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Impact of multi-cohort HPV vaccination on cervical cancer in women below 30 years of age: Lessons learned from the Scandinavian countries
The Journal of Infectious Diseases ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-21 , DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiae584
Ståle Nygård, Thea Falkenthal, Tina Sture, Elsebeth Lynge, Miriam Elfström, Mari Nygård

In Scandinavia, HPV vaccination programs started in 2007/8; in Sweden and Denmark with HPV vaccination offered to multiple cohorts of young girls, while in Norway offered to a single cohort only. Interestingly, in Sweden and Denmark, cervical cancer incidence in young women decreased markedly from 2017/2018, while in Norway a steady increase was seen until 2020. As the three countries are very similar in other factors important for cervical cancer incidence rates like cervical cancer screening, the observed difference is most likely due to differences in the multi-cohort vaccination.


多队列 HPV 疫苗接种对 30 岁以下女性宫颈癌的影响:斯堪的纳维亚国家的经验教训

在斯堪的纳维亚半岛,HPV 疫苗接种计划于 2007/8 年开始;在瑞典和丹麦,为多组年轻女孩提供 HPV 疫苗接种,而在挪威,仅向单个队列提供。有趣的是,在瑞典和丹麦,年轻女性的宫颈癌发病率从 2017/2018 年开始显着下降,而在挪威,直到 2020 年才稳步上升。由于这三个国家在对宫颈癌发病率很重要的其他因素(如宫颈癌筛查)上非常相似,因此观察到的差异很可能是由于多队列疫苗接种的差异。