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Enhanced coarticulatory labialization of /ts/ in Argentine Danish
Nordic Journal of Linguistics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 , DOI: 10.1017/s0332586524000040
Jan Heegård Petersen

This paper presents an acoustic study of coarticulation of Argentine Danish /ts/ using Centre of Gravity (CoG) as the acoustic measure. It shows that the articulation of /ts/ is affected by the roundedness of the following vowel, and that this is more prevalent among speakers of Argentine Danish than among speakers of Modern Danish as spoken in Denmark. The analysis also shows that within Argentine Danish, the speakers of the isolated settlement Eldorado have a larger effect of roundedness in their articulation of /ts/ than the speakers of the settlements in the Pampas and in Buenos Aires. The results are discussed from the perspective of phonological theory on enhanced coarticulation as a source of sound change and from the perspective of theory of language change in heritage languages.


阿根廷丹麦语中 /ts/ 的协同发音唇音化增强

本文介绍了阿根廷语 丹麦语 /t 的协同发音的声学研究s/ 使用重心 (CoG) 作为声学测量。它表明 /t 的发音s/ 受到后面元音圆角的影响,这种情况在阿根廷丹麦语使用者中比在丹麦使用现代丹麦语的使用者中更为普遍。分析还表明,在阿根廷丹麦语中,居住在孤立定居点埃尔多拉多的使用者在发音 /t 时具有较大的圆度效应。s/ 比潘帕斯草原和布宜诺斯艾利斯定居点的说话者还要多。从音韵学理论的角度讨论了增强的发音作为声音变化的来源,并从遗产语言的语言变化理论的角度讨论了结果。