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Probing the surface of γ-Al2O3 by oxygen-17 dynamic nuclear polarization enhanced solid-state NMR spectroscopy†
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-01 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1039/c8cp03132k
Wenzheng Li 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , Qiang Wang 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , Jun Xu 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , Fabien Aussenac 6, 7, 8 , Guodong Qi 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , Xingling Zhao 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , Pan Gao 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , Chao Wang 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , Feng Deng 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

γ-Al2O3 is an important catalyst and catalyst support of industrial interest. Its acid/base characteristics are correlated to the surface structure, which has always been an issue of concern. In this work, the complex (sub-)surface oxygen species on surface-selectively labelled γ-Al2O3 were probed by 17O dynamic nuclear polarization surface-enhanced NMR spectroscopy (DNP-SENS). Direct 17O MAS and indirect 1H–17O cross-polarization (CP)/MAS DNP experiments enable observation of the (sub-)surface bare oxygen species and hydroxyl groups. In particular, a two-dimensional (2D) 17O 3QMAS DNP spectrum was for the first time achieved for γ-Al2O3, in which two O(Al)4 and one O(Al)3 bare oxygen species were identified. The 17O isotropic chemical shifts (δcs) vary from 56.7 to 81.0 ppm and the quadrupolar coupling constants (CQ) range from 0.6 to 2.5 MHz for the three oxygen species. The coordinatively unsaturated O(Al)3 species is characterized by a higher field chemical shift (56.7 ppm) and the largest CQ value (2.5 MHz) among these oxygen sites. 2D 1H → 17O HETCOR DNP experiments allow us to discriminate three bridging (Aln)-μ2-OH and two terminal (Aln)-μ1-OH hydroxyl groups. The structural features of the bare oxygen species and hydroxyl groups are similar for the γ-Al2O3 samples isotopically labelled by 17O2 gas or H217O. The results presented here show that the combination of surface-selective labelling and DNP-SENS is an effective approach for characterizing oxides with complex surface species.


探测的表面的γ-Al 2 ö 3通过氧-17动态核极化增强的固态NMR光谱

的γ-Al 2 ö 3是一种重要的催化剂和催化剂载体的工业利益的。其酸/碱特性与表面结构相关,这一直是一个令人关注的问题。在这项工作中,在复杂的(子)表面氧种表面选择性标记的γ-Al 2 ö 3通过探查17 ö动态核极化表面增强NMR光谱(DNP-SENS)。直接的17 O MAS和间接的1 H – 17 O交叉极化(CP)/ MAS DNP实验可以观察(亚)表面裸露的氧种类和羟基。特别是二维(2D)17ø3QMAS DNP光谱为用于在γ-Al取得的第一次2 Ó 3,其中两个O(Al)的4和一个O(Al)的3种裸氧物质进行了鉴定。在17个Ô各向同性化学位移(δ CS)改变从56.7到81.0 ppm的和四极耦合常数(C ^ Q)的范围从0.6至2.5兆赫的三个氧物种。配位不饱和的O(Al)3物种的特征是在这些氧位置中具有较高的场化学位移(56.7 ppm)和最大C Q值(2.5 MHz)。2D 1小时→ 17øHETCOR DNP实验允许我们区分3个桥接(铝Ñ)-μ 2 -OH和两个终端(铝Ñ)-μ 1 -OH羟基基团。裸氧种类物质和羟基的结构特征是对于类似的γ-Al 2 ö 3通过同位素标记的样品17 Ò 2气体或H 2个17 O的结果这里介绍表明,表面选择性标记和DNP的组合-SENS是表征具有复杂表面物种的氧化物的有效方法。