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Note: Course materials contained in this page have been produced only for the purpose of teaching. The instructors have taken the freedom to incorporate contents from some published books, journal articles, and various public internet resources. All of them are acknowledged here by the instructors. The course materials are only made available to students of those specific classes. Any further distributions MUST be approved by the instructors.

1. Analytical Electrochemistry (CH25204a: 电分析化学)
Credit offered: 3 points
Time: Spring
(19 spring, 20 spring)
Who will attend? Graduate students of chemistry and other majors

2. Analytical Chemistry (II) (019176: 分析化学II)
<Click to download course materials for electroanalysis section>
(Updated on Jan. 4, 2022)
Credit offered: 3 points
Time: Fall
(14 fall, 15 fall, 16 fall, 17 fall, 18 fall, 19 fall, 20 fall)
Who will attend? Undergraduate students of chemistry major

3. Separation Science & Its Recent Advancements (CH25205a: 分离分析化学)
<Click to download course materials> (updated on 12/26/2016)
<List of reference books for this course>
Credit offered: 3 points
Time: Fall
(06 spring, 06 fall, 07 fall, 08 fall (76 students), 09 fall, 10 fall, 11 fall, 12 fall, 13 fall, 14 fall, 15 fall, 16 fall, 17 fall, 18 fall)
Who will attend? Graduate students of analytical chemistry major as well as those who are interested in separation science and techniques

4. Inorganic Chemistry II (01900201: 无机化学 II)
If you have trouble in opening some of the PPT files,make sure you have correctly installed the KB828041 patch file issued by Microsoft (click to download)
<Chapter 16, Chapter 9, Chapter 10,Chapter 11, Chaper 12, Chaper 13, Chaper 14, Chaper 15
Chaper 17, Chaper 18, Chaper 19, Chaper 20> (updated on 5/5/2013)
Credit offered: 2 points
Who will attend? First year undergraduate students of chemistry major
Time: Spring
(07 spring, 08 spring (111 students), 10 spring (85学生), 11 spring, 12 Summer, 13 spring, 14 spring)

5. 当代分析科学: Contemporary analytical science (discontinued since 2007)
Instructors: Zhaoxiang Deng, Limin Shao, Qingde Su & ... (in alphabetical order of last names)
Underlined is the people in charge of this course
Who will attend? Graduate students of analytical chemistry major
Time: Spring
(07 spring)
<Course materials> (Unzip password to be issued in class or be required by email)

6. Analytical chemistry for life science (01907001: 生命分析化学-Team-taught course)
Who will attend? Interested students
Instructors: Zhaoxiang Deng, Guangming Huang, Tao Li, Gaolin Liang (in alphabetical order of last names)
Underlined is the people in charge of this course
<Course Materials from ZD>
Time: Fall
(07 fall, 08 fall, 09 fall, 10 fall, 11 fall, 12 fall, 13 fall, 14 fall, 15 fall, 16 fall, 17 fall, 18 fall, 19 fall, 20 fall)

7. Frontiers in analytical chemistry (CH26206: 分析化学前沿-Team-taught course in English)
Instructors: Hua Cui, Zhaoxiang Deng, Guangming Huang, Tao Li, Gaolin Liang (in alphabetical order of last names)
Underlined is the people in charge of this course
Who will attend? Ph.D. students of analytical chemistry major as well as those who are interested in taking this course
Time: Spring
(07 fall, 08 fall, 09 fall,12 Spring, 13 spring, 14 spring, 15 spring, 16 spring, 17 spring, 18 spring, 19 spring, 20 spring)