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大连理工大学张铁欣/段春迎课题组招收博士后/博士/硕士 + postdoc vacancy in joint group of Prof. Tiexin ZHANG and Prof. Chunying DUAN, Dalian University of Technology

诚挚欢迎在光催化、电催化、能源催化、电化学、无机/配位化学、超分子化学、有机合成与催化、精细化工/应用化学 等领域具有专业基础和研究兴趣的 博士、硕士 和 青年博士后 加入团队,待遇从优,我们尊重人、培养人,成就人,以交叉学科前沿为导向,以高影响力科研成果为目标,愿与广大青年学子及学界同仁,精诚合作,矢志奋斗!


邮箱:zhangtiexin*dlut.edu.cn   (anti-robot trick: please replace * with @)

Tel. & Wechat: 150*4053*7236

Dear Candidates

Our group (joint group of Prof. Tiexin ZHANG & Prof. Chunying DUAN) is continuously planning to employ international/Chinese postdocs in the fields of:

1) metal-organic frameworks/coordination polymers

2) heterogeneous catalysis/catalytic materials

3) photocatalysis/energy catalysis

4) supramolecular materials/supramolecular catalysis


Owing to the pandemic of COVID-19, enrolling the international postdoc who is still abroad is quite challenging. Thus, we are looking for international postdoc candidate who is already in China.



Prof. Tiexin ZHANG

& Prof. Chunying DUAN


Email:zhangtiexin*dlut.edu.cn   (anti-robot trick: please replace * with @)

Tel. & Wechat: 150*4053*7236