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SHYAM CHAND PAL- 博士后     进组时间: 2024.08


PhD (July’2017 – August ’2023)
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Thesis Title: Strategically Design Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) for Potential Application in Proton Conduction, Gas Separations and Toxic Metal ions Detection.

M.Sc. (CGPA: 8.28; Aug 2015 - May 2017)

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
M.Sc. Thesis Title (One Year): Synthesis and Characterization of a Silver Complex Bearing a Pyrrole-based ‘NHC’ Ligand” under the supervision of Prof. Ganesan Mani

B.Sc. (Marks(%) = 67.7; Aug 2012 - May 2015)

The University of Burdwan


1. Room Temperature Superprotonic Conductivity beyond 10–1 S cm–1 in a Co(II) Coordination Polymer.
Shyam Chand Pal,† Debolina Mukherjee,† Yasaswini Oruganti,† Byoung Gwan Lee,† Dae-Woon Lim, Bikram Pramanik, Arun K. Manna, Madhab C. Das, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 14546–14557.
2. Highly Scalable Acid-Base Resistant Cu-Prussian Blue Metal-Organic Framework for C2H2/C2H4, Biogas, and Flue Gas Separations.
Shyam Chand Pal, Rajamani Krishna, Madhab C. Das, Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 460, 141795.

3. Potential of a pH-Stable Microporous MOF for C2H2/C2H4 and C2H2/CO2 Gas Separations under Ambient Conditions.
Shyam Chand Pal, Raka Ahmed, Arun K. Manna, Madhab C. Das, Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 18293–18302. 
4. pH Stable Luminescent MOFs for the Selective Detection of Aqueous Phase Fe(III), and Cr(VI) Ions.
Shyam Chand Pal, Debolina Mukherjee, Madhab C. Das, Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 12396–12405.
5. A Co(II)-Coordination Polymer for Ultrahigh Superprotonic Conduction: An atomistic Insight through Molecular Simulations and QENS Experiments.
Shyam Chand Pal, Santanu Chand, Anarparthi G. Kumar, Paulo. G. M. Mileo, Ian Silverwood, Guillaume Maurin, Susanta Banerjee, Sayed Meheboob Elahi, Madhab C. Das, J. Mater. Chem. A 2020, 8, 7847–7853. 
6. A Microporous Water Stable MOF for Consistent and Selective C2H2/C2H4 Separation.
Arun Pal, Shyam Chand Pal†, Hui Cui, Rui-Biao Lin, Dipankar Singha, Malay Kumar Rana, Banglin Chen, Madhab C. Das, Sep. Purif. Technol. 2023, 320, 124208. 
7. A 2D Mg(II)-MOF with High Density of Coordinated Waters as Sole Intrinsic Proton Sources for Ultrahigh Superprotonic Conduction.
Santanu Chand†, Shyam Chand Pal†, Dae-Woon Lim, Kazuya Otsubo, Arun Pal, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Madhab C. Das, ACS Materials Lett. 2020, 2, 1343-1350.
8. 3D Co(II)-MOFs with Varying Porosity and Open Metal Sites toward Multipurpose Heterogeneous Catalysis under Mild Conditions.
Santanu Chand, Shyam Chand Pal†, Manas Mondal, Subrata Hota, Arun Pal, Rupam Sahoo, Madhab C. Das, Cryst. Growth Des. 2019, 19, 5343-5353.
9. Proton Conducting Hydrogen-bonded Organic Frameworks (HOFs)
Shyam. Chand. Pal†, Debolina Mukherjee†, Rupam Sahoo†, Supriya Mondal†, Madhab Chand Das, ACS Energy Lett. 2021, 6, 4431. 
10. Superprotonic Conductivity of MOFs and Other Crystalline Platforms beyond 10-1 S cm-1
Shyam. Chand. Pal, Madhab. C. Das, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31, 2101584. 
11. Covalent-Organic Frameworks (COFs) as Proton Conductors.
Rupam Sahoo†, Supriya Mondal†, Shyam Chand Pal†, Debolina Mukherjee†, Madhab C. Das, Adv. Energy Mater. 2021, 11, 2102300. 

Email : shyampal.sp@gmail.com