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Does the internet bring food prices closer together? Exploring search engine query data in Iran
Journal of Agricultural Economics ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-22 , DOI: 10.1111/1477-9552.12580
Omid Zamani 1 , Thomas Bittmann 2 , Jens‐Peter Loy 2

Modern communication technologies make information more easily and quickly accessible, leading to more transparent and competitive markets. Based on a theoretical model, this paper provides new empirical evidence on the potential impact of online search intensity on asymmetric cost pass‐through. Prices often move as ‘rockets and feathers’: they rise quickly in response to cost increases and they fall slowly in response to cost reductions. A panel threshold error correction model is applied to weekly producer and retail prices of chicken and mutton in Iran. The results suggest that the volume of online searches is associated with a more complete and less asymmetric cost pass‐through from farmgate to retail prices. Thus, online platforms and search engines have the potential to increase competition by bringing prices closer together and reducing profit margins.


