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Going Back to the Roots: Indigenous Language, Media Performance, and Change in Kenya
African Studies Review ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-06 , DOI: 10.1017/asr.2022.170
Fridah Kanana Erastus , Ann H. G. Kinyua

The introduction of indigenous languages to Kenyan media, following pre- and post-independence realities, opened the floodgate of communications within the country, with both positive and negative consequences. Indigenous languages found expression in creative works, civic communication, and other areas previously reserved solely for English and Kiswahili. Kanana and Kinyua discuss this trajectory within the context of media liberalization, digital migration, and gains from the period of state crackdown on media to the promulgation of the 2010 Kenyan Constitution and devolution of government units reflecting traditional boundaries. Employing secondary research methodologies, they argue the advantages of indigenous languages in the media over the disadvantages highlighted in the literature.



根据独立前后的现实情况,将土著语言引入肯尼亚媒体,打开了该国境内交流的闸门,带来了积极和消极的后果。土著语言在创意作品、公民交流以及其他以前仅由英语和斯瓦希里语保留的领域得到了表达。卡纳纳和金尤亚在媒体自由化、数字移民以及从国家镇压媒体到 2010 年肯尼亚宪法颁布以及反映传统边界的政府单位权力下放期间所取得的成果的背景下讨论了这一轨迹。他们采用二次研究方法,论证了媒体中土著语言的优势相对于文献中强调的劣势。
