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Analytical Chemistry


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I. Mitra, S.P. Marczak, S.C. Jacobson "Microchip Electrophoresis at Elevated Temperatures and High Separation Field Strengths" Electrophoresis, 35, 374–378, 2014 [article...] I. Mitra, W.R. Alley Jr., J.A. Goetz, J.A. Vasseur, M.V. Novotny, S.C. Jacobson "Comparative Profiling of N-Glycans Isolated from Serum Samples of Ovarian Cancer Patients and Analyzed by Microchip Electrophoresis" Journal of Proteome Research, 12, 4490–4496, 2013 [article...] A.M. Amin, R. Thakur, S.M. Madren, H-S. Chuang, M. Thottethodi, T. N. Vijaykumar, S.T. Wereley, S.C. Jacobson "Software-programmable Continuous-flow Multi-purpose Lab-on-a-Chip" Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 15, 647-659, 2013 [article...] S.M. Madren, M.D. Hoffman, P.J.B. Brown, D.T. Kysela, Y.V. Brun, S.C. Jacobson "Microfluidic Device for Automated Synchronization of Bacterial Cells" Analytical Chemistry, 84, 8571–8578, 2012 [article...] I. Mitra, Z. Zhuang, Y. Zhang, C-Y. Yu, Z.T. Hammoud, H. Tang, Y. Mechref, S.C. Jacobson "N-Glycan Profiling by Microchip Electrophoresis to Differentiate Disease-States Related to Esophageal Adenocarcinoma" Analytical Chemistry, 84, 3621–3627, 2012 [article...] J.M. Perry, Z.D. Harms, S.C. Jacobson "3D Nanofluidic Channels Shaped by Electron-Beam-Induced Etching" Small, 8, 1521–1526, 2012 [article...] D. Hlushkou, J.M. Perry, S.C. Jacobson, U. Tallarek "Propagating Concentration Polarization and Ionic Current Rectification in a Nanochannel-Nanofunnel Device" Analytical Chemistry, 84, 267-274, 2012 [article...] Z.D. Harms, K.B. Mogensen, P.S. Nunes, K. Zhou, B.W. Hildenbrand, I. Mitra, Z. Tan, A. Zlotnick, J.P. Kutter, S.C. Jacobson "Nanofluidic Devices with Two Pores in Series for Resistive-Pulse Sensing of Single Virus Capsids" Analytical Chemistry, 83, 9573-9578, 2011 [article...] K. Zhou, J.M. Perry, and S.C. Jacobson "Transport and Sensing in Nanofluidic Devices" Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry, 4, 321-341, 2011 [article...] K. Zhou, L. Li, Z. Tan, A. Zlotnick, S. C. Jacobson "Characterization of Hepatitis B Virus Capsids by Resistive-Pulse Sensing" Journal of the American Chemical Society 33, 1618-1621, 2011 [article...] Z. Zhuang, I. Mitra, A. Hussein, M. V. Novotny, Y. Mechref, S. C. Jacobson "Microchip Electrophoresis of N-glycans on Serpentine Separation Channels with Asymmetrically Tapered Turns" Electrophoresis 32, 246-253, 2011 [article...] M.L. Kovarik, P.J. Brown, D.T. Kysela, C. Berne, A.C. Kinsella, Y.V. Brun, and S.C. Jacobson "Microchannel-Nanopore Device for Bacterial Chemotaxis Assays" Analytical Chemistry 82, 9357–9364, 2010 [article...] J.M. Perry, K. Zhou, Z. Harms, and S.C. Jacobson, "Ion Transport in Nanofluidic Funnels," ACS Nano, 4, 3897–3902, 2010 [article...] H. Chuang, S.C. Jacobson, S.T. Wereley "A Diffusion-based Cyclic Particle Extractor" Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 9, 743-753 2010 [article...] M.L. Kovarik, K. Zhou, and S.C. Jacobson, "Effect of Conical Nanopore Diameter on Ion Current Rectification," The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113, 15960–15966, 2009 [article...] M.L. Kovarik and S.C. Jacobson, "Nanofluidics in Lab-on-a-Chip Devices," Analytical Chemistry, 81, 7133-7140, 2009 [article...] Z. Zhuang, S.C. Jacobson, "Serial-to-parallel Interfaces for Efficient Sample Transfer on Microfluidic Devices," Analytical Chemistry, 81, 1477-81,2009. [article...] R. An, M.D. Hoffman, M.A. Donoghue, A.J. Hunt and S.C. Jacobson, "Water-Assisted Femtosecond Laser Machining of Electrospray Nozzles on Glass Microfluidic Devices," Optics Express, 16, 15206-15211, 2008. [article...] K. Zhou, M.L. Kovarik and S.C. Jacobson, "Surface-Charge Induced Ion Depletion and Sample Stacking near Single Nanopores in Microfluidic Devices," Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130, 68614-8616, 2008. [article...] A. Amin, M.S. Thottethodi, T.N. Vijaykumar, S.T. Wereley, and S.C. Jacobson, "Automatic Volume Management for Programmable Microfluidics," Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI-2008), 56-67, 2008. [article...] O. Gustafsson, K.B. Mogensen, P.D. Ohlsson, Y. Liu, S.C. Jacobson, and J.P. Kutter, "Electrochromatography Chip with Integrated Waveguides for UV Absorbance Detection," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 18, 055021, 2008. [article...]
