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Analytical Chemistry


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Reminiscences of a simple country chemist, Mass Spectrometry Reviews, accepted 5 November 2013 -- invited. High levels of organophosphate flame retardants in the Great Lakes atmosphere, Environmental Science and Technology Letters, accepted 11 September 2013; with A. Salamova, Y. Ma, and M. Venier. Differences in spatiotemporal variations of atmospheric PAH levels between North America and Europe: Data from two air monitoring projects, Environment International, 64C, 48-55 (2014); with L. Y. Liu, P. Kukucka, M. Venier, A. Salamova, and J. Klanova. Has the phase-out of PBDEs affected their environmental levels? Trends of PBDEs and their replacements in the Great Lakes atmosphere, Environmental Science and Technology, 47, 11457-11464 (2013); with Y. Ma, A. Salamova, and M. Venier. Post-1990 temporal trends of PCBs and organochlorine pesticides in the atmosphere and in fish from Lakes Erie, Michigan, and Superior, Environmental Science and Technology, 47, 9109-9114 (2013); with A. Salamova, T. Holsen, and J. Pagano. Science in TSCA reform. Chemical & Engineering News, 91, 3-3 (12 August 2013); with R. Lohmann and H. M. Stapleton. Science should guide TSCA reform: A viewpoint. Environmental Science and Technology, 47, 8995-8996 (2013); with R. Lohmann and H. M. Stapleton. Electron impact, electron capture negative ionization, and positive chemical ionization mass spectra of organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers, Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 48, 931-936 (2013); with Yuning Ma. Brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in tree bark from around the globe, Environmental Science and Technology, 47, 349-354 (2013); with A. Salamova. Tribromophenoxy Flame Retardants in the Great Lakes Atmosphere, Environmental Science and Technology, 46, 13112–13117 (2012); with Y. Ma and M. Venier. Bromobenzene Flame Retardants in the Great Lakes Atmosphere, Environmental Science and Technology, 46, 8653–8660 (2012); with M. Venier and Y. Ma. 2-Ethylhexyl Tetrabromobenzoate and Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Tetrabromophthalate Flame Retardants in the Great Lakes Atmosphere, Environmental Science and Technology, 46, 204-208 (2012); with Y. Ma and M. Venier. Kinetic isotope effects and rate constants for the gas-phase reactions of three deuterated toluenes with OH from 298-413 K, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 44, 821-827 (2012); with D. Kim and P. S. Stevens. Temporal trends of persistent organic compounds: A comparison of different time series models, Environmental Science and Technology, 46, 3928–3934 (2012); with M. Venier, H. Hung, W. Tych. Dechlorane Plus in the atmosphere and precipitation near the Great Lakes, Environmental Science and Technology, 45, 9924-9930 (2011); with A. Salamova. Discontinued and alternative brominated flame retardants in the atmosphere and precipitation from the Great Lakes Basin, Environmental Science and Technology, 45, 8698-8706 (2011); with A. Salamova. Dechlorane Plus and related compounds in the environment: A review, Environmental Science and Technology, 45, 5088-5098 (2011); with E. Sverko, G. T. Tomy, E. J. Reiner, Y. F. Li, B. E. McCarry, J. A. Arnot, and R. J. Law. Flame retardants in the serum of pet dogs and in their food, Environmental Science and Technology, 45, 4602-4608 (2011); with M. Venier. Rate constants for the gas-phase reactions of OH and O3 with, β-ocimene, β-myrcene, and α- and β-farnesene as a function of temperature, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 115, 500-506 (2011); with D. Kim and P. S Stevens. Radical dependence of the yields of methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone from the OH-initiated oxidation of isoprene under NOx-free conditions, Environmental Science and Technology, 45, 923-929 (2011); with M. A. Navarro, S. Dusanter, and P. S. Stevens. Dioxins: An overview and history, Environmental Science and Technology, 45, 16-20 (2011) [an invited feature article]. Toward identifying the next generation of Superfund and hazardous waste site contaminants, Environmental Health Perspectives, 119, 6-10 (2011); with W. P. Ela, D. L. Sedlak, and 20 others [a workshop report]. Time trend analysis of atmospheric POPs concentrations near the Great Lakes since 1990, Environmental Science and Technology, 44, 8050-8055 (2010); with M. Venier. Evaluation of tree bark as a passive atmospheric sampler for flame retardants, PCBs, and organochlorine pesticides, Environmental Science and Technology, 44, 6196-6201 (2010); with A. Salamova. Flame retardants and organochlorine pollutants in bald eagle plasma from the Great Lakes region, Chemosphere, 80, 1234-1240 (2010); with M. Venier, M. Wierda, and W. W. Bowerman. Regression model of partial pressures of PCBs, PAHs, and organochlorine pesticides in the Great Lakes’ atmosphere, Environmental Science and Technology, 44, 618-623 (2010); with M. Venier.
