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Heat Stroke
JAMA ( IF 63.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-26 , DOI: 10.1001/jama.2017.18780
Alan N. Peiris , Sarah Jaroudi , Rabiya Noor

To those who have chosen a career in the service of the Crown in the tropics, the subject of heat stroke is one of importance second to none. If an officer of our public services suffers from heat stroke at the outset of his career, he may either be compelled thus early to give up his chosen path in life, or, if he recover sufficiently to return to duty, he will always be subsequently liable to second attacks, and thus be debarred from participating in valuable appointments involving service in the hot plains. The especial object of this paper is to indicate a means of prophylaxis, which, in my own case, I have found exceedingly efficient. As I had, previously to the method to be later on described, suffered on four different occasions from the effects of the sun, it would seem that there is some value in it.


