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The changing global landscape of national cancer control plans
The Lancet Oncology ( IF 41.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-16 , DOI: 10.1016/s1470-2045(24)00405-4
Yannick Romero, Zuzanna Tittenbrun, Dario Trapani, Leslie Given, Karin Hohman, Mishka Kohli Cira, Kalina Duncan, Andre Ilbawi, Lisa M Stevens

Global efforts to highlight cancer and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) as a growing burden were first raised in 2005 World Health Assembly Resolution 58.22 and reinforced with Resolution 70.12 and the Global NCD action plan in 2017. One common thread for addressing cancer burden was the need to articulate cancer priorities within a comprehensive national cancer control plan (NCCP). Since 2012, the International Cancer Control Partnership provided guidance on cancer policy and planning, with the goal that every country should have an implementable plan. The purpose of the global review of NCCPs was to update global knowledge of the status and content of NCCPs. The global review included 16 new questions related to cancer equity, pandemic preparedness, global WHO initiatives, evidence-based recommendations, and other emerging trends. The findings can guide country-level decision makers on improvements to deliver person-centred cancer services to reduce the cancer burden.



2005 年世界卫生大会第 58.22 号决议首次提出了强调癌症和非传染性疾病 (NCD) 日益严重的负担的全球努力,并在 2017 年第 70.12 号决议和全球非传染性疾病行动计划中得到加强。解决癌症负担的一个共同点是需要在全面的国家癌症控制计划 (NCCP) 中阐明癌症优先事项。自 2012 年以来,国际癌症控制伙伴关系 (International Cancer Control Partnership) 就癌症政策和规划提供了指导,目标是每个国家都应该有一个可实施的计划。NCCP 全球审查的目的是更新全球对 NCCP 状态和内容的了解。全球审查包括与癌症公平、大流行防范、全球 WHO 倡议、循证建议和其他新兴趋势相关的 16 个新问题。这些发现可以指导国家层面的决策者改进以提供以人为本的癌症服务以减轻癌症负担。