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Transnational Strategies of Legitimation in the 1990s: The Togolese Regime and its Exiled Opposition in Ghana
African Studies Review ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-01-12 , DOI: 10.1017/asr.2022.137
Nathalie Raunet

After a failed transition to democracy in the 1990s in Togo, the opposition took refuge in Ghana, outside of the regime’s reach. Why and how did the regime react to transnational dissent? Analyzing an unpublished RPT-produced press review and the opposition press in Ghana and Togo, Raunet argues that the Togolese regime used the foreign press, the language of legality, and the politics of belonging to consolidate itself and shape a public image of apparent legitimacy. She suggests that the skillful adaptation of legitimation narratives is key in understanding the “internal logic” of authoritarian regimes and their prospects of survival.


20 世纪 90 年代的跨国合法化战略:多哥政权及其在加纳的流亡反对派

20世纪90年代多哥民主转型失败后,反对派逃往加纳避难,远离了该政权的控制范围。该政权为何以及如何对跨国异议做出反应?Raunet 分析了未发表的 RPT 制作的新闻评论以及加纳和多哥的反对派媒体,认为多哥政权利用外国媒体、合法性语言和归属政治来巩固自身并塑造表面合法性的公众形象。她认为,巧妙地改编合法性叙事是理解独裁政权的“内部逻辑”及其生存前景的关键。
