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热烈欢迎刘志强博士加入课题组!(We welcome our first poctdoc-Dr. Zhiqiang Liu to join the group!)

刘志强博士2021年9月毕业于德国维尔茨堡大学Todd B. Marder教授/院士课题组(获CSC国家公派留学奖学金),他在过渡金属催化的硼酸酯转化等方面积累了丰富的研究经验及成果。


Dr. Zhiqiang Liu got his Ph.D. degree from the research group of Professor Todd B. Marder of the University of Würzburg (Germany), with a scholarship from the CSC National Scholarship for Study Abroad. He has accumulated rich research experience and achievements in transition metal-catalyzed borate ester transformation reactions.

Dr. Liu is the first postdoctoral fellow in our research group. We look forward to his excellent results in future work!