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胡晓雨 硕士研究生     进组时间: 2018-9    离组时间: 2021-7
  • Wenjing Sun, Xiaoyu Hu, Yuhong Xiang*, Nengsheng Ye*. Adsorption behavior and mechanism of sulfonamides on controllably synthesized covalent organic frameworks. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2022, 29(13):18680-18688.

  • Wenjing Sun, Xiaoyu Hu, Xiaoyang Meng, Yuhong Xiang*, Nengsheng Ye*. Molybdenum disulfide-graphene oxide composites as dispersive solid-phase extraction adsorbents for the enrichment of four paraben preservatives in cosmetics. Microchimica Acta 2021, 188: 256.

  • Zhimin Cai#, Xiaoyu Hu#, Rui Zong, Hanqing Wu*, Xiaotong Jin, Han Yin, Chuanlin Huang, Yuhong Xiang, Nengsheng Ye*. A graphene oxide-molybdenum disulfide composite used as stationary phase for determination of sulfonamides in open-tubular capillary electrochromatography. Journal of Chromatography A 2020, 1629: 461487.

  • Xuan Wang#, Xiaoyu Hu#, Yutong Shao, Lin Peng, Qiqi Zhang, Tianhui Zhou, Yuhong Xiang*, Nengsheng Ye*. Ambient temperature fabrication of a covalent organic framework from 1,3,5-triformylphloroglucinol and 1,4-phenylenediamine as a coating for use in open-tubular capillary electrochromatography of drugs and amino acids. Microchimica Acta, 2019, 186(9): 650.

  • Nengsheng Ye*, Xuan Wang, Qinye Liu, Xiaoyu Hu. Covalent bonding of Schiff base network-1 as a stationary phase for capillary electrochromatography. Analytica Chimica Acta 2018, 1028:113-120.

  • Xuan Wang, Nengsheng Ye*, Xiaoyu Hu, Qingye Liu, Jian Li, Lin Peng, Xiaotong Ma. Open-tubular capillary electrochromatographic determination of ten sulfonamides in tap water and milk by a metal-organic framework-coated capillary column. Electrophoresis 2018, 39(17): 2236-2245.