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Pleistocene drivers of Northwest African hydroclimate and vegetation
Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-21 , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-31120-x
Nicholas A O'Mara 1, 2 , Charlotte Skonieczny 3 , David McGee 4 , Gisela Winckler 1, 2 , Aloys J-M Bory 5 , Louisa I Bradtmiller 6 , Bruno Malaizé 7 , Pratigya J Polissar 8

Savanna ecosystems were the landscapes for human evolution and are vital to modern Sub-Saharan African food security, yet the fundamental drivers of climate and ecology in these ecosystems remain unclear. Here we generate plant-wax isotope and dust flux records to explore the mechanistic drivers of the Northwest African monsoon, and to assess ecosystem responses to changes in monsoon rainfall and atmospheric pCO2. We show that monsoon rainfall is controlled by low-latitude insolation gradients and that while increases in precipitation are associated with expansion of grasslands into desert landscapes, changes in pCO2 predominantly drive the C3/C4 composition of savanna ecosystems.



稀树草原生态系统是人类进化的景观,对现代撒哈拉以南非洲的粮食安全至关重要,但这些生态系统中气候和生态的基本驱动因素仍不清楚。在这里,我们生成植物蜡同位素和尘埃通量记录,以探索西北非洲季风的机械驱动因素,并评估生态系统对季风降雨和大气 pCO 2变化的响应。我们表明,季风降雨受低纬度日照梯度控制,虽然降水增加与草原向沙漠景观扩张有关,但 pCO 2的变化主要驱动稀树草原生态系统的 C 3 /C 4组成。
