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Food Insecurity in the United States: Measurement, Economic Modeling, and Food Assistance Effectiveness
Annual Review of Resource Economics ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-12 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-resource-101422-090409
Travis A. Smith 1 , Christian A. Gregory 2

We first discuss the genesis and development of the Food Security Module in the United States. We then present a conceptual model of food insecurity, drawing on consumer choice theory. The model shows how food insecurity exhibits a quality–quantity trade-off and has linkages to policy levers. Next, we present new stylized facts pertaining to food consumption for those who report food insecurity versus those who do not. Adults residing in food-insecure households consume lower-quality diets across the entire distribution of diet quality and experience more volatility in caloric intake. Males younger than 20 years in food-insecure households exhibit no differences in diet quality but consume fewer calories, while the opposite is true for younger females. We review the literature pertaining to the effects of federal food assistance programs on food insecurity. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program tends to reduce household food insecurity, while having little to no effect on nutritional quality. Federal programs pertaining to children (i.e., the school food programs and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) tend to reduce food insecurity while also increasing the nutritional quality of children's diet.



我们首先讨论了美国食品安全模块的起源和发展。然后,我们借鉴消费者选择理论,提出了一个粮食不安全的概念模型。该模型显示了粮食不安全如何表现出质量-数量的权衡,并与政策杠杆相关联。接下来,我们为报告粮食不安全的人与未报告粮食不安全的人提供与食品消费有关的新程式化事实。居住在粮食不安全家庭的成年人在整个饮食质量分布中消费的饮食质量较低,热量摄入的波动性更大。在粮食不安全的家庭中,20 岁以下的男性在饮食质量上没有差异,但消耗的卡路里更少,而年轻女性则相反。我们回顾了有关联邦食品援助计划对粮食不安全影响的文献。补充营养援助计划倾向于减少家庭粮食不安全,同时对营养质量几乎没有影响。与儿童有关的联邦计划(即学校食品计划和妇女、婴儿和儿童特殊补充营养计划)倾向于减少粮食不安全,同时也提高儿童饮食的营养质量。