The Food Production, Processing and Nutrition journal aims to provide a unique dedicated forum for publication of the highest quality and novel contributions in the field. Both fundamental research and applied areas are of interest and these extend to food production with respect to variety improvement and selection as well as green processing. Food safety, elimination of contaminants, and retention of nutrients and bioactive components that play a role in health promotion of consumers, are important aspects that will be covered. The journal publishes articles that deal with topics on food production and processing from farm to fork, and their influence on nutrition and health. Production technologies, absorption, bioavailability and personalized nutrition with consideration of gut microbiota are also of interest to the journal. Results may be communicated in the form of original research and reviews.
Aims and scope
Health benefits of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) against diabetes mellitus and cognitive dysfunction: a review
Meat quality, safety, dietetics, environmental impact, and alternatives now and ten years ago: a critical review and perspective
Low-cost extraction of multifaceted biological compounds from citrus waste using enzymes from Aspergillus Niger LBM 134
Use of flaxseed cake as a source of nutrients in the food industry and possible health benefits- a review
Plant food anti-nutritional factors and their reduction strategies: an overview
A comprehensive review on bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) as a gold mine of functional bioactive components for therapeutic foods
Edible insects as a food source: a review
Global seaweed farming and processing in the past 20 years
Aflatoxin contamination in food crops: causes, detection, and management: a review
Journal announcement
Indexed by DOAJ, FSTA, Scopus, ESCI, and Ei Compendex!
We are pleased to share the news that Food Production, Processing and Nutrition has been indexed by DOAJ, FSTA (Food Science and Technology Abstracts), Scopus, ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index), and Ei Compendex.
Article Processing Charge
Food Production, Processing and Nutrition levies an article-processing charge of EUR1990 /USD2390/ GBP1590 for non-solicited articles accepted and published in 2025.
Waiver or discount application for APCs is available when submitting the manuscript. Click to see the details.
Thematic series
Published collections
Natural Products and Bioactive Compounds in Food
Check the original articles and reviews of this special issue which report the updated and new findings on the structure, functionality, nutrition, and application of natural products.
Bioactive proteins and peptides
Bioactive proteins and peptides are considered as important ingredients in functional foods, nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals. The roles of bioactive proteins and peptides include antioxidant, antimicrobial, antihypertensive, immunomodulatory and other biological activities. This special issue has provided innovative, original research and comprehensive reviews that reflect the latest developments in the field.
Editorial Message from Editor-in-Chief
Professor Fereidoon Shahidi, Department of Biochemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Launching of the journal of Food Production, Processing and Nutrition (FPPN)
It is indeed my great pleasure to note the launching of FPPN. The aim of the journal is to fill the existing gap in the currently available literature outlets for gathering and reporting the latest research findings, opinion pieces and reviews on topics relevant to food production, processing and nutrition. The journal considers both fundamental research as well as applied and developmental areas leading to novel food formulations with improved characteristics that are not only safe and attractive but also ensure and promote the health of consumers. Improved production techniques, including novel cultivation, gene manipulation, chemistry, genomic, proteomic, lipidomic and foodomic are of interest. Use of innovative processing technologies to retain the nutrients and bioactive compounds as well as physical and chemically induced changes in food are covered in the journal. Full utilization of available resources and their processing by-products ensure food security and also provide bioacticve components and nutraceuticals that lead to health promotion and disease risk reduction and their use as dietary and possibly medicinal supplements.
The journal of Food Production, Processing and Nutrition is expected to capture findings, discoveries and developments in the field in the global arena. I encourage you to submit your findings and innovative research results and reviews to our new journal.
Fereidoon Shahidi
Editor-in-Chief of Food Production, Processing and Nutrition
Annual Journal Metrics
Citation Impact 2023
Journal Impact Factor: 4.0
5-year Journal Impact Factor: 5.1
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.429
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.797Speed 2024
Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 25
Submission to acceptance (median days): 198Usage 2024
Downloads: 549,142
Altmetric mentions: 100
The Food Production, Processing and Nutrition journal is affiliated with Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences.