2011.08-2012.09 美国俄勒冈州立大学 国家公派联合培养博士
2003.09-2013.06 南京农业大学植物保护学院 本科、硕博连读
2016.12-至今 南京农业大学植物保护学院 副教授
2013.06-2016.12 南京农业大学植物保护学院 讲师
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 32172374,2022.01-2025.12,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 31972250,2020.01-2023.12,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 31772140,2018.01-2021.12,主持
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目 31401688,2015.01-2017.12,主持
5. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目 KJQN201507,2015.01-2017.12,主持
6. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目 BK20140698,2014.07-2017.06,主持
7. 国家重点研发计划项目 2018YFD0201000,2018.07-2020.12,骨干
8. 公益性行业(农业)科研专项项目 201303018,2013.01-2017.12,骨干
发表论文 90 余篇,其中:以第一作者或通讯作者在 PNAS、PLoS Pathogens、
Current Opinion in Microbiology、MPP、MPMI(4 篇)、BMC Genomics、
Plant Disease(2 篇)、Plant Pathology 等期刊发表论文 26 篇,以共同作者在
Science、Cell Host &Microbe、PNAS、Plant Cell、Nature Communications、
PLoS Pathogens、Genome Biology 等期刊发表论文 60 余篇。
获得计算机软件著作权 1 件,申请国家发明专利 3 件。
获得教育部自然科学一等奖(2015, 6/15)和大北农植物保护奖(2017, 6/8)。
生物信息学序列搜索与分析软件 SeqHunter(下载)[Ye W, Wang Y, Dou D*.SeqHunter: a bioinformatics toolbox for local Blast and sequence analysis.Chinese Journal of Bioinformatics 2010;软件著作权: 2010SR08189]。
生产服务: 大豆病害诊断、病原检测(疫)、品种抗性鉴定、绿色综合防控。
1. Feng H, Wan C, Zhang Z, Chen H, Li Z, Jiang H, Yin M, Dong S, Dou D, Wang
Y, Zheng X, Ye W*: Specific interaction of an RNA-binding protein with the
3′-UTR of its target mRNA is critical to oomycete sexual reproduction. PLoS
Pathogens 2021.
2. He J#, Ye W# (co-first author), Choi DS#, Wu B, Zhai Y, Guo B, Duan S, Wang
Y, Gan J, Ma W*, Ma J*: Structural analysis of Phytophthora suppressor of
RNA silencing 2 (PSR2) reveals a conserved modular fold contributing to
virulence. PNAS 2019.
3. Ye W, Ma W*: Filamentous pathogen effectors interfering with small RNA
silencing in plant hosts. Current Opinion in Microbiology 2016.
4. Wang Y, Ye W*, Wang Y: Genome-wide identification of long non-coding
RNAs suggests a potential association with effector gene transcription in
Phytophthora sojae. Molecular Plant Pathology 2018.
5. Ye W, Wang Y, Shen D, Li D, Pu T, Jiang Z, Zhang Z, Zheng X, Tyler B, Wang
Y*: Sequencing of the litchi downy blight pathogen reveals it is a
Phytophthora species with downy mildew-like characteristics. Molecular
Plant-Microbe Interactions 2016.
6. Ye W, Wang X, Tao K, Lu Y, Dai T, Dong S, Dou D, Gijzen M, Wang Y*: Digital
gene expression profiling of the Phytophthora sojae transcriptome.
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 2011.
7. Ye W, Wang Y, Dong S, Tyler B, Wang Y*: Phylogenetic and transcriptional
analysis of an expanded bZIP transcription factor family in Phytophthora
sojae. BMC Genomics 2013.
8. Feng H, Ye W*, Liu Z, Wang Y, Chen J, Wang Y, Zheng X: Development of
LAMP assays using a novel target gene for specific detection of Pythium
terrestris, Pythium spinosum, and "Candidatus Pythium huanghuaiense".
Plant Disease 2021.
9. Feng H, Chen J, Yu Z, Li K, Li Z, Li Y, Sun Z, Wang Y, Ye W*, Zheng X*:
Pathogenicity and fungicide sensitivity of Pythium and Phytopythium spp.
associated with soybean in the Huang-Huai region of China. Plant
Pathology 2020.
10. Ye W, Zeng D, Xu M, Yang J, Ma J, Wang Y, Zheng X*: A LAMP-assay-based
specific microbiota analysis reveals community dynamics and potential
interactions of 13 major soybean root pathogens. Journal of Integrative
Agriculture 2020.
1. 学术期刊编委: Frontiers in Microbiology/Frontiers in Genetics [专题主编- Genomics and effectomics of filamentous plant pathogens, 2021]。
2. 学术论文评审: Mol Plant、New Phytologist、Mol Plant Microbe Interact、Mol Plant Pathol、Mol Microbiol、Engineering、BMC Biology、BMC Genomics、Fungal Genet Biol、Phytopathology、Plant Growth Regul、J Integr Agric、植物病理学报、植物保护等期刊。