当前位置: 首页   >  课题组新闻   >  Paper Published: 博后郭亚晴在《Energy & Environmental Science》期刊上发表研究成果 ——反位 Li/Fe 缺陷瞬态重排,实现磷酸铁锂瞬间修复! Postdoctor Yaqing Guo published a research finding in the journal Energy & Environmental Science——Atomistic Observation and Transient Reordering of Antisited Li/Fe Defects toward Sustainable LiFePO4.
Paper Published: 博后郭亚晴在《Energy & Environmental Science》期刊上发表研究成果 ——反位 Li/Fe 缺陷瞬态重排,实现磷酸铁锂瞬间修复! Postdoctor Yaqing Guo published a research finding in the journal Energy & Environmental Science——Atomistic Observation and Transient Reordering of Antisited Li/Fe Defects toward Sustainable LiFePO4.