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李毛才让 进组时间: 2023

Limao Cairang, female, Tibetan nationality, from Tongren, Qinghai Province. She obtained her bachelor's degree from College of Electrical Engineering, Northwest Minzu University, in Jun. 2015, and obtained her master’s degree from the same College under supervision of Prof. Guoheng Zhang and Jinyuan Zhou in Jun. 2018. Then, she joined Northwest Minzu University as a teacher inJuly 2018. From Sept. 2022, she was admitted to pursue her Ph.D.’s degree at condense matter physics in College of Physics, Sichuan University, under supervision of Prof. Min Gong. From Sept. 2023, she entered School of Physical Science & Technology, Lanzhou University, and continued her Ph.D. research at condense matter physics under supervision of Prof. Jinyuan Zhou via a joint doctoral program. Her current research area is gas sensor.