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Palms and Soles Itchiness as A Side Effect of COVID-19 Vaccination
Journal of Infection and Public Health ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jiph.2021.08.006
Rehab Y Al-Ansari 1 , Mohammed Al-Sharari 2 , Talal Al-Saadi 2


COVID-19 is a pandemic disease that has no definite treatment or preventive medication until late 2020 when vaccines were developed. Vaccines are a very useful new tool against COVID-19 that stimulate the immune system after recognition of viruses or their parts. Complications post vaccination could happen and they depend on the types, vaccine mechanism of action as well as some other patients' factors.

Case report

We are reporting a 39 years old lady who is known as allergic to a strawberry and kiwi, otherwise medically free. She presented to the outpatient unit with a ten-days history of palms of the hands and soles of the feet itchiness that is associated with occasional redness after receiving the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination. There were no skin rashes or pruritis at any other sites. The patient was treated conservatively by antihistamine and the symptoms gradually resolved within five days.


Allergic reaction is one of the expected complications post any COVID-19 or non-COVID-19 vaccination. Although the type, distributions and severity of allergic reactions are variable from person to another, yet isolated itching to palms and soles could be a rare side effect post first dose of COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech) which is worth reporting. This presentation could be a type of allergic reaction which may require holding further doses, debate is there for further case reporting, research or evaluation.

Learning points:

Isolated itching to palms and soles could be one of the side effects of COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech) which is worth reporting.


手掌和脚底发痒是 COVID-19 疫苗接种的副作用


COVID-19 是一种大流行病,直到 2020 年末开发出疫苗时,才会有明确的治疗方法或预防药物。疫苗是一种非常有用的针对 COVID-19 的新工具,可在识别病毒或其部分后刺激免疫系统。疫苗接种后可能会出现并发症,这取决于疫苗类型、疫苗作用机制以及其他一些患者的因素。


我们报告了一位 39 岁的女士,她对草莓和猕猴桃过敏,否则无需医疗。她在接受第一剂 COVID-19 疫苗接种后,有十天的手掌和脚底发痒病史,并伴有偶尔发红,因此到门诊就诊。在任何其他部位都没有皮疹或瘙痒。患者接受抗组胺药保守治疗,5天内症状逐渐缓解。


过敏反应是任何 COVID-19 或非 COVID-19 疫苗接种后预期的并发症之一。尽管过敏反应的类型、分布和严重程度因人而异,但手掌和脚底的单独瘙痒可能是第一剂 COVID-19疫苗(辉瑞-BioNTech)后罕见的副作用,值得报告。这种表现可能是一种过敏反应,可能需要保持更多剂量,是否有进一步病例报告、研究或评估的争论。


手掌和脚底的孤立瘙痒可能是 COVID-19 疫苗接种 (Pfizer-BioNTech) 的副作用之一,值得报告。
