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教育经历 2005/09-2008/12,中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,理学博士 工作经历 2016/03-至今,华中科技大学材料科学与工程学院,教授 2014/01-2016/02,美国乔治华盛顿大学,合作教授:Stuart Licht 2010/07-2013/12,美国德州大学埃尔帕索分校,合作教授:Luis Echegoyen 2009/09-2010/06,美国克莱姆森大学,合作教授:Luis Echegoyen(美国化学会主席)


新型纳米碳材料制备及性质研究 电化学储能(电池、电容器)、电催化研究 熔盐电化学制备纳米碳结构 光电功能材料组装及光电器件研究



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Longtao Zhu, Yinan Zhao, Wenhao Yang, Hsien-Yi Hsu, Ping Peng* Fang-Fang Li*, Low-temperature selective synthesis of metastable α-MoC with electrochemical properties: Electrochemical co-reduction of CO2 and MoO3 in molten salts, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cclet.2023.108583 Yaozhou Li, Tingting Xu, Qi Huang, Longtao Zhu, Yingying Yan, Ping Peng,* Fang-Fang Li* ,C60 Fullerenol to Stabilize and Activate Ru Nanoparticles for Highly Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Alkaline Media, ACS Catalysis,2023,13, 7597−7605. Ruiling Zhang, Yaozhou Li, Xuan Zhou, Ao Yu, Qi Huang, Tingting Xu, Longtao Zhu, Ping Peng,* Shuyan Song,* Luis Echegoyen,* Fang-Fang Li*, Single-atomic platinum on fullerene C60 surfaces for accelerated alkaline hydrogen evolution, Nature Communications, (2023) 14:2460. Shaoting Yang, Xinyi Zhou, Yajing Hu, Laura Abella, Yang-Rong Yao, Ping Peng, Qianyan Zhang,* Antonio Rodríguez-Fortea,* Josep M. Poblet, Fang-Fang Li†*, Effects of solvents on reaction products: synthesis of endohedral metallofullerene oxazoline and epoxide, J. Org. Chem. 2023, 88, 7, 4234–4243. Ao Yu, Yinan Zhao, Longtao Zhu, Wenhao Yang, Ping Peng,* Fang-Fang Li*. In-situ Ni-oxidation-assisted coupling reduction of NiO and CO2 to synthesize core-shell Ni@octahedral carbon with energy storage properties, Chem. Eng. J. 2023, 462, 142268. Ao Yu# , Wangtao Long# , Longtao Zhu, Yinan Zhao, Ping Peng,* Fang-Fang Li*, Transformation of postsynthesized F-MOF to Fe/N/F-tridoped carbon nanotubes as oxygen reduction catalysts for high power density Zn-air batteries, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2023,34,107860. Ao Yu‡, Zhiyao Peng‡, Yaozhou Li, Longtao Zhu, Ping Peng*, Fang-Fang Li*, Fullerene Derived Carbon Nanotubes and Their Electrocatalytic Properties in Oxygen reduction and Zn-air Batteries, ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces, 2022,14, 42337–42346. Rugeng Liu, Jiahong Wang, Chun Hong Mak, Minshu Du, Fang-Fang Li, Hsin-Hui Shen, Shella Permatasari Santoso, Edward T. Yu, Xuefeng Yu, Paul K. Chu, and Hsien-Yi Hsu, Optimizing Black Phosphorus/Halide Perovskite Compositions by Scanning Photoelectrochemical Microscopy, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2022, advanced article. Band-gap funneling in bismuth-based hybrid perovskite photocatalyst with efficient visible-light-driven hydrogen evolution, Small Methods, 2022, 6, 2200326. Yunqi Tang, Chun Hong Mak, Guohua Jia, Kuan-Chen Cheng,* Ji-Jung Kai, Chang-Wei Hsieh, Fanxu Meng, Wenxin Niu, Fang-Fang Li, Hsin-Hui Shen, Xunjin Zhu, Hao Ming Chen* and Hsien-Yi Hsu*, lead-free hybrid perovskite photocatalysts: surface engineering, charge-carrier behaviors, and solar-driven applications, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, 10, 12296-12316. Jingjing Wang†, Yang-Rong Yao†, Shaoting Yang, Xinyi Zhou, Ao Yu, Ping Peng,* and Fang-Fang Li *, Diversity of Metal–Fullerene Framework Structures Regulated by Metal Salts, Nanomaterials, 2022, 12, 1314. Ao Yu, Guoming Ma, Longtao Zhu, Ruiling Zhang, Yaozhou Li, Shaoting Yang, Hsien-Yi Hsu, Ping Peng* and Fang-Fang Li,* Conversion of CO2 to defective porous carbons in one electro-redox cycle for boosting electrocatalytic H2O2 production, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 307, 121161. 喻奥 马国铭 朱龙涛 彭平* 李芳芳*,电化学还原二氧化碳合成碳材料电催化还原氧气合成过氧化氢,《应用化学》, 2022, 39, 657-665. DOI: 10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.210320 Mingming Su, Yajing Hu, Shaoting Yang, Ao Yu, Ping Peng, Le Yang, Pen Jin, Bin Su and FangFang Li, Large-Area Endohedral Metallofullerene Single-Crystal Arrays for High-Performance Field-Effect Transistors and Photodetectors, Adv. Electron. Mater. 2021,2100753. Ao Yu, Guoming Ma, Longtao Zhu, Yajing Hu, Ruiling Zhang, Hsien-Yi Hsu, Ping Peng,* Fang-Fang Li,* Electrochemically Controlled In-situ Conversion of CO2 to Defective Carbon Nanotubes for Enhanced H2O2 Production, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 15973-15980. Ao Yu, Guoming Ma, Jintian Jiang, Yajing Hu, Mingming Su, Wangtao Long, Shixin Gao, Hsien-Yi Hsu, Ping Peng,* Fang-Fang Li,* Bio‐inspired and Eco‐friendly Synthesis of 3D Spongy Meso‐Microporous Carbons from CO2 for Supercapacitors, Chem. Eur. J., 2021, 27, 10405-10412. Yajing Hu, YangRong Yao, Xuechen Liu, Ao Yu, Xiaoming Xie, Laura Abella, Antonio Rodríguez-Fortea, Josep M. Poblet, Takeshi Akasaka, Ping Peng, Qianyan Zhang,* Su-Yuan Xie, Fang-Fang Li* and Xing Lu*, Unexpected Formation of 1,2- and 1,4-Bismethoxyl Sc3N@C80 Derivatives via Regioselective Anion Addition: Unambiguous Structural Identification and Mechanism Study, Chem. Sci., 2021, 12, 8123-8130. Yong Peng, Hao Wu, Mingjian Yuan, Fang-Fang Li, Xingli Zou, Yun Hau Ng and Hsien-Yi Hsu,* Chemical reduction-induced surface oxygen vacancies of BiVO4 photoanodes with enhanced photoelectrochemical performance, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2021, 5, 2284-2293. Zhiyao Peng, Mingming Su, Jintian Jiang, Guoming Ma, Ruiling Zhang, Ao Yu, Ping Peng* and Fang-Fang Li* , From 3D Hierarchical Microspheres to 1D Microneedles: The Unique Role of Water in Morphology Control of Ferrocenylpyrrolidine C60 Microcrystals, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 6030-6037. Zhiyao Peng, Qinglong Jiang, Ping Peng,* and Fang-Fang Li*, NH3-activated fullerene derivative hierarchical microstructures to porous Fe3O4/N-C for oxygen reduction reaction and Zn-air battery, Engineered Science, 2021, 14, 27-38. Mingming Su, Yajing Hu, Ao Yu, Zhiyao Peng, Wangtao Long, Shixin Gao, Ping Peng,* Bin Su, Fang-Fang Li,* Molecular engineering for high-performance fullerene broadband photodetectors, Nanoscale Advances, 2021, 3, 1096-1105. Ao Yu, Guoming Ma, Jiawen Ren, Ping Peng, and Fang-Fang Li*, Sustainable Carbons and Fuels: Recent Advances of CO2 Conversion in Molten Salts, ChemSusChem, 2020,13, 6229-6245. Sijie Liu, Sian Chen, Ao Yu, Yajing Hu, Bingzhe Yu, Haining Wang, Ping Peng,* Fang-Fang Li*, Confined pyrolysis of a dye pollutant for two-dimensional F,N,S tri- doped nanocarbon as a high performance oxidative coupling reaction catalyst, Green Chem. 2020, 22, 7839-7847. Jintian Jiang, Daoyuan Wang, Mingfang Wu, Ping Peng, Fang-Fang Li, Faqian Liu, Renwei Jing, Xuedan Ma, Yan Chao, Zhili Xiao and Qinglong Jiang, Ultrasonication-assisted trace amount solvent synthesis of Cs4PbBr6 crystal with ultra-bright green light emission. APL Materials, 2020, 8, 071115. Yajing Hu, Albert Solé-Daura, Yang-Rong Yao, Xuechen Lou, Sijie Liu, Ao Yu, Ping Peng,* Josep M. Poblet, Antonio Rodríguez-Fortea,* Luis Echegoyen,* and Fang-Fang Li*, Chemical Reactions of Cationic Metallofullerenes: An Alternative Route for Exohedral Functionalization, Chem. Eur. J., 2020, 26, 1748 – 1753. Xinye Liu, Fang-Fang Li, Ping Peng, G. Licht; Stuart Licht*, Efficient Electrocatalytic Synthesis of Ammonia from Water and Air in a Membrane-free Cell: Confining the Iron-oxide Catalyst to the Cathode, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2020, 1428–1436. Chun Song, Fang Ye, Sijie Liu, Fang-Fang Li, Yuxiong Huang, Rong Ji and Lijuan Zhao, Thorough utilization of rice husk: metabolite extracts for silver nanocomposite biosynthesis and residues for silica nanomaterials fabrication, New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 9201-9209. Jiawen Ren, Ao Yu, Ping Peng, Matthew Lefler, Fang-Fang Li*, Stuart Licht. Recent Advances in Solar Thermal Electrochemical Process (STEP) For Carbon Neutral Products and High Value Nano-Carbons. Acc. Chem. Res. 2019, 52, 11, 3177-3187. Zhiyao Peng, Yajing Hu, Jingjing Wang, Sijie Liu, Chenxi Li, Qinglong Jiang, Jun Lu, Xiaoqiao Zeng,* Ping Peng,* and Fang-Fang Li,* Fullerene-Based In Situ Doping of N, Fe into a 3D Cross-Like Hierarchical Carbon Composite for High-Performance Supercapacitors, Adv. Energy Mater. 2019, 1802928.(ESI高被引) Lijuan Zhao, Huiling Zhang, Jingjing Wang, Liyan Tian, Fang-Fang Li, Sijin Liu, Jose R Peralta-Videa, Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey, Jason C. White, Yuxiong Huang, Arturo A. Keller, and Rong Ji, C60 Fullerols Enhance Copper Toxicity and Alter the Leaf Metabolite and Protein Profile in Cucumber,Environ. Sci. Technol., 2019, 53, 2171−2180. Sijie Liu, Liting Cui, Zhiyao Peng, Jingjing Wang, Yajing Hu, Ao Yu, Haining Wang,* Ping Peng,* Fang-Fang Li*, Eco-friendly synthesis of N,S co-doped hierarchical nanocarbon as highly efficient metal-free catalyst for reduction of nitroarenes, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 21764–21771. Ping Peng, Ao Yu, Jiawen Ren,* Fang-Fang Li,* Electrolytic Carbons from CO2 and Their Applications, ES Energy & Environ., 2018, 2, 9-20. Fang-Fang Li, R. Singhal, Jiawen Ren, M. Johnson, M. Lefler and S. Licht*, Solar electrochemical thermal process (STEP) ammonia: Optimization of the electrolysis conditions, ChemRxiv, 2018. Ping Peng, Fang -Fang Li, Xinye Liu, Jiawen Ren, Jessica. Stuart, M. Lefler, M. Johnson, J. Vicini, Stuart Licht*, Chemical transformation of Fe, air & water to ammonia: variation of reaction rate with temperature, pressure, alkalinity, and iron, ChemRxiv, 2018. Lipiao Bao, † Ping Peng, † Xing Lu, * Bonding inside and outside Fullerene Cages, Acc. Chem. Res., 2018, 51, 810–815. Wangqiang Shen, Lipiao Bao, Y. Wu, Changwang Pan, Shasha Zhao, Hongyun Fang, Yunpeng Xie, Peng Jin,* Ping Peng,* Fang-Fang Li,* and Xing Lu,* Lu2@C2n (2n = 82, 84, 86): Crystallographic Evidence of Direct Lu−Lu Bonding between Two Divalent Lutetium Ions Inside Fullerene Cages, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2017, 139, 9979−9984. Muqing Chen, Wangqiang Shen, Ping Peng, Lipiao Bao, Shasha Zhao, Yunpeng Xie, Peng Jin,* Hongyun Fang,* Fang-Fang Li,* and Xing Lu,* Evidence of Oxygen Activation in the Reaction between an N-Heterocyclic Carbene and M3N@Ih(7)−C80: An Unexpected Method of Steric Hindrance Release J. Org. Chem., 2017, 82, 3500–3505. Fang-Fang Li, Baohui Wang, Stuart Licht,* Sustainable electrochemical synthesis of large grain or catalyst sized iron , J. Sustain. Metall., 2016, 2, 405–415. (Cover Paper) Wenting Cai, Fang-Fang Li, Lipiao Bao, Yun-Peng, Xie, Xing Lu,* Isolation and Crystallographic Characterization of La2C2@Cs(574)-C102 and La2C2@C2(816)-C104: Evidences for the Top-Down Formation Mechanism of Fullerenes, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138, 6670−6675. Muqing Chen, LipiaoBao, Ping Peng, Wei Dai, Yunpeng Xie, Takeshi Akasaka and Xing Lu. Rigid tether directed regioselective synthesis and crystallographic characterization of labile 1,2,3,4-bis(triazolino)[60]fullerene and its thermolized derivatives. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 128, 12066-12070.
