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BA, Biology, University of Virginia PhD, Biology, Purdue University


Chemical Biology


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Tan, Z, Pionek, K, Unchwaniwala, N, Maguire, ML, Loeb, DD A Zlotnick (2015) The interface between HBV capsid proteins affects self-assembly, pgRNA packaging, and reverse transcription. J Virol, epub Jan 7. Harms, ZD, Haywood, DG, Kneller, AR, Selzer, L, Zlotnick, A, Jacobson, SC (2015) Single-Particle Electrophoresis in Nanochannels. Analytical Chemistry 6, 699-705. Kukreja, A, Wang, J C-Y, Pierson, EE, Kiefer, DZ, Dragnea, B, Jarrold, MF, Zlotnick, A (2014) Structurally Similar Woodchuck and Human Hepadnavirus Core Proteins Have Distinctly Different Temperature Dependences of Assembly. J Virol, 24, 14105-15. Selzer, L, Katen, SP, Zlotnick, A (2014) Structural Changes at the HBV Core Protein Intra-dimer Interface Modulate Capsid Assembly and Stability. Biochemistry? 53, 5496-504. PMC4151697 Wang, J C-Y, Nickens, DG, Lenz, TB, Loeb, DD, Zlotnick, A (2014) Encapsidated hepatitis B virus reverse transcriptase is poised on an ordered RNA lattice. PNAS 111, 11329-34. PMC4128116to be presented in the textbook: Flint et al, Principles of Virology Pierson, EE, Kiefer, DZ, Selzer, L, Lee, LS, Contino, NC, Wang, JC-Y, Zlotnick, A, Jarrold, MF (2014) Detection of Late Intermediates in Virus Capsid Assembly by Charge Detection Mass Spectrometry. JACS 136, 3536-41.? PMC3985884 Kler, S, Wang, J C-Y, Dhason, M, Oppenheim, A, Zlotnick, A (2013) Scaffold properties are a key determinant of the size and shape of self-assembled virus-derived particles. ACS Chemical Biology 8, 2753-61. PMC3870028 Katen, SP, Tan, Z, Chirapu, SR, Finn, MG, Zlotnick, A (2013) The structure of HBV is distorted by phenylpropenamide assembly effectors. Structure 21, 1406-16. PMC3756818 Zlotnick, A, Porterfield, JZ, Wang, JC-Y (2013) To build a virus on nucleic acid substrates. Biophysical Journal 104, 1595-1604.? PMC3617413 Tan, Z., Maguire, M. Loeb, D.D., Zlotnick, A. (2013) Genetically altering the thermodynamics and kinetics of Hepatitis B Virus capsid assembly has profound effects on virus replication in cell culture. J Virol 87-3208-16. PMC3592155 Li, L., Chirapu, SR, Finn, Zlotnick, A (2013). Phase diagrams map the properties of anti-viral agents directed against Hepatitis B virus core assembly. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemother 57, 1505-8. PMC3591873
