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Defying Stereotyping Hutu People in The Rwandan Genocide in The Film, Kinyarwanda (2012)
Journal of Literary Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-23 , DOI: 10.1080/02564718.2021.1923682
Khatija Khan 1


Certain academic works and film productions on the Rwandan genocide appear to authorise a new canonicity that simplifies interracial relations between the Tutsi and Hutu people before and during the genocidal war. Kinyarwanda is a film that revises the depiction of Hutus as violent people, all eager to kill Tutsis. The film refuses to endorse this mythology and one-sided characterisations of Hutu/Tutsi relations. It shows that there were many Hutu people who perished because they had assisted Tutsi people. It is implied in the film that for film critics to label this category of selfless people Hutu moderates would be a misnomer. Hutus who assisted Tutsis are simply the heroes in the film. Mamdani has convincingly argued that, within the theatre of death in the Rwandan genocide, there were Hutu zealots, along with Hutus who were reluctant, those who we coerced and, most importantly, those who chose to hide Tutsis. The film Kinyarwanda defies the official Rwandese ideologies that stereotype Hutu people as guilty by association in respect of the Rwandan genocide. In this respect, the film’s authorial ideology is revisionist.


在电影中的卢旺达种族灭绝中挑战对胡图人的刻板印象,基尼亚卢旺达 (2012)


某些关于卢旺达种族灭绝的学术作品和电影作品似乎授权了一种新的规范,简化了种族灭绝战争之前和期间图西人和胡图人之间的跨种族关系。基尼亚卢旺达语是一部将胡图人描绘成暴力的人的电影,他们都渴望杀死图西人。这部电影拒绝认可这种神话和对胡图族/图西族关系的片面描述。说明有很多胡图人因帮助图西人而丧生。影片暗示,影评人将这类无私的人贴上胡图温和派的标签是用词不当。协助图西人的胡图人简直就是电影中的英雄。Mamdani 令人信服地辩称,在卢旺达种族灭绝的死亡剧场中,有胡图族狂热者,还有不情愿的胡图族、我们强迫的人,最重要的是选择隐藏图西族的人。电影基尼亚卢旺达语无视卢旺达官方意识形态,即在卢旺达种族灭绝方面将胡图人定型为有罪。在这方面,这部电影的作者意识形态是修正主义的。
