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New York State Climate Impacts Assessment Chapter 07: Human Health and Safety
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-09 , DOI: 10.1111/nyas.15244
Janice Barnes, Perry Sheffield, Nathan Graber, Sonal Jessel, Kevin Lanza, Vijay S. Limaye, Faustenia Morrow, Anjali Sauthoff, Michael Schmeltz, Shavonne Smith, Amanda Stevens

New Yorkers face a multitude of health and safety risks that are exacerbated by a changing climate. These risks include direct impacts from extreme weather events and other climate hazards, as well as indirect impacts occurring through a chain of interactions. Physical safety, physical health, and mental health are all part of the equation—as are the many nonclimate factors that interact with climate change to influence health outcomes. This chapter provides an updated assessment of all these topics at the intersection of climate change, public health and safety, and equity in the state of New York. Key findings are presented below.


纽约州气候影响评估第 07 章:人类健康与安全
