◆ 2007年11月 香港浸会大学计算机科学系 博士学位
◆ 2002年和2004年 哈尔滨工业大学 学士和硕士学位
◆ 《计算机组成与体系结构II》
◆ 《信息安全管理》
◆ 《信息内容安全》
◆ 2016年10月 华南理工大学计算机科学与工程学院 副教授
◆ 2013年9月-2014年9月 纽约大学Tandon工学院计算机科学与工程系访问学者
◆ 2013年3月-2016年9月 江南大学 数字媒体学院 副教授
◆ 2009年7月-2013年2月 中山大学 信息科学与技术学院 讲师
◆ 2008年1月至2009年3月 法国EURECOM研究院 博士后
◆新型基础设施的自动网络攻防对抗关键技术,广东省重点领域研发计划项目(2019B010137004),2019.1- 2021.12,子课题负责人;
◆ 图像与视频内容安全、图像可逆变换、隐私保护;
◆ 同态加密,加密域信息隐藏;
◆ 应用密码学,区块链
1. Hao-Tian Wu, Qi Huang, Yiu-ming Cheung*, Lingling Xu, Shaohua Tang, “Reversible contrast enhancement for medical images with background segmentation”, IET Image Processing, Vol.14, No.2, pp. 327-336, February, 2020.
2. Hao-Tian Wu*, Yue Wu, Zhihao Guan, Yiu-ming Cheung, “Lossless contrast enhancement of color images with reversible data hiding”, Entropy, Vol. 21, no.9, 910, 2019.
3. Hao-Tian Wu*, Yiu-ming Cheung, Zhiyuan Yang, Shaohua Tang, “A high-capacity reversible data hiding method in homomorphic encrypted images”, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol.62, pp.87-96, July 2019.
4. Hao-Tian Wu, Weiqi Mai, Shuyi Meng, Yiu-ming Cheung*, Shaohua Tang, “Reversible data hiding with image contrast enhancement based on two-dimensional histogram modification”, IEEE Access, vol.7, pp.83332-83342, 2019.
5. Hao-Tian Wu, Zhiyuan Yang, Yiu-ming Cheung*, Lingling Xu, Shaohua Tang, “High-capacity reversible data hiding in encrypted images by bit plane partition and MSB prediction”, IEEE Access, vol.7, pp. 62361-62371, 2019.
6. Hao-Tian Wu *, Shaohua Tang, Jiwu Huang, Yun-Qing Shi, “A novel reversible data hiding method with image contrast enhancement”, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol.62, pp.64-73, March, 2018.
7. Hao-Tian Wu*, Yiu-ming Cheung, Jiwu Huang, “Reversible data hiding method in Paillier cryptosystem”, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol.40, Part B, pp.765-771, 2016.
8. Yun-Qing Shi*, Xiaolong Li, Xinpeng Zhang, Hao-Tian Wu, Bin Ma,“Reversible data hiding: Advances in the past two decades,”Vol.4, pp.3210-3237, IEEE Access, 2016. (ESI)
9. Hao-Tian Wu*, Jiwu Huang, Yun-Qing Shi, “A reversible data hiding method with contrast enhancement for medical images”, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol.31, pp.146-153, 2015.
10. Hao-Tian Wu*, Jean-Luc Dugelay, Yun-Qing Shi, “Reversible image data hiding method with contrast enhancement”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol.22, No.1, pp. 81-85, January, 2015.
11. Yaobo Xia, Bowen Zhao, Shaohua Tang, Hao-Tian Wu*, “Repot: real‐time and privacy-preserving online task assignment for mobile crowdsensing”, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (4), e4035, 2020.
12. Yun Jiang, Bowen Zhao, Shaohua Tang, Hao-Tian Wu*, “A Verifiable and Privacy-Preserving Multi-Dimensional Data Aggregation Scheme in Mobile Crowdsensing”, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (4), e4008, 2020.
13. 吴昊天, 唐洪祥, 王建明. 一种JPEG图像可逆视觉变换算法[J]. 华南理工大学学报 (自然科学版), 2018, 46(5): 22-27.
14. Hao-tian Wu, Shaohua Tang and Jean-Luc Dugelay, “Image reversible visual transformation based on MSB replacement and histogram bin mapping,” Proc.the 2018 10thInternational Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI), pp.813-818, Xiamen, 2018.
15.Hao-Tian Wu, Yiu-ming Cheung, Zhenwei Zhuang, et al. , “Reversible Data Hiding in Homomorphic Encrypted Images Without Preprocessing”, Proc. World Conference on information security applications, 2019: 141-154.
16. Zhihao Guan, and Hao-Tian Wu, A Reversible Contrast Enhancement Scheme For Color Images. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2020.