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The effectiveness of Parentbot - a digital healthcare assistant - on parenting outcomes: A randomized controlled trial
International Journal of Nursing Studies ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2024.104906
Joelle Yan Xin CHUA, Mahesh CHOOLANI, Cornelia Yin Ing CHEE, Huso YI, Yiong Huak CHAN, Joan Gabrielle LALOR, Yap Seng CHONG, Shefaly SHOREY

Transitioning to parenthood is a stressful period that makes parents more prone to depression and anxiety. Mobile application-based interventions and chatbots could improve parents' well-being across the perinatal period. Hence, the Parentbot - a Digital healthcare Assistant was developed to support parents across the perinatal period.



过渡到为人父母是一个充满压力的时期,使父母更容易抑郁和焦虑。基于移动应用程序的干预措施和聊天机器人可以改善父母在整个围产期的福祉。因此,Parentbot - 数字医疗助理的开发是为了在整个围产期为父母提供支持。