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Pure Metal-Organic Framework Microlasers with Controlled Cavity Shapes.
Nano Letters ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-26 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b05321
Yuanchao Lv 1 , Zhile Xiong 1 , Haiyun Dong 2 , Cong Wei 2 , Yisi Yang 1 , Ang Ren 2 , Zizhu Yao 1 , Yunbin Li 1 , Shengchang Xiang 1 , Zhangjing Zhang 1 , Yong Sheng Zhao 2

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are an emerging kind of laser material, yet they remain a challenge in the controlled fabrication of crystal nanostructures with desired morphology for tuning their optical microcavities. Herein, the shape-engineering of pure MOF microlasers was demonstrated based on the coordination-mode-tailored method. The one-dimensional (1D) microwires and 2D microplates were selectively fabricated through changing the HCl concentration to tailor the coordination modes. Both the single-crystalline microwires and microplates with strong optical confinement functioned as low-threshold MOF microlasers. Moreover, distinct lasing behaviors of 1D and 2D MOF microcrystals confirm a typical shape-dependent microcavity effect: 1D microwires serve as Fabry-Pérot (FP) resonators, and 2D microplates lead to the whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) microcavities. These results provide a special pathway for the exploitation of MOF-based micro/nanolasers with on-demand functions.


