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Large Scale Solid State Synthetic Technique for High Performance Thermoelectric Materials: Magnesium-Silicide-Stannide
ACS Applied Energy Materials ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-07 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.9b02146
Daniel C. Ramirez 1 , Leilane R. Macario 1 , Xiaoyu Cheng 1 , Michael Cino 2 , Daniel Walsh 2 , Yu-Chih Tseng 2 , Holger Kleinke 1

We developed a large scale batch synthesis process for the high performance thermoelectric material Mg2Si0.3Sn0.67Bi0.03. An in house liquid–solid reactor was employed to produce ingots of uniform and consistent composition. The ingot material was crushed and sintered under high pressure and temperature into a large 10.2 × 10.2 × 1.0 cm3 piece for the physical property measurements. Relevant thermoelectric properties were measured on parallelepiped pieces machined at different orientations and positions from the pressed pellet. Large dimensionless figure of merit (zT) values were achieved for all samples, with values greater than zT = 1.2 at 773 K. Statistical analysis revealed consistent material properties, which are necessary for device applications of the given material.



我们开发了高性能热电材料Mg 2 Si 0.3 Sn 0.67 Bi 0.03的大规模批量合成工艺。使用室内的液固反应器来生产均匀一致的锭。将锭料压碎并在高压和高温下烧结成大的10.2×10.2×1.0 cm 3片,用于物理性能测量。在从压制的粒料以不同方向和位置加工的平行六面体上测量相关的热电性能。所有样本均获得了较大的无量纲品质因数(zT)值,其值大于zT 在773 K时= 1.2。统计分析显示出一致的材料特性,这对于给定材料的设备应用是必需的。