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Ownership and use of electric vehicles in the Washington, DC, metro area
Travel Behaviour and Society ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2024.100945
Anna Alberini, Giovanni Santoboni

We use the travel diaries and other information in the 2018 Regional Travel Survey from the Washington DC metro area to examine the ownership and driving patterns of battery vehicles (EVs, comprised of BEVs and PHEVs) used for personal transportation purposes. We find that the households that own EVs are wealthier, own more vehicles, and have more family members and more working family members. Probit models suggest that the opportunity to charge at work is the most important predictor of EV ownership. By contrast, the availability of publicly accessible charging stations at the time of the purchase of a vehicle plays a very small role. Households that own EVs exhibit similar trip mode choices as households that own exclusively internal combustion engine (ICE) cars, drive their EVs similar distances—overall and for specific purposes—and at similar times of the day or night. This provides support for origin–destination trip matrices and models that regard EVs as similar to ICEs—at least in the Washington, DC, metro area.



我们使用 2018 年华盛顿特区都会区区域旅行调查中的旅行日记和其他信息来检查用于个人交通目的的电池车辆(EV,由 BEV 和 PHEV 组成)的所有权和驾驶模式。我们发现,拥有电动汽车的家庭更富裕,拥有更多的汽车,并且有更多的家庭成员和更多的工作家庭成员。Probit 模型表明,在工作中充电的机会是电动汽车拥有率的最重要预测指标。相比之下,在购买车辆时是否有可公开访问的充电站起的作用非常小。拥有电动汽车的家庭与完全拥有内燃机 (ICE) 汽车的家庭表现出相似的出行模式选择,驾驶电动汽车的距离相似——总体上和用于特定目的——以及白天或黑夜的相似时间。这为将 EV 视为类似于 ICE 的起点-目的地行程矩阵和模型提供支持,至少在华盛顿特区的都会区是这样。