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Novel modified iliac artery stent graft with side branch extension facilitating kidney transplant in severe aortoiliac occlusive disease
American Journal of Transplantation ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ajt.2024.11.015
Christopher R. Jacobs, Santh Lanka, Young Erben, Jacob Clendenon, Yaman Alsabbagh, C. Burcin Taner, Shennen Mao, Dana Perry, Houssam Farres

Kidney transplant is the preferred treatment for patients with end-stage renal disease. However, a subset of otherwise eligible patients have severe iliac artery calcification that precludes them from receiving a kidney transplant. This report highlighted the application of a physician-modified external iliac artery stent graft with a side branch extension to facilitate successful kidney transplantation in a 69-year-old African American female who was otherwise ineligible for kidney transplant due to the presence of severe circumferential bilateral iliac artery calcification. Four months later, the patient received a kidney transplant and recovered without complications. Her duplex ultrasound revealed patent vasculature to the kidney graft, she produced adequate urine output, and creatinine and glomerular filtration rate normalized by discharge. This underscores the potential for stent graft with side branch extension as an option for patients who were traditionally ineligible for kidney transplantation due to the presence of severe aortoiliac calcification.



肾移植是终末期肾病患者的首选治疗方法。然而,一部分其他符合条件的患者患有严重的髂动脉钙化,这使他们无法接受肾移植。本报告重点介绍了医生改良的髂外动脉支架移植物与侧支延伸的应用,以促进一名 69 岁的非裔美国女性的成功肾移植,该女性由于存在严重的环状双侧髂动脉钙化而不符合肾移植条件。四个月后,患者接受了肾移植手术,康复后无并发症。她的多普勒超声显示肾移植物的脉管系统通畅,她产生了足够的尿量,肌酐和肾小球滤过率因分泌物而恢复正常。这强调了支架移植和侧支延伸作为传统上由于存在严重主动脉髂钙化而不适合肾移植的患者的一种选择的可能性。