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桑丽娜 讲师    







2022.7至今     天津理工大学 集成电路科学与工程学院   


2018.08至2022.08 澳大利亚伍伦贡大学              






[1]   Lina Sang, Zhi Li, Guangsai Yang, Muhammad Nadeem, Lan Wang, Qikun Xue, Alexander Hamilton, and Xiaolin Wang, Majorana zero modes in iron-based superconductors. Matter 2022, 5, 1734–1759

[2]    Lina Sang, Zhi Li, Guangsai Yang, Zengji Yue, Jixing Liu, Chuanbing Cai,  Tom Wu, Shixue Dou, Yanwei Ma and Xiaolin Wang, Pressure Effects on Iron-Based Superconductor Families: Superconductivity, Flux Pinning and Vortex Dynamics. Materials Today Physics 2021, 19, 100414  

[3]    Lina Sang,Pankaj Maheshwari,Jixing Liu,Zhi Li,Wenbin Qiu,Guangsai Yang,Chuanbing Cai,Shixue Dou,Veerpal Singh Awana,Xiaolin Wang, In-situ hydrostatic pressure induced significant suppression of magnetic relaxation and enhancement of flux pinning in Fe1− xCoxSe0. 5Te0. 5 single crystals. Scripta Materialia 2019, 171, 57-61.

[4]    Lina Sang,Babar Shabbir,Pankaj Maheshwari,Wenbin Qiu,Zongqing Ma,Shixue Dou,Chuanbing Cai,Veer Pal Singh Awana,Xiaolin Wang, Hydrostatic pressure-induced huge enhancement of critical current density and flux pinning in Fe1− xCoxSe0. 5Te0. 5 single crystals. Superconductor Science and Technology 2018, 31 (2), 025009.

[5]    Lina Sang,Joffre Gutiérrez,Chuanbing Cai,Shixue Dou,Xiaolin Wang, In situ hydrostatic pressure induced improvement of critical current density and suppression of magnetic relaxation in Y (Dy0. 5) Ba2Cu3O7− δ coated conductors. Superconductor Science and Technology 2018, 31 (7), 075003.  

[6]    Lina Sang,Pankaj Maheswari,Zhenwei Yu,Frank F Yun,Yibing Zhang,Shixue Dou,Chuanbing Cai,VPS Awana,Xiaolin Wang, Point defect induced giant enhancement of flux pinning in Co-doped FeSe0. 5Te0. 5 superconducting single crystals. AIP Advances 2017, 7 (11), 115016. 

[7]    Lina Sang,Yuming Lu,Yibing Zhang,Minjian Zhong,Hongmei Zhu,Zhiyong Liu,Yanqun Guo,Zhaohui Gu,Wenbin Qiu,Feng Fan, Cost-effective electrodeposition of an oxide buffer for high-temperature superconductor coated conductors. Superconductor Science and Technology 2014, 27 (6), 065016.  


1.  FLEET STRATEGIC MEETING & ECR WORKSHOP, Sydney, Australia. 2019-08-15

2.  The 2019 International Symposium on Future Materials in conjunction of the ISEM 25th Anniversary, Wollongong,      Australia. 2019-01-30

3.  12th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature       Superconductors (M2S-2018), Beijing, China. 2018-08-20 

4.  International Workshop for Superconducting Sensors and Detectors, Sydney, Australia. 2018-06-24       

5.  The 12th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of and High Temperature Superconductors, Beijing,        China. 2018-08-20

6.  The 3rd Energy Future Conference, Sydney, Australia. 2018-02-05

7.  The 2nd International Symposium on Renewable Energy Technologies, Sydney, Australia. 2016-12-01

8.  International Symposium on Innovative Materials & Physics, Australia. 2016-11-20   

9.  International Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Electromagnetic Devices (IEEE2015), Shanghai, China.       2015-11-20

10. The International Workshop on Coated Conductors for Application (CCA 2014), Jeju, Korea. 2014-11-30


高压下CaKFe4As4单晶的磁通钉扎和磁弛豫研究,2024年1月-2026年12月,国家自然科学基金(No. 51572165):主持,在研