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Disorder‐Induced Quantum Griffiths Singularity Revealed in an Artificial 2D Superconducting System
Advanced Science ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-18 , DOI: 10.1002/advs.201902849
Xiaowen Han 1, 2 , Yufeng Wu 1, 2, 3 , Hong Xiao 4 , Miao Zhang 1 , Min Gao 1, 2 , Yi Liu 5, 6 , Jian Wang 5, 6, 7, 8 , Tao Hu 1, 3, 8 , Xiaoming Xie 1, 3 , Zengfeng Di 1

Disorder‐induced Griffiths singularity of quantum phase transition (QPT) is a crucial issue in 2D superconductors (2DSC). In a superconducting system, the strength of disorder is found to be associated with the vortex pinning energy, which is closely related to the quantum Griffiths singularity; however, a direct study to elucidate the role of vortex pinning energy on the quantum Griffiths singularity in 2DSC remains to be undertaken. Here, an artificial 2DSC system is designed by randomly depositing superconducting nanoislands on 2Delectron gas (2DEG). Quantum Griffiths singularity is present in a graphene/Pb‐islands‐array hybrid, where the superconducting behavior transits to weakly localized metallic behavior induced by the vertical magnetic field and exhibits critical behavior with a diverging dynamical critical exponent approaching zero temperature. Compared to the study of graphene/Sn‐islands‐array hybrid where the sharp QPT is observed, the vortex pinning energy acquired from the Arrhenius plot analysis is greater in graphene/Pb‐islands‐array hybrid, which may contribute to the presence of the quantum Griffiths singularity. This work may provide a comprehensive interpretation of the QPT in 2DSC.



无序引起的量子相变格里菲斯奇点(QPT)是二维超导体(2DSC)中的一个关键问题。在超导系统中,无序的强度被发现与涡旋钉扎能有关,涡旋钉扎能与量子格里菲斯奇点密切相关;然而,仍有待开展直接研究来阐明涡旋钉扎能量对 2DSC 中量子格里菲斯奇点的作用。在这里,通过在二维电子气体(2DEG)上随机沉积超导纳米岛来设计人工 2DSC 系统。量子格里菲斯奇点存在于石墨烯/铅岛阵列混合体中,其中超导行为转变为由垂直磁场引起的弱局域金属行为,并表现出接近零温度的发散动态临界指数的临界行为。与观察到尖锐 QPT 的石墨烯/Sn 岛阵列杂化物的研究相比,从阿伦尼乌斯图分析获得的涡旋钉扎能在石墨烯/Pb 岛阵列杂化物中更大,这可能有助于存在量子格里菲斯奇点。这项工作可以为 2DSC 中的 QPT 提供全面的解释。