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Evaluating a School-Based Intervention on Adolescents’ Ethnic-racial Identity in Sweden
Journal of Youth and Adolescence ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s10964-024-02046-y
Amina K Abdullahi 1 , Moin Syed 2 , Linda P Juang 3 , Sofia Berne 1 , C Philip Hwang 1 , Ann Frisén 1

Finding developmentally appropriate ways to support youth in understanding their own ethnic-racial identity is needed, particularly in contexts like Sweden where such support is not the norm. This preregistered longitudinal study examined whether an 8-week school-based intervention, the Identity Project, impacted youth ethnic-racial identity exploration (participation and search), resolution, private regard, and centrality. Participants were 509 adolescents in the 10th grade (Mage = 16.28, SD = 0.80; 65% self-identified girls; 52% minoritized ethnic background), who were randomized into an intervention or wait-list control group and assessed at baseline and three times post-intervention. The findings indicated an initial and simultaneous effect of the intervention only for exploration participation and resolution but did not show the expected chain of effects with earlier exploration predicting later resolution. Growth models indicated a greater increase in exploration participation over time for the intervention group than the control group. The findings indicate a mixed picture about the effectiveness of the intervention, with effects primarily narrowly targeted to exploration participation, but nevertheless highlight the potential for supporting Swedish youth in engaging with their ethnic-racial identities.



需要找到适合发展的方式来支持年轻人理解自己的民族-种族身份,尤其是在瑞典这样不支持这种支持的情况下。这项预先注册的纵向研究检查了为期 8 周的学校干预,即身份项目,是否影响了青年的民族-种族身份探索(参与和搜索)、分辨率、私人关注和中心性。参与者是 509 名 10年级的青少年 (M年龄 = 16.28,SD = 0.80 ;65% 自我认同的女孩;52% 的少数民族背景),他们被随机分配到干预或候补名单对照组,并在基线和干预后评估 3 次。研究结果表明,干预仅对勘探参与和解决产生初始和同时影响,但没有显示预期的效应链,早期勘探预测了较晚的解决。增长模型表明,随着时间的推移,干预组的勘探参与度比对照组增加得更多。研究结果表明,干预措施的有效性喜忧参半,其效果主要狭隘地针对勘探参与,但仍然突出了支持瑞典青年参与其民族种族身份的潜力。
