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Right Brain: Cognitive Dissonance: The Space Between Simulation and Reality.
Neurology ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-09 , DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000210154
Sean Watson

Cognitive Dissonance-The Space Between Simulation and Reality is a fictionalized narrative describing a resident's first time caring for a patient diagnosed with brain death. On paper, the diagnosis seemed straightforward and made logical sense. Unfortunately, the reality of brain death is more complicated, especially in the days after diagnosis. Residency is a time to gain subspecialty knowledge, a task easily accomplished in a classroom. However, the real purpose of residency is the application of learning, and that is the source of this resident's cognitive dissonance-reality does not always neatly align with isolated or idealized beliefs.



认知失调 - 模拟与现实之间的空间 是一个虚构的叙述,描述了一名居民第一次照顾被诊断为脑死亡的患者。从纸面上看,这个诊断似乎很简单,而且合乎逻辑。不幸的是,脑死亡的现实更为复杂,尤其是在诊断后的几天内。住院医师是获得亚专业知识的时间,这是一项在课堂上轻松完成的任务。然而,居住的真正目的是学习的应用,这就是该居民认知失调的根源——现实并不总是与孤立或理想化的信念完全一致。