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Metal-free directed sp2-C–H borylation


Organoboron reagents are important synthetic intermediates that have a key role in the construction of natural products, pharmaceuticals and organic materials1. The discovery of simpler, milder and more efficient approaches to organoborons can open additional routes to diverse substances2,3,4,5. Here we show a general method for the directed C–H borylation of arenes and heteroarenes without the use of metal catalysts. C7- and C4-borylated indoles are produced by a mild approach that is compatible with a broad range of functional groups. The mechanism, which is established by density functional theory calculations, involves BBr3 acting as both a reagent and a catalyst. The potential utility of this strategy is highlighted by the downstream transformation of the formed boron species into natural products and drug scaffolds.

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Fig. 1: Strategies for directed C–H bond borylation.
Fig. 2: Substrate scope of directed C–H borylation of (hetero)arenes.
Fig. 3: Applications of the metal-free directed C–H borylation strategy.
Fig. 4: DFT calculations for the reaction of 1a with BBr3.

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The data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article and its Supplementary Information. Additional data are available from the corresponding authors upon request. Metrical parameters for the structures of 1b, 9c, 28b, 28c and 1d are available free of charge from the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (https://www. under reference numbers CCDC 1910131, 1910132, 1910134, 1910135 and 1910137, respectively.


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We thank group members Z. Li, X. Han, H. Deng, Z. Zhu and J. Qian for reproducing the results in the project. We acknowledge the Chinese ‘Thousand Youth Talents Plan’, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant 21672097), and the ‘Innovation & Entrepreneurship Talents Plan’ of Jiangsu Province in China (to Z.S.), and the National Science Foundation of the USA (CHE-1764328 to K.N.H.) for financial support.

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Authors and Affiliations



Z.S. conceived the project and directed the research. K.N.H. and Y. Liang supervised the mechanistic study. Z.S. and K.N.H. wrote the paper. J.L., B.Z. and M.W. performed the experiments. X.C. and X.-S.X. performed the DFT calculations. L.J. assisted with operando infrared spectroscopy experiments. Y.Z. performed the crystallographic studies. Y.Y., Y.H., Y. Lu, J.Z. and W.-Y.S. discussed the results.

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Correspondence to Kendall. N. Houk or Zhuangzhi Shi.

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Supplementary Information

This file contains: 1. General information; 2. Synthesis of substrates; 3. Investigation of reaction conditions; 4. Experimental procedures and characterization of products; 5. Applications of metal-free directed C-H borylation strategy; 6. Mechanistic investigations; 7. Crystallographic data; 8. References; and 9. Copies of 1H, 13C and 19F NMR spectra.

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Lv, J., Chen, X., Xue, XS. et al. Metal-free directed sp2-C–H borylation. Nature 575, 336–340 (2019).

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