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Severe and Fatal Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever After Exposure in Tecate, Mexico - California, July 2023-January 2024.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report ( IF 25.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-28 , DOI: 10.15585/mmwr.mm7347a1
Anne M Kjemtrup,Jill K Hacker,Madeleine Monroe,Vicki Williams,Charles Lines,Karla Lopez,Christopher D Paddock,Ann Carpenter,Johanna S Salzer,Julian A Villalba,Julu Bhatnagar,Seema Shah,Esmeralda Iniguez-Stevens,Theodore C Efthemeou,Vannia Hernandez,Duc J Vugia,Vicki L Kramer

Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is a tickborne disease endemic in areas of the Americas. Persistent high incidence of the disease exists in northern Mexico, perpetuated by local populations of brown dog ticks (Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato) and free-roaming dogs. Six cases of RMSF caused by Rickettsia rickettsii, including three deaths, were reported to the California Department of Public Health during July 2023-January 2024. All six patients were eventually determined to have had exposure to R. rickettsii in Tecate, Mexico, a municipality on the U.S. border that had not been previously described as a high-risk RMSF area. Identification and reporting of the cases were complicated by challenges in diagnosis. The serious nature of the disease and delays in initiating appropriate treatment can result in life-threatening consequences. Epidemiologic collaborations among local, state, federal, and international public health agencies were essential to identifying Tecate as the location of exposure. Further collaborations will be important for directing future prevention measures. Increased health care provider awareness of RMSF is critical on both sides of the border to facilitate earlier diagnosis and initiation of appropriate treatment.


2023 年 7 月至 2024 年 1 月,墨西哥特卡特 - 加利福尼亚州暴露后出现严重且致命的落基山斑疹热。

落基山斑疹热 (RMSF) 是一种在美洲地区流行的蜱传疾病。该病在墨西哥北部持续高发病率,当地褐色狗蜱 (Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato) 和自由漫游的狗种群延续了这一疾病。2023 年 7 月至 2024 年 1 月期间,加州公共卫生部报告了 6 例由立克次体引起的 RMSF,包括 3 例死亡。所有 6 名患者最终被确定在墨西哥特卡特接触过立克次体 R. 立克次体,该市位于美国边境,以前未被描述为高风险 RMSF 地区。由于诊断方面的挑战,病例的识别和报告变得复杂。疾病的严重性和延迟开始适当的治疗可能会导致危及生命的后果。地方、州、联邦和国际公共卫生机构之间的流行病学合作对于确定 Tecate 为暴露地点至关重要。进一步的合作对于指导未来的预防措施非常重要。提高医疗保健提供者对 RMSF 的认识对于促进早期诊断和开始适当治疗至关重要。