黄招娣,中共党员,2023年于中国石油大学(华东)获得博士学位,并以“青年英才”引进济南大学化学化工学院。目前,以第一/共一/通讯作者在CCS Chem., Appl. Catal. B Environ., Nano-Micro Lett., Small等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文9篇,IF>10的5篇,申请国内外发明专利5项,包含1项国际发明专利。同时,以第一位次获得包含第八届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛国赛银奖、山东省优秀学生在内的奖励荣誉10余项。
研究方向: 海水制氢及激光防护材料与器件:
1. 碳基核壳型海水制氢材料的电子结构精准调控体系
2. MOF/石墨炔衍生碳基异质材料的激光防护器件研究
[1] Zhaodi Huang, Shuai Yuan*, Daofeng Sun*, et al. Polydopamine bridging strategy enables pseudomorphic transformation of multi-component MOFs into ultrasmall NiSe/WSe2@NC heterojunctions for enhanced alkaline hydrogen evolution. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 334: 122769. (SCI一区, IF=24.319)
[2] Zhaodi Huang, Shuai Yuan, Daofeng Sun*, et al. Selective selenization of mixed-linker Ni-MOFs: NiSe2@NC core-shell nano-octahedrons with tunable interfacial electronic structure for hydrogen evolution reaction. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 272: 118976. (SCI一区, IF=16.683)
[3] Zhaodi Huang, Fangna Dai*, Daofeng Sun*, et al. Accurately regulating the electronic structure of NixSey@NC Core-shell nanohybrids through controllable selenization of a Ni-MOF for pH-universal hydrogen evolution reaction. Small, 2020, 16: 2004231. (SCI一区, IF=11.459)
[4] Zhaodi Huang, Fangna Dai*, Daofeng Sun*, et al. Ultrathin MOF Nanosheets Derived Yolk-Shell Ni0.85Se@NC with Rich Se-Vacancies for Enhanced Water Electrolysis. CCS Chemistry, 2020, 3: 2696–2711. (SCI一区, IF=11.2)
[5] Hao Mei†, Zhaodi Huang†, Daofeng Sun*, et al. NiSe2/Ni(OH)2 heterojunction composite through epitaxial-like strategy as high-rate battery-type electrode material. Nano-Micro Letters, 2020, 12, 61. (SCI一区, IF=12.264)
[6] Zhaodi Huang, Fangna Dai* and Daofeng Sun*, A MOF-derived coral-like NiSe@NC nanohybrid: an efficient electrocatalyst for the hydrogen evolution reaction at all pH values, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 22758-22765. (SCI一区, IF=7.233)
[7] Jianpeng Sun†, Zhaodi Huang†, Daofeng Sun*, et al. Defect-Rich Porous CoS1.097/MoS2 Hybrid Microspheres as Electrocatalysts for pH-Universal Hydrogen Evolution. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2019, 2, 7504−7511. (SCI二区, IF=6.024)
[8] Long Zhang, Zhaodi Huang*, Fangna Dai*, et al. Interfacial Mo-N-C Bond Endowed Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on MoSe2@N-doped Carbon Hollow Nanoflowers. Inorganic Chemistry, 2021, 60, 12377–12385. (SCI二区, IF=5.165)
[9] Zhaodi Huang, Fangna Dai*, et al., Comparison of two water oxidation electrocatalysts by copper or zinc supermolecule complexes based on porphyrin ligand, RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 40054-40059. (SCI三区, IF=2.936)
[1] 博士研究生国家奖学金
[2] 第八届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛国赛银奖
[3] 第八届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛省赛金奖
[4] 山东省优秀硕士学位论文
[5] 山东省研究生优秀成果一等奖
[6] 山东省优秀学生
[7] 山东省优秀毕业生
[8] 青岛市优秀创业团队
[9] 第十六届研究生“学术十杰”
[10] 优秀研究生干部
[11] “未来杯”思创赛特等奖
[12] 中国石油奖学金
[1] 黄招娣,孙道峰等,核壳结构NiSe2@NC电催化材料及其制备方法和用途:CN 111482189 A
[2] 黄招娣,孙道峰等,Ni0.85Se@NC电催化材料的制备方法:CN112058297 A
[3] 黄招娣,孙道峰等,一种镍基电催化材料及其制备方法和用途:CN112058297 A
[4] 戴昉纳,黄招娣等,一种类似于珊瑚状NiSe@NC的制备及其用途:ZL201810657589.0
[5] Ben Xu, Zhaodi Huang et.al. Core-Shell Structured NiSe2@NC Electrocatalytic Material and Preparation Method and Use Thereof, US 2021/0316286 Al