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Why inflammatory reductionism is a threat to psychiatry (and the rest of medicine)
Brain ( IF 10.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-21 , DOI: 10.1093/brain/awae381 Thomas A Pollak
Brain ( IF 10.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-21 , DOI: 10.1093/brain/awae381 Thomas A Pollak
Thomas Pollak explores the emergence of a new worldview which attempts to explain all manner of ills as the result of inflammation or immune dysfunction. He argues that while this view is rooted in science, it neglects the true complexity of most health conditions, and risks undermining the more holistic concepts of illness favoured by psychiatry.
托马斯·波拉克 (Thomas Pollak) 探索了一种新的世界观的出现,该世界观试图解释由于炎症或免疫功能障碍而导致的各种疾病。他认为,虽然这种观点植根于科学,但它忽视了大多数健康状况的真正复杂性,并有可能破坏精神病学所青睐的更全面的疾病概念。
托马斯·波拉克 (Thomas Pollak) 探索了一种新的世界观的出现,该世界观试图解释由于炎症或免疫功能障碍而导致的各种疾病。他认为,虽然这种观点植根于科学,但它忽视了大多数健康状况的真正复杂性,并有可能破坏精神病学所青睐的更全面的疾病概念。