122093.

[6] LIU Shengnan, BAI Xiaoxia, DENG Shiming*, ZHANG Long*, WEI Minchen. A modeling study on developing the condensing-frosting performance maps for a variable speed air source heat pump[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022,58: 104990.

[7] BAI Xiaoxia, LIU Shengnan, DENG Shiming, ZHANG Long*, WEI Minchen. An experimental study on achieving even-frosting for an air source heat pump using a novel dual-fan outdoor coil[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2022,255: 111695.

[8] ZHANG Long, SONG Mengjie*, SHEN Jun, JIANG Yiqiang, CHAO Christopher Yu Hang. An experimental study on improving defrosting performances of air source heat pump unit based on hot-gas bypass method[J]. International Journal of Green Energy, 2022: 1-11.

[9] DANG Qun, SONG Mengjie*, DANG Chaobin, ZHAN Tianzhuo, ZHANG Long*. Experimental study on solidification characteristics of sessile urine droplets on a horizontal cold plate surface under natural convection[J]. Langmuir, 2022,38(25): 7846-7857.

[10] ZHANG Long, SONG Mengjie*, ZHAN Tianzhuo, JUN Shen, DANG Chaobin*. Cold plate temperature effect on droplet and frost crystal behaviors at the early condensation frosting stage considering plate edge effect[J]. Engineered Science, 2022.

[11] ZHANG Long, SONG Mengjie*, DENG Shiming, SHEN Jun, DANG Chaobin*. Frosting mechanism and behaviors on surfaces with simple geometries: A state-of-the-art literature review[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022,215: 118984.

[12] ZHANG Long, DONG Jiankai*, SUN Suyuting, CHEN Zhihua. Numerical simulation and sensitivity analysis on an improved Trombe wall[J]. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2021,43: 100941.

[13] DONG Jiankai, ZHANG Long*, JIANG Yiqiang*. A comparative study on system performances of multi-split air source heat pump with different energy accumulators and storage methods[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2021,231: 110588.

[14] ZHANG Long, DONG Jiankai*, DENG Shiming, YAN Sen. An experimental study on the starting characteristics of an improved radiant-convective air source heat pump system[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2020,226: 110384.

[15] ZHANG Long, JIANG Yiqiang, DONG Jiankai*, YAO Yang, DENG Shiming. A comparative study of frosting behavior on finned tube heat exchanger under different fan control modes[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,160: 114063.

[16] ZHANG Long, JIANG Yiqiang, DONG Jiankai*, YAO Yang, DENG Shiming. An experimental study on the effects of frosting conditions on frost distribution and growth on finned tube heat exchangers[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019,128: 748-761.

[17] ZHANG Long, JIANG Yiqiang, DONG Jiankai*, YAO Yang*. Advances in vapor compression air source heat pump system in cold regions: A review[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2018,81: 353-365.

[18] ZHANG Long, JIANG Yiqiang, DONG Jiankai*, YAO Yang, DENG Shiming. An experimental study of frost distribution and growth on finned tube heat exchangers used in air source heat pump units[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018,132: 38-51.

[19] ZHANG Long, DONG Jiankai*, JIANG Yiqiang, DENG Shiming, HUANG Shun. An experimental study on frosting and defrosting performances of a novel air source heat pump unit with a radiant-convective heating terminal[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2018,163: 10-21.

[20] ZHANG Long, DONG Jiankai*. Experimental study on the thermal stability of a paraffin mixture with up to 10,000 thermal cycles[J]. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2017,1: 78-87.

[21] ZHANG Long, DONG Jiankai, JIANG Yiqiang*, YAO Yang. A novel defrosting method using heat energy dissipated by the compressor of an air source heat pump[J]. Applied Energy, 2014,133: 101-111.

3. 学术会议

[1] ZHANG Long, SONG Mengjie, CHAO Christopher Yu Hang, WAN Man Pun, SHEN Jun. Regional condensation frosting characteristics of a horizontal cold plate with edge effect considered: Integrated Nanocomposites for Thermal and Kinetic Energy Harvesting (INTAKE) Seminar 2022, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Core-to-Core Program [C]. Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, November 2022.(最佳报告奖)

[2] 张龙, 边缘效应下冷凝结霜过程前中期阶段动态特性研究: 多相传热与双碳科技应用国际研讨会暨2022年结霜结冰专题研讨会 [C]. 中国, 北京, 2022年10月.(特邀报告)

[3] 张龙, 宋孟杰, WAN Man Pun, CHAO Christopher Yu Hang. 管翅式换热器迎风侧翅片末端霜层生长模拟研究: 2022天津第十二届全国制冷空调新技术研讨会 [C]. 中国, 天津, 2022年8月.(特邀报告)

[4] ZHANG Long, SONG Mengjie, SHEN Jun, JIANG Yiqiang. A systematic study on the condensation frosting characteristics of a horizontal cold plate under forced convection: The 14th International Green Energy Conference [C]. Virtual Conference, July 2022. (特邀报告)

[5] 张龙, 宋孟杰, 沈俊, 鲁梦龙, 雷尚文, 党群. 管翅式换热器结霜特性研究: 2021中国制冷学会学术会议 [C]. 中国, 广东, 2022年3月.(特邀报告)

4. 专著

[1] SONG Mengjie, JIANG Zhengyong, ZHANG Xuan, ZHANG Long, LIU Yuanxin, SHAO Keke. Chapter 37 - Mechanism of Flow Boiling in Microchannels and Structure Optimization of Heat Changers Used in Pumped Two-Phase Cooling System for Data Center Cooling, in: Handbook of Thermal Management Systems[M]. Elsevier, August 2023, ISBN: 9780443190179.

5. 专利

[1] 董建锴, 张龙, 姜益强. 一种具有橱柜除湿及热水功能的厨房空调一体机: 中国,  CN109595725B[P]. 2019-04-09.

[2] 魏志民, 周培媛, 林亚娜, 张龙. 太阳能蓄热型空气源热泵除霜系统: 中国,  CN206540334U[P]. 2017-10-03.

6. 研究项目

[1] 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,主持

[2] JKW,173计划重点基础研究项目专项课题,主持

[3] 北京京能能源技术研究有限责任公司横向课题,主持

[4] 中国科学院低温工程学重点实验室(理化技术研究所)开放课题,主持

[5] 2022年度国家外国专家项目计划,参与

[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与

[7] 北京市自然科学基金面上项目,参与

[8] Hong Kong Research Grants Council, Developing condensing-frosting performance maps for an outdoor coil in variable speed space heating ASHPs for frost-free operation at above 0 oC ambience, 参与

[9] Hong Kong Research Grants Council, Towards even frosting of the outdoor coil along the airflow direction in a space heating air source heat pump for improved energy efficiency and occupant thermal comfort, 参与

[10] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,直膨式空气源热泵墙面板辐射供暖房间室内温度变化规律及优化调控,参与


1. 教学科研

[1] 中国工程热物理学会第二届零碳未来创新大赛二等奖指导老师(2022)

[2] 《家电科技》2022年度第5期封面文章、年度最佳论文(2022)

[3] JSPS Core to Core INTAKE Seminar 2022 Best Presentation Award(2022)

[4] 香港理工大学FCE“Outstanding PhD Theses Nomination”(2021)

[5] 哈尔滨工业大学“寒地论坛”优秀报告奖(2018)

[6] 中国建筑学会科技进步一等奖(2016)

[7] 美国ASHRAE-中国制冷协会,CAR-ASHRAE设计竞赛三等奖(2012)

2. 荣誉称号等

[1] 夏安世教育基金会,夏安世奖学金 (研究生级)(2020, 全国共4人/年)

[2] 教育部,研究生国家奖学金(2013)、国家奖学金(2009)

[3] 夏安世教育基金会,夏安世奖学金 (本科生级)(2012, 全国共8人/年)

[4] 哈尔滨工业大学建科精英奖学金(2010)、一等人民奖学金(2009 - 2011)、单项奖学金(2009 - 2011)等

[5] 哈尔滨工业大学优秀毕业生(2014)、第50届校运动会先进工作者标兵(2013)、校三好学生(2009, 2013)、校优秀党员(2012)、校优秀团员(2010 – 2011, 2013)、校优秀学生干部(2010 - 2011)、第46届校运动会先进工作者(2009)

[6] 黑龙江省优秀毕业生(2012, 前2%)


[1] 中国工程热物理学会会员、中国制冷学会会员、中国航空学会会员、北京制冷学会会员等

[2] Micromachines (SCI, IF2022 = 3.523), Guest Editor (2022、2023)

Sustainability (SCI, IF2022 = 3.889), Guest Editor (2021-至今)

[3] 第十二届全国制冷空调新技术研讨会第六分会场《暖通空调技术》主席(2022)

[4] Applied Thermal Engineering、Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments、International Journal of Thermal Science、Frontiers in Energy Research、Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering、哈尔滨工业大学学报等10余种学术期刊评审人