2024年5月10日上午,受易敏教授邀请,英国斯旺西大学的Mokarram Hossain副教授在南京航空航天大学明故宫校区A9号楼506会议室为我校师生带来了一场题为“Magneto-active polymers in soft robotics: Experiments, Modelling and Simulations”的精彩学术报告。
报告围绕磁活性聚合物(Magneto-active polymers,MAPs)展开,Hossain副教授从基础理论概念出发,涵盖了实验操作、模型构建,再到仿真分析。他生动的讲述和丰富的内容不仅拓宽了师生们的视野,也极大地激发了大家对磁活性聚合物领域的兴趣。在报告结束后,Hossain副教授还耐心地与课题组的同学们逐一进行了深入交流,对他们的研究提出了宝贵的建议和指导,促进了与会师生在相关领域的学术交流与思想碰撞。
Dr Mokarram Hossain is an Associate Professor at the Zienkiewicz Institute (ZI) for Al, Data and Modelling in Swansea University. The ZI is considered as the World-leading Centre of Excellence in computational modelling for the last five decades. After completing his Bachelor in Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dr Hossain obtained Masters in Computational Engineering (2005) from Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany. He obtained a PhD in Mechanical Engineering (2010) from University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Germany under the supervision of Prof Paul Steinmann. He moved to the UK, at first in Northumbria University as a Lecturer in 2015, then to Swansea University as a Senior Lecturer in 2017.
Dr Hossain's research interests lie in the wide and interdisciplinary areas of soft polymeric and active multifunctional materials ranging from material synthesis, experimental study to computational modelling. He has been active in the areas of biological tissue modelling and polymeric material characteristics under thermo-electro-magneto-mechanical loads. He has numerous fundamental and cutting-edge contributions in the areas of polymer curing modelling electro-active, magneto-active polymers, hydrogel experiments and modeling. He has obtained several research grants including from UK Research Council (EPSRC), Royal Society and industries for energy harvesting, soft material characteristics using electro-active/magneto-active polymers. Dr Hossain obtained the best Postdoc Paper Prize from the UK Association for Computational Mechanics (UKACM). He was a Mercator Fellow from German Science Foundation (DFG) and ASEM-DUO Fellow from South Korea. Dr Hossain published more than 110 peer reviewed journal papers in many leading journals across disciplines of materials, mechanics and computations including JMPS, CMAME, NPJ Nature Computational Materials, Applied Materials Today, Renewable Energy Reviews, He is the Managing Guest Editor of a Special Issue in European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids.