张明立 吉林省扶余县人,1962年9月出生,博士,教授,博士生导师,中国市场学会常务理事,中国高等院校市场学研究会理事。自1986年起一直从事市场营销学科的教学和科研工作,主要研究领域为市场营销理论、营销战略与策略、价值营销、顾客价值、品牌管理、服务营销、关系营销、顾客资产、消费者行为等,负责并完成了国家自然科学基金、世界银行、国际合作等课题十余项,并为二十余家中外企业完成了市场调研、市场营销战略、营销策划的课题研究工作,发表学术论文50余篇,主编教材四部。
Zhang, Mingli, Zhang Yan, Zhao Lu. "What drives online course sales? Signaling effects of user-generated information in the paid knowledge market."Journal of Business Research 118 (2020): 389-397.(SSCI)
Luo, Nuan, Wang Yu,Zhang Mingli*. "Integrating community and e-commerce to build a trusted online second-hand platform: Based on the perspective of social capital."Technological Forecasting and Social Change 153 (2020): 1-7.(SSCI)
Qi Dan,Zhang Mingli,Zhang Yan,“Resource integration, value co-creation and continuance intention in MOOCs learning process”,Interactive Learning Environments,2020,Online.(SSCI)
Zhang Yan,Zhang mingli,Luo Nuan,Wang Yu,Niu Tao. "Understanding the formation mechanism of high-quality knowledge in social question and answer communities: A knowledge co-creation perspective."International Journal of Information Management 48 (2019): 72-84.(SSCI)
Lu Nuan,Zhang Yan,Zhang Mingli*,“Retaining learners by establishing harmonious relationships in e-learning environment”,Interactive Learning Environments,2019,14:118-131.(SSCI)
Qiao Tong, ShanWei,Zhang Mingli. "How to facilitate knowledge diffusion in complex networks: The roles of network structure, knowledge role distribution and selection rule."International Journal of Information Management 47 (2019): 152-167.(SSCI)
Luo Nuan, Wang Yu, Jin Cunhua, Ni Yuan,Zhang Mingli*. Effects of socialization interactions on customer engagement in online travel communities.Internet Research.2019,29(6):1509-1522(SCI/SSC)
Zhang Mingli,Hu Mu,Guo Lingyun, et al. Understanding relationships among customer experience, engagement, and word-of-mouth intention on online brand communities: The perspective of Service Ecosystem[J].Internet Research,2017,27(4):839-857(SCI/SSC)
Hu mu,Zhang Mingli,Wang Yu. Why do audiences choose to keep watching on live video streaming platforms? An explanation of dual identification framework[J].Computers in Human Behavior, 75 (2017) 594-606(SSCI)
Luo Nuan,Zhang Mingli,Qi Dan. Effects of different interactions on students' sense of community in e-learning environment[J].Computers & Education, 2017, 115: 153-160.(SSCI)
Zhang Mingli,Guo Lingyun,Hu Mu, Wan Zhenhua, et al. Influence of customer engagement with company social networks on stickiness: Mediating effect of customer value creation[J].International Journal of Information Management,37 (2017):229–240(SSCI)
Guo Lingyun,Zhang Mingli,et al."Transforming followers into fans: a study of Chinese users of the WeChat Official Account",Online Information Review,2017,41(7):1029-1045(SSCI)
Zhang Mingli,Luo Nuan. Understanding relationship benefits from harmonious brand community on social media[J].Internet Research, 2016, 26(4): 809-826.(SCI/SSCI)
Luo Nuan,Zhang mingli,Hu Mu,Wang Yu,et al. How community interactions contribute to harmonious community relationships and customers’ identification in online brand community[J].International Journal of Information Management, 2016, 36(5): 673-685.(SSCI)
Hu Mu,Zhang Mingli,Luo Nuan. Understanding participation on video sharing communities: The role of self-construal and community interactivity[J].Computers in Human Behavior,2016, 62: 105-115.(SSCI)
Luo Nuan,Zhang Mingli,Liu Wenhua. The effects of value co-creation practices on building harmonious brand community and achieving brand loyalty on social media in China[J].Computers in Human Behavior, 2015, 48: 492-499.(SSCI)
Zhang, Suopeng,Zhang, Mingli,Yu, Xueying,Ren, Hao,What keepsChinese from recycling: Accessibility of recycling facilities and the behavior,Resources, Conservation and Recycling,2016.6.01,109:176~186(SCI)
Guo Lingyun,Zhang Mingli,Wang Yu,“Effects of customer psychological characteristics on customer engagement behavior in company social networks”.Social Behavior and Personality.Volume 44, Issue 10, 2016.(SSCI)
Zhang Zaixiao,Zhang Mingli Salespersons’ Guanxi Orientation, Communication, and Manifest Conflict: An Empirical Study in China.Psychology and Marketing,Vol. 31(9): 786–800 (September 2014)(SSCI)
Zhang Zaixiao,Zhang Mingli,Guanxi, Communication, Power, and Conflict in Industrial Buyer-Seller Relationships: Mitigations Against the Cultural Background of Harmony in China.Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing.20(2):99–117,May2013(SSCI)
张明立 任淑霞.参与情景下顾客心理感知对关系利益的实证检验清华大学学报(自然科学版)2014.5:164-171
许月恒.张明立,任淑霞 物流服务业服务品牌对客户关系感知的影响研究.管理学报2013年(10).5期:730-739
唐塞丽,张明立,许月恒 关系利益在零售业忠诚计划和顾客忠诚中的中介效应研究管理学报2012年(9)3期:421-445
贾薇 张明立 李东.基于顾客参与的心理契约对顾客价值影响机制研究.管理工程学报,2010.4:20-28
王宝 张明立 李国峰.顾客价值测量体系研究.中国软科学,2010.2:142-152
邵景波 张明立 唐桂.文化要素对顾客资产关系驱动要素的影响——在中美文化背景下的差异研究.预测,2010.1:8-14
贾薇 张明立.顾客价值在顾客参与和顾客满意关系中的中介效应研究.中国工业经济,2009.4:105-115