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Configurations ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-12 , DOI: 10.1353/con.2024.a932031

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  • Contributors

Jérémie LeClerc is a PhD candidate in English at McGill University. His SSHRC-CGS funded dissertation explores transatlantic romantic literature in relation to the development of field theory in nineteenth-century physics and mathematics.

Himali Thakur is a scholar of literature and science and technology studies. Her current research is on the use of science fiction rhetoric in the conceptualization of smart cities. She is a PhD candidate in English at the University of California, Davis and holds a BA in English from Ashoka University.

Serpil Oppermann, professor of environmental humanities and director of the Environmental Humanities Center at Cappadocia University, is co-editor of Ecocene: Cappadocia Journal of Environmental Humanities. She has served as the seventh president of the European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture, and Environment (2016–2018). She is also a signatory to the “World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: Second Notice” (2017) and the “World Scientists’ Warning of Climate Emergency” (2020). Her most recent publications are Ecologies of a Storied Planet in the Anthropocene (2023) and Blue Humanities: Storied Waters in the Anthropocene (2023).

Prema Arasu is a postdoctoral research fellow in environmental humanities at the Minderoo-UWA Deep-Sea Research Centre. They are a writer and poet interested in the [End Page 327] phenomenology of the deep sea. They have an MLitt in Modern and Contemporary Literature and Culture from the University of St Andrews and a PhD in creative writing from the University of Western Australia. Arasu is interested in how speculative fiction and experimental forms might provide us with new ways of talking about and conceptualizing the oceans, particularly in the context of the Anthropocene. Their approach is interdisciplinary, integrating the methodologies of literary studies, creative arts, environmental humanities, philosophy, and science communication.

Paige Maroni is a postdoctoral research fellow in genetics at the Minderoo-UWA Deep-Sea Research Centre. She is a marine molecular biologist with a particular interest in invertebrate evolution, systematics, phylogeography, and diversity. At the Deep-Sea Research Centre, Maroni employs molecular tools to understand the evolution and diversity of hadal fauna and to address questions of genetic connectivity by examining the phylogeographic structure of the organisms of interest. Her research involves species delimitation, genome sequencing, taxonomy, and at-sea sample curation.

Alan Jamieson is the founding director of the Minderoo-UWA Deep-Sea Research Centre. He has over 20 years of experience in deep-sea science, technology, and exploration. He is an international authority on the deepest places in the oceans, known as the hadal zone, depths between 6000 and 11,000 meters. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers and book chapters and is the author of the monograph The Hadal Zone: Life in the Deepest Oceans. He has participated in nearly 70 deep-sea expeditions on over 26 research vessels spanning every ocean.

Nicholaus Gutierrez is an assistant professor of cinema and media studies at Wellesley College. His current research is on the development of VR technology from the 1960s to the 1990s and the idea of virtuality in popular culture. His work has appeared in the Journal of Cinema and Media Studies.

Shawn Normandin lives in Seoul, South Korea, and teaches in the Department of English Language and Literature at Sungkyunkwan University. He is the author of Chaucerian Ecopoetics: Deconstructing Anthropocentrism in the Canterbury Tales and Jane Austen and Literary Theory. His current research interests include semiotics, deconstruction, and contemporary poetry. His essays have appeared or are forthcoming in such journals as Sign Systems Studies, Chaucer Review, Modern Philology, Religion & Literature, Studies in Philology, Texas Studies in Literature and Language, Exemplaria, Criticism, [End Page 328] Twentieth-Century Literature, Concentric, and Viator. His digital poetry is available at https://www.shawnnormandin.org.

Ian Hill is a PhD student of comparative literature at the University of Maryland. His professional interests include nineteenth-century Russian literature, nineteenth-century American literature, ecocriticism, and vegan rhetoric. His research has been published in Interdisciplinary Literary Studies.

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  •  贡献者

Jérémie LeClerc 是麦吉尔大学英语博士研究生。他的 SSHRC-CGS 资助的论文探讨了跨大西洋浪漫主义文学与 19 世纪物理和数学场论发展的关系。

Himali Thakur 是一位文学和科技研究学者。她目前的研究是在智慧城市概念化中使用科幻小说修辞。她是加州大学戴维斯分校的英语博士研究生,并拥有阿育王大学的英语学士学位。

Serpil Oppermann 是卡帕多西亚大学环境人文教授兼环境人文中心主任,也是《Ecocene: Cappadocia Journal of Environmental Humanities》的联合编辑。她曾担任欧洲文学、文化和环境研究协会第七任主席(2016-2018)。她还是《世界科学家对人类发出的警告:第二次通知》(2017年)和《世界科学家对气候紧急情况的警告》(2020年)的签署人。她最近的出版物是《人类世传奇星球的生态》(2023 年)和《蓝色人文:人类世传奇水域》(2023 年)。

Prema Arasu 是明德鲁-西澳大学深海研究中心环境人文学科博士后研究员。他们是一位对深海现象学感兴趣的作家和诗人[完第327页]。他们拥有圣安德鲁斯大学现当代文学与文化硕士学位和西澳大利亚大学创意写作博士学位。荒须感兴趣的是推理小说和实验形式如何为我们提供谈论和概念化海洋的新方式,特别是在人类世的背景下。他们的方法是跨学科的,整合了文学研究、创意艺术、环境人文、哲学和科学传播的方法。

Paige Maroni 是明德鲁-西澳大学深海研究中心遗传学博士后研究员。她是一位海洋分子生物学家,对无脊椎动物进化、系统学、系统发育地理学和多样性特别感兴趣。在深海研究中心,马罗尼利用分子工具来了解深渊动物群的进化和多样性,并通过检查感兴趣的生物体的系统发育地理学结构来解决遗传连通性问题。她的研究涉及物种界定、基因组测序、分类学和海上样本管理。

艾伦·贾米森 (Alan Jamieson) 是明德鲁-西澳大学深海研究中心的创始主任。他在深海科学、技术和勘探方面拥有20多年的经验。他是海洋最深处(即深渊带,深度在 6000 米至 11,000 米之间)的国际权威。他发表了 100 多篇经过同行评审的科学论文和书籍章节,并且是专着《深渊带:最深海洋中的生命》的作者。他曾乘坐超过 26 艘科考船参加了近 70 次深海探险,横跨各大洋。

尼古拉斯·古铁雷斯是韦尔斯利学院电影和媒体研究助理教授。他目前的研究方向是 20 世纪 60 年代至 90 年代 VR 技术的发展以及流行文化中的虚拟理念。他的作品发表在《电影与媒体研究杂志》上。

肖恩·诺曼丁住在韩国首尔,在成均馆大学英语语言文学系任教。他是《乔叟生态诗学:解构坎特伯雷故事集中的人类中心主义》和《简·奥斯汀与文学理论》的作者。他目前的研究兴趣包括符号学、解构主义和当代诗歌。他的论文已发表或即将发表在《符号系统研究》、《乔叟评论》、《现代语言学》、《宗教与文学》、《语言学研究》、《德克萨斯文学和语言研究》、《Exemplaria》、《批评》、[第 328 页] 二十世纪文学、同心,和Viator。他的数字诗歌可在 https://www.shawnnormandin.org 上找到。


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