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Nanostructured sapphire optical fiber embedded with Au nanorods for high-temperature plasmonics in harsh environments.
Optics Express ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-23 , DOI: 10.1364/oe.27.038125
Kai Liu , Jeffrey Wuenschell , Subhabrata Bera , Renhong Tang , Paul R. Ohodnicki , Henry Du

Sensors for harsh environments must exhibit robust sensing response and considerable thermal and chemical stability. We report the exploration of a novel all-alumina nanostructured sapphire optical fiber (NSOF) embedded with Au nanorods (Au NRs) for plasmonics-based sensing at high temperatures. Temperature dependence of the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of Au NRs was studied in conjunction with numerical calculations using the Drude model. It was found that LSPR of Au NRs changes markedly with temperature, red shifting and increasing in transmission amplitude as the temperature increases. Furthermore, this variation is highly localized through tunneling by overlapping the near-field of thin cladding and sapphire optical fiber. The NSOF embedded with Au NRs has the potential for sensing in advanced energy generation systems.



恶劣环境下的传感器必须表现出强大的感测响应以及相当高的热稳定性和化学稳定性。我们报告了一种新型的全氧化铝纳米结构的蓝宝石光纤(NSOF)嵌入金纳米棒(Au NRs)的探索,用于在高温下进行基于等离子的传感。结合使用Drude模型的数值计算,研究了金NRs的局部表面等离振子共振(LSPR)的温度依赖性。结果发现,随着温度的升高,Au NRs的LSPR随温度发生显着变化,红移并且透射幅度增大。此外,这种变化通过覆盖薄包层和蓝宝石光纤的近场而通过隧穿而高度局部化。嵌入Au NR的NSOF具有在先进的能源发电系统中进行传感的潜力。